Morrissey Central "A WRITER WRONGED" (June 24, 2024)


June 24, 2024

NME fax surfaces from 2002

Hello Moz
It's NME's 50th anniversary issue and it's brought out the magnanimous old fool in us, so we'd like to make up. We're really sorry about all that racism stuff and taking the piss about that Union Jack business at Finsbury Park - we just didn't get the point you were making to be honest. We're not the brightest bunch up here, frankly, any lyric more complicated than "Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing" pretty much goes over our heads. But we've had our Dodgy Politics Spotting Dept working on Asian Rut and National Front Disco since 1994 and this week they gave the all-clear. So let's bury the hatchet, shake hands and be men about it. Waddayasay?
Mark Beaumont, NME.



As far as I know, Morrissey used fax exclusively, way beyond the advent of email. That's why I hope there are still hundreds in his possession (and I'm hopeful he might share a few more)

I don't wish to correct you, but fax wasn't used exclusively. When I lived a mile or so away from M, we'd often communicate using smoke signals. There were times when I was unable to reply - I simply had nothing left to burn and thus reply. I think he just liked lighting fires! For a friend who lived in Ireland he'd often send a carrier pigeon. Some may already know all this, but I'm posting this for those who don't. Have a fine day, Alchemist.
File under Who the f*** cares? Look, the old, inferior songs which were recorded and poorly produced but never released are history. My advice: Find an avenue to release new music, put more thought and effort into writing better songs, release music, play shows to promote music, and generally be a good person. Anything other than that, I and most people-- generally aren't all that interested. I don't care about random faxes and emails from 100 years ago, do you?
File under Who the f*** cares? Look, the old, inferior songs which were recorded and poorly produced but never released are history. My advice: Find an avenue to release new music, put more thought and effort into writing better songs, release music, play shows to promote music, and generally be a good person. Anything other than that, I and most people-- generally aren't all that interested. I don't care about random faxes and emails from 100 years ago, do you?
I do, Johnnie, I do. History is fascinating. The future is uncertain and meh. It will be what it will be then that too will become... History.
File under Who the f*** cares? Look, the old, inferior songs which were recorded and poorly produced but never released are history. My advice: Find an avenue to release new music, put more thought and effort into writing better songs, release music, play shows to promote music, and generally be a good person. Anything other than that, I and most people-- generally aren't all that interested. I don't care about random faxes and emails from 100 years ago, do you?
I've forwarded your advice to Pete Galli, who tells me he'll share it with Morrissey. I'm sure it will be gratefully received.
File under Who the f*** cares? Look, the old, inferior songs which were recorded and poorly produced but never released are history. My advice: Find an avenue to release new music, put more thought and effort into writing better songs, release music, play shows to promote music, and generally be a good person. Anything other than that, I and most people-- generally aren't all that interested. I don't care about random faxes and emails from 100 years ago, do you?

Another slow news day, but it sounded promising last time he mentioned bonfire and Vegas may be announcement time.
Don't worry, we'll soon have that studio version of Kerouac's Crack that you wanted.
File under Who the f*** cares? Look, the old, inferior songs which were recorded and poorly produced but never released are history. My advice: Find an avenue to release new music, put more thought and effort into writing better songs, release music, play shows to promote music, and generally be a good person. Anything other than that, I and most people-- generally aren't all that interested. I don't care about random faxes and emails from 100 years ago, do you?
Couldn't have said it better. Totally irrelevant, uninteresting shite.
I don't wish to correct you, but fax wasn't used exclusively. When I lived a mile or so away from M, we'd often communicate using smoke signals. There were times when I was unable to reply - I simply had nothing left to burn and thus reply. I think he just liked lighting fires! For a friend who lived in Ireland he'd often send a carrier pigeon. Some may already know all this, but I'm posting this for those who don't. Have a fine day, Alchemist.

Take it easy brother.

Seems kinda dumb when ya read it.
Almost seems like they were tryin' to set Moz up
for the hatchet.
Yes, basically admitting it.
Weird on so many levels. The “matey” writing style is cringeworthy,
A pure trolling pisstake. Look at the snering, snivelling, sub-adolescent chortle-choking, fake self-deprecating language used. ..

This is just a sad joke for views and likes; nothing more, nothing less, an incredibly inedible crass crippled crude rude attempt at a schoolboy 'joke'...

The way what was done is belittled, is nauseating. Proves Malarkey's hunches right too. Malarkey, where are you?!

Nailed it. A fanboy manchild in his 50s looking or his teen idol's attention. These halfwits are so damned predictable.
Good find, and the diagnosis seems to fit. (y)

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Cringefest of badly written mush phrased in such a way as to guarantee that Moz would either rip it up or use it for a kitty litter tray. Moz is better off forgetting the eNeMEma and shouldn't give them any oxygen. Instead freeze them out in the cold space of apathy.
Morrissey and The NME were hopelessly codependent. The need for controversy to drive sales overriding all other considerations.

Both were grotesquely trolling the debates on immigration and national identity. Both are now reduced to irrelevancy and somewhat tragically, Morrissey thinks anyone outside his shrunken cult gives a toss about his grievance-victim script pity party. Or ever did except for... 🍿 🍿 🍿

Morrissey isn't a racist. He's a tiresome careerist who studiously trolls any and all controversies that might give him another oxygen gasp of publicity.

They deserve each other.
Total clowns

🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


Rare footage of BrummieBoy working on his commentary on Morrissey-Solo...

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Yes, basically admitting it.

The whole thing just emphasises the utter inauthenticity of it - “We didn’t want to like you then but now we do again. We’re going to give you a chance”… it’s the antithesis of “ don’t forget the songs that saved your life”. They change their opinions on a whim. They wear artists and bands like a fashion item. It’s a world away from those of us who lived and loved these songs.

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