Morrissey Central "A WRITER WRONGED" (June 24, 2024)


June 24, 2024

NME fax surfaces from 2002

Hello Moz
It's NME's 50th anniversary issue and it's brought out the magnanimous old fool in us, so we'd like to make up. We're really sorry about all that racism stuff and taking the piss about that Union Jack business at Finsbury Park - we just didn't get the point you were making to be honest. We're not the brightest bunch up here, frankly, any lyric more complicated than "Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing" pretty much goes over our heads. But we've had our Dodgy Politics Spotting Dept working on Asian Rut and National Front Disco since 1994 and this week they gave the all-clear. So let's bury the hatchet, shake hands and be men about it. Waddayasay?
Mark Beaumont, NME.




June 24, 2024

NME fax surfaces from 2002

Hello Moz
It's NME's 50th anniversary issue and it's brought out the magnanimous old fool in us, so we'd like to make up. We're really sorry about all that racism stuff and taking the piss about that Union Jack business at Finsbury Park - we just didn't get the point you were making to be honest. We're not the brightest bunch up here, frankly, any lyric more complicated than "Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing" pretty much goes over our heads. But we've had our Dodgy Politics Spotting Dept working on Asian Rut and National Front Disco since 1994 and this week they gave the all-clear. So let's bury the hatchet, shake hands and be men about it. Waddayasay?
Mark Beaumont, NME.

View attachment 106230
View attachment 106231
A pure trolling pisstake. Look at the snering, snivelling, sub-adolescent chortle-choking, fake self-deprecating language used. The thing about music journos is that they are often secret Moz/Smiths fans. Writers are often shy/nerdy bastards. They don't want to openly admit to their fandom these days, because of, well, you know why, but they still pop up with monotonous f***ing regularity in the media whining about how Moz is 'dead to them' now, and how they would never, ever talk to him, even if he granted them an interview, so make sure you don't do that, Morrissey, ever, please, alright, and here's my home address and mail and phone number and TikTok and Instagram and Snapchat just to make sure you don't. Talking to you is the last thing I would ever do. I could then die happy. Oh shit, did I say that last bit out loud? So this 'conciliatory appeal' to him is just more of the same, really.

This is just a sad joke for views and likes; nothing more, nothing less, an incredibly inedible crass crippled crude rude attempt at a schoolboy 'joke'. Anybody who can't tell that from the tone and text of the thing is as stupid and pointless as the NME are these post-print days. How f***ing stupid do you have to be to write to a genius writer in snivelling, sarcastic, faux-self-deprecating terms after excoriating him for years...and expect him to believe you? Why the hell should he? And what would be your agenda after that, even if it were real? Finally interview him...why? Get a grip.

There's a naked man standing laughing in your dreams
You know who it is, but you don't like what it means...

And a very quick net search reveals...

Nailed it. A fanboy manchild in his 50s looking or his teen idol's attention. These halfwits are so damned predictable.

(Edit: I originally missed the 2002 date on the fax/email before I wrote this, but what I wrote still stands)
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Not to be all pedantic or anything, but it’s an email rather than a fax. Can tell from the header and it says so itself in the footer.
It is Murray faxing a copy of a received / printed out email to Morrissey with his own comment written on it. The very top of the page is headed as per many, many fax machines. The footer belongs to the email - not the fax.
It is Murray faxing a copy of a received / printed out email to Morrissey with his own comment written on it. The very top of the page is headed as per many, many fax machines. The footer belongs to the email - not the fax.

Yep, you’re right of course, the handwriting on it shows it’s a fax, I meant that the original source was an email. Interesting only because it shows that Moz probably didn’t have email then, so Murray had to fax the email to him, rather than just forward it! A remembrance of times past… :)
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Might just be the most pathetic thing I've ever read. Decades of sticking the knife in at every opportunity and then they say, "We need fodder for our anniversary edition, we're not very bright .. let's be men about it?". Is that IT?

God, I would love to see his reply. And yet sadly, he did give them an interview a few years later and yup, they did it all over again.
"Look, bit short notice this but does anyone know how we can get a message/e-mail sent on to Moz from NME, whom I am.

Basically, it's NME's 50th anniversary this year and we want to make up with all the people we've pissed off over the years. We want to offer an olive branch to Moz, apologise for generally being total bastards since '85 or thereabouts, shake hands and be men about it all. Does anyone know how we can get this message to him. And don't take the piss, we really mean it, alright."

The chances of similar wording posted here and in a private fax kind of helps validate it.
So, looks like he tried here too in 2002.
He didn’t get much help 🤣
this is what happens when a chimp get hold of a keyboard.
wonder what they said about ferry,i was a huge fan and cant remember any controversy.
Too little, too late, if you don´t get that the most important sentence in The National Front Disco is 'we´ve lost our son', and this for decades, what´s left to say...
I’d love it if he posted some older letters+cards that people handed him during shows.
That’s if they were not all thrown away.
Jesus. I hope my love letter (given to his chauffeur to pass on, behind HMV in ‘94) was used during an emergency ‘pit stop’ as he went back down the M40.
Yep, you’re right of course, the handwriting on it shows it’s a fax, I meant that the original source was an email. Interesting only because it shows that Moz probably didn’t have email then, so Murray had to fax the email to him, rather than just forward it! A remembrance of times past… :)

As far as I know, Morrissey used fax exclusively, way beyond the advent of email. That's why I hope there are still hundreds in his possession (and I'm hopeful he might share a few more)
A pure trolling pisstake. Look at the snering, snivelling, sub-adolescent chortle-choking, fake self-deprecating language used. The thing about music journos is that they are often secret Moz/Smiths fans. Writers are often shy/nerdy bastards. They don't want to openly admit to their fandom these days, because of, well, you know why, but they still pop up with monotonous f***ing regularity in the media whining about how Moz is 'dead to them' now, and how they would never, ever talk to him, even if he granted them an interview, so make sure you don't do that, Morrissey, ever, please, alright, and here's my home address and mail and phone number and TikTok and Instagram and Snapchat just to make sure you don't. Talking to you is the last thing I would ever do. I could then die happy. Oh shit, did I say that last bit out loud? So this 'conciliatory appeal' to him is just more of the same, really.

This is just a sad joke for views and likes; nothing more, nothing less, an incredibly inedible crass crippled crude rude attempt at a schoolboy 'joke'. Anybody who can't tell that from the tone and text of the thing is as stupid and pointless as the NME are these post-print days. How f***ing stupid do you have to be to write to a genius writer in snivelling, sarcastic, faux-self-deprecating terms after excoriating him for years...and expect him to believe you? Why the hell should he? And what would be your agenda after that, even if it were real? Finally interview him...why? Get a grip.

There's a naked man standing laughing in your dreams
You know who it is, but you don't like what it means...

And a very quick net search reveals...

Nailed it. A fanboy manchild in his 50s looking or his teen idol's attention. These halfwits are so damned predictable.

(Edit: I originally missed the 2002 date on the fax/email before I wrote this, but what I wrote still stands)

Well yeah, but just the fact they had the gall to send it....

Hence the note from Murray - ' can you believe it?! '

I interpret that as a dubious retort, held in much scepticism (and I can imagine Morrissey laughing his merry head off)

As others have said, would be amazing to see the reply, if indeed there was one.

Sincerely I must tell you
Your mild 'best wishes'
They make me suspicious
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