Got me bloody Tattoo (pics)

I am a tattooed female, so I can share some tips.

I got my first ever on my hip. I could've slept through it, very painless, the downfall of it, however, is the fact that it is usually ratherunseen. My next one was on my lower back, but very low, just about an inch above my bum, it was also rather painless, but it is small and simple, no shading or anything. I got one right along my pelvis and that one was terrible.

I have a rather large one on my lower back. It took three and a half hours to complete, is rather colorful. It was hell, pain wise. I had tears in my sides of my eyes the entire time. The upside? It's nice, and the location is nice because I can show it if I want to, but it can also be hidden nicely. Unforuntatley, now this location has that term 'tramp stamp' and is often associated with girls who get meaningless tattoos there to be trendy and cool. I still recommend the location though, esp, as Moz tattoo would not be a tramp stamp, and if it is just his name, prob woudln't be too unbearable.

I am getting my first Moz related tattoo on my side. Sort of hard to describe, but to the side of my breast, sort of right underneath my underarm. I want it close to my heart.

Good luck to anyone who decides to get a tattoo soon!
Hey WhyteGrrrl; I was looking at your site in your sig..I'm finna have to scope the scam on Alain Whyte, and Boz Boorer's bands...I'm always open to new music.


The lower back being being tattooed on a woman is usually what is called a 'tramp stamp'..and is very painful to get tattooed I hear. I recommend upper back for both sexes. The least painful in my experiance is the arms (not the inside!) but not everyone is in a position job wise to allow them to be viewd so openly. (which makes the upper back more preferable)
DONE IT!!!!!!! What a bloody nightmare Adobe is! This is not a Morrissey related tattoo, so belongs in off topic really. I've put it up there!
I had one done on the bottom of my back a few years back, it was a bit uncomfortable but nowt too much



Yay thats helped alot spec from alma matters and side of your breast dont sound stupid. Thanks for you comments and ill def be having one at the bottom of my back after xmas :D
here ya go WG me bum in all it's glory... :)



I REALLY enjoyed my last tattoo! I was leaning over a special chair in front of a huge mirror, watching a very sexy man tattoo me whil two more very sexy men watched me getting tattood!!!!!!!!!! It was HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!

Come on then spill the beans... "My friend" has an extensive collection of adult films which have similar themes.

Algiht then I'm flabbergasted that some of the letters in the Sunday Sport must be true!





So, I got the talkin part done yesterday..Got the bidness part done today..Felt like he used a bloody soldering iron..when he was done, my arm felt like hamburger..He did say that the inner arm was a tad bit sensitive when it comes to tattoos..I have to agree..


P.S. The other Tattoo thread was getting kind of long, hope I didn't make bad happen by creating a new thread..If so, I'll gladly accept the beating about the head and shoulders that I deserve.

I feel ill.
HA HA x2!

f***ing brilliant. No offence Steve but thats put me off having a tattoo for life!
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