“Staircase At The University” made Entertainment Weekly’s top 10 this week

It's one of the great ironies of the album and a particularly Morrissey thing methinks that some of the most joyous vocal parts are when he sings particularly sad or scary lines. Like the chorus of Scandinavia, for instance, or the way he sings "And her head split three waaaaaaaays!".
It makes my heart sing until I realise what he's singing...
Of course he's being aggressive and negative....because he's scared.

These guys, Agora, Johnny Bunnion-corn, Mouse-the -rat and other children hiding behind fake names and anonymous postings have nothing else they can do....because they are helpless, and hopeless and powerless. They don't like Morrissey's album because it's too damn real and scares the hell out of them.

The people that like this album and get it...know what Morrissey's been getting at all these years and they appreciate him for what he is ...an artist unafraid to confront the horror of life and the terror of death in a completely unique manner. He is a great vocalist and he has a powerful band...

They don't want anyone here on this site to have a serious conversation about the album because they don't get it....and they are frightened. They interrupt like little children and hide behind the fake name like mommy's skirt.

Hahaha sorry I broke down laughing after "fake names and anonymous postings", what was your point?
The point is, mr. mouse-the rat.....you are just like every troll I've ever seen. You are scared of life as it is....and anything that reflects life as it is... you will attack. Only on the internet though. If we were in a bar having a few drinks and you insulted some one like you've done here you might get knocked flat. Especially where I come from.

The internet is like mommy's skirts for chicken-excrement trolls like Mouse-the Rodent.
AnonEmouse is winning. We're talking about him/her instead of Staircase. They're that type of troll who blocks discussion and slyly reverts the conversation to the most interesting person in the room that is obviously them and not Morrissey. Sorry AnonEmouse, we're not in the same room as you jerking off to ourselves in the mirror, we're talking about Morrissey. Go clean your mirror, pervert.
AnonEmouse is winning. We're talking about him/her instead of Staircase. They're that type of troll who blocks discussion and slyly reverts the conversation to the most interesting person in the room that is obviously them and not Morrissey. Sorry AnonEmouse, we're not in the same room as you jerking off to ourselves in the mirror, we're talking about Morrissey. Go clean your mirror, pervert.
Yeah, you're right, I've been watching these jerks try to destroy every conversation about this album.....scared children in need of attention. They need to go to their rooms with their pets....dead pets.
The point is, mr. mouse-the rat.....you are just like every troll I've ever seen. You are scared of life as it is....and anything that reflects life as it is... you will attack. Only on the internet though. If we were in a bar having a few drinks and you insulted some one like you've done here you might get knocked flat. Especially where I come from.

The internet is like mommy's skirts for chicken-excrement trolls like Mouse-the Rodent.

No need to call me Mr. but I appreciate the respect. How many trolls have you seen? I haven't seen any myself, always thought they were a bit of a myth. A bar and drinks, ahh setting the tone for some stereotypical drunken violence, why does it have to be in a bar? I don't drink btw, much prefer to go for long walks, would that work in your fantasy of me getting knocked the f*** out? And where do you come from exactly, you sound like you're bursting to tell me.
The last part about mommys & chickens & rodents went over my head, sorry.
No need to call me Mr. but I appreciate the respect. How many trolls have you seen? I haven't seen any myself, always thought they were a bit of a myth. A bar and drinks, ahh setting the tone for some stereotypical drunken violence, why does it have to be in a bar? I don't drink btw, much prefer to go for long walks, would that work in your fantasy of me getting knocked the f*** out? And where do you come from exactly, you sound like you're bursting to tell me.
The last part about mommys & chickens & rodents went over my head, sorry.
Look right in the mirror to see the troll.

You have yet to post anything with meaning on this site. Your life has zero meaning and so you make it more meaningless with your posts. The internet is perfect for scared mice like you...
does anyone think morrissey will ever explain any of the meanings in the songs? does anyone think well get any interviews ever about the album? i mean even if sick or ill, mental depression aside, he could still do phone or transcribed interviews write ins about the album and it would make a difference i think. even when its his most straightforward album in a long time lyrics wise. i dont think he has to much intention anymore of being so obfuscated lyrically but it would still be sweet to hear about inspiration or meaning in his own words.
No need to call me Mr. but I appreciate the respect. How many trolls have you seen? I haven't seen any myself, always thought they were a bit of a myth. A bar and drinks, ahh setting the tone for some stereotypical drunken violence, why does it have to be in a bar? I don't drink btw, much prefer to go for long walks, would that work in your fantasy of me getting knocked the f*** out? And where do you come from exactly, you sound like you're bursting to tell me.
The last part about mommys & chickens & rodents went over my head, sorry.
Mouse old man, I'd not lock horns with Keene.
Honestly, he is seriously not well.
does anyone think morrissey will ever explain any of the meanings in the songs? does anyone think well get any interviews ever about the album? i mean even if sick or ill, mental depression aside, he could still do phone or transcribed interviews write ins about the album and it would make a difference i think. even when its his most straightforward album in a long time lyrics wise. i dont think he has to much intention anymore of being so obfuscated lyrically but it would still be sweet to hear about inspiration or meaning in his own words.
I don't think he will...Did he ever explain the title of his album, "Years of Refusal"?

Some are pretty easy to understand, like "Oboe Concerto"....others like, "I'm Not a Man" seem simple, but they are not. Real art...meaningful art, not just pop music can always have more than one meaning and some very deep meaning. Deep as the search for life and love....deep as death. Morrissey is one of the best at keeping the mystery of his art....
Yeah I guessed that, he's got that "fresh out the asylum" feel to him
Prison....fresh out of prison.

Very few are going to actually engage you in any kind of conversation because you don't like this album and don't or can't understand it. You are arrogant, condescending and lack any kind of knowledge that would make an interesting dialogue. Too bad...
The point is, mr. mouse-the rat.....you are just like every troll I've ever seen. You are scared of life as it is....and anything that reflects life as it is... you will attack. Only on the internet though. If we were in a bar having a few drinks and you insulted some one like you've done here you might get knocked flat. Especially where I come from.

The internet is like mommy's skirts for chicken-excrement trolls like Mouse-the Rodent.

Spot on mate, he would get a kicking round our way too
well i dont really care for mystery in art as a goal since i believe life has enough inherent mystery in it and therefor art. i guess with refusal the lyrics were very direct, more so than here with the odd exception. you didnt know who he was talking abouton refusal but at least you knew what he was saying meant. with world peace it seems hes relying on inference in subject matter and its meaning while being very direct and obvious with who his influences statements are referring to but not necessarily meaning of subject matter. this contrast of inference in subject matter while being so direct in language seems to have been confusing for people and stopped them from looking deeper in many ways. its like in the past he let us know there were bread crumbs to follow even if the language had three different menaing layers but this time hes being direct even if your not sure what stance hes taking because it all seems so direct. nothing embodies this so much as neal cassady which names the subject but seems on the surface to be direct nonsense. this time around i think people need help. musics beautiful imo as always
its morrisseys best album for years satu is a top track along with kmal inventive tracks i even like the bullfighter dies only moz can do these type of songs long live mozzer
does anyone think morrissey will ever explain any of the meanings in the songs? does anyone think well get any interviews ever about the album? i mean even if sick or ill, mental depression aside, he could still do phone or transcribed interviews write ins about the album and it would make a difference i think. even when its his most straightforward album in a long time lyrics wise. i dont think he has to much intention anymore of being so obfuscated lyrically but it would still be sweet to hear about inspiration or meaning in his own words.

I dunno. I was wondering if all his decades of book reading and song writing have made him try something new with this album in the whole allegorical sense or something. He may be trying a different approach...a more figurative, let's-see-what-the-listeners-pull-out-of-these-lyrics attempt. Anyone who reads as much as he does understands the author's use of symbols, metaphors, allusions, etc. and I think he admires that and likes to play around with it in his songs now. Plus, he did mention back in January that he's half-way through his first novel. Perchance his song-writing style has been changed due to his novel writing. It would be neat to know what the songs mean, but I prefer to imagine what he's singing about and putting my own spin on it based on my own life experiences. It's fun and it gives me something interesting to do on a Saturday night...after the noise from children stops when they go to bed.

Then again...he does say he puts it all right out there for us...and there's this, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgVy-EJFgxk

What if he is just playing easy to get and we're all being idiots overthinking his words. Haha!
a big part of me thinks that both parts of your statement are true i just dont know if its the best marketing strategy though thats his prerogative, hes just gonna have to accept the outcome of that. i already have the album and no ones taking it away form me so im fine (super happy really). i dont even need him to be successful though id like him to be happy. i just hope this isnt a swan song though i dont think he could stay away even if thats what he intended in the now. in a lot of ways hes only become more direct, i just dont think many people know him as well anymore. maybe weve all just moved away from each other a bit in out old age and are experiencing a loss of common ground. it happens
Can we put aside the "whistle and saw" sounds for a moment and compliment the lovely clapping (that I now wait for each time I hear the song to join in on *clap clap*)
Its like a call for attention after a bit of rambling, probably calling the girl back from getting distracted.

It's like chop, chop... study, study. Come on, let's go! Results, results. Hurry, hurry. Don't delay.

Another element to this song which lends credence that it is truly a masterpiece; a work of art. I just love it!
It's like chop, chop... study, study. Come on, let's go! Results, results. Hurry, hurry. Don't delay.

Another element to this song which lends credence that it is truly a masterpiece; a work of art. I just love it!

So the key to a masterpiece is adding some relevant sound effects, gotcha :thumb:
Prison....fresh out of prison.

Very few are going to actually engage you in any kind of conversation because you don't like this album and don't or can't understand it. You are arrogant, condescending and lack any kind of knowledge that would make an interesting dialogue. Too bad...

Two thumbs up, you're thriving in my company son
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