Morrissey Central WHY HAS COMMON SENSE BECOME SO … UNCOMMON? (July 4, 2020)

that’s all very well.

but, more of this please .......

That's why they don't make any sense - because they're resisting the form not the content.

This is very neatly put indeed.

And tragically true of millions. (Billions?)

On the Right and the Left.

Reactions rather than calm, sober, thoughtful evaluation of content.

You nailed it.
This is very neatly put indeed.

And tragically true of millions. (Billions?)

On the Right and the Left.

Reactions rather than calm, sober, thoughtful evaluation of content.

You nailed it.
So Nerak you really need to not have two accounts just to support your own nonsense. It's very unbecoming
Well, while Morrissey continues to plumb the depths of right-wing lunacy, Johnny thinks as follows...


Remember when you were a grown man married with children and you bullied a teenager because he believed in God?
Can't believe he's watching this shite on YouTube at 4am - comes across like a man having a mental breakdown. I hope he's just pissed again and deletes it when he sobers up.

Where do you get your info f***ing 4 and the Guardian?
No he isn't. People don't have common sense. People are stupid. You now have a raft of GOP people whose common sense told them not to wear a mask now getting ill with Covid. People live for the second, not the day or week. Darwinism roots them out.

And forgive me, but the moment you start saying that a populist right-wing arsehole supported by a singer you like is the beacon of truth, you can get tae f***.

Shut up. No-one cares what you have to say anymore.
Basically - Morrissey &/or SER (whoever is most interested in what) - believes that everything in the mainstream media & all authority is a lie or bad.

That's why they don't make any sense - because they're resisting the form not the content.

Everything in the mainstream media is bad and a lie.
View attachment 57434

That's why Douglas is dodgy - the Reading murderer had mental health issues, didn't shout anything comprehensible, nevermind have a political agenda & is unlikely to have known that the men were gay.

Maybe it would have been a bigger story if the person was far right - but sometimes stories get reported & disappear. It all depends on the public interest.

If he was just pointing out hypocrisy, double standards & faulty logic - it would be fine, because there is a lot of that on the left - but he has some grim prejudices he would replace it with.

Of course he's YOU. You're part of the crazy Labour project.

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