Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

The best thing about whenever Johnny puts out a song, video, album, interview, or even breathes on camera - is knowing that Vegan Cro is going to be watching it, hating and despising every single second, but utterly powerless to look away. :LOL:
The thing is. He doesn’t even know most M songs. Never mind Marr songs.
he picks berries so the dole don’t stop his money
By night, he listens to Meat Puppets and King Crimson. No carpet in most of his flat and a filthy toilet.
That’s how Cro rolls.
Oh, and he eats Rustlers microwave burgers for dinner and tea .
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The thing is. He doesn’t even know most M songs. Never mind Marr songs.
he picks berries so the dole don’t stop his money
By night, he listens to Meat Puppets and King Crimson. No carpet in most of his fault and a filthy toilet.
That’s how Cro rolls.
Oh, and he eats Rustlers microwave burgers for dinner and tea .
Do you think he’s washed that shit stained bedding yet Janice??

'Meatpuppets'= freudian slip (oink McMuffins):censored:

robocop loo is the one atop the living room carpet on hand for snotting:hammer:
I can only cope with one thread per sitting.

Still trading on the aura of The Smiths radical art collective he was blessed to be 25% of. Pathetic. Morrissey? Solo? arse'n'all...he's a karaoke 🎤tribute to somebody he used to be.....
I’m still at at loss, dumb ass Cro thinks you’re Hugh
He’s none the wiser of course who
Hugh is, but still mind boggling.
Looks like Brummie boy is on cros naughty step now.
Frank is another victim and he’s on the naughty step to..

The bodies are piling up Cro⚰️⚰️
You gonna get Grandmaww to dispose of them 🧂🍽
Good eating for Cletus and clan
Until Christmas
Looks like Brummie boy is on cros naughty step now.
Frank is another victim and he’s on the naughty step to..

The bodies are piling up Cro⚰️⚰️
You gonna get Grandmaww to dispose of them 🧂🍽
Good eating for Cletus and clan
Until Christmas
BB has been on dumb ass Cro’s stalking list for time, Baz. As always the case, he’s seen the name ‘Hugh’ and constantly shouts it out like a disruptive child at school
Even suggesting BB is Hugh, emphasises again, why he’s the dumbest person in the US. No mean feat, Baz.

Peeps I thought we had seen the worse to be seen as to squalid poor housing dwelling from robocop.
but no.😳

for a romantic weekend getaway with the wife he rents a caravan FROM THE DUDE IN THE GYM😬
probably an Igor looking dude.
" Sweetheart good news I booked a holiday"
" Wonderful robocop where to?"
"Guess Darling wife"😷
"Monaco? The French Rivier? Paris in spring?"
"Close but no cigar. booked up a caravan to
take to the park across the street"😮

I guess we know now why Rosco Robocop Valentino is not among the top 5 trillion eligible bachelors
in the UK😑

peeps you think the sordid story ends here? well not quite>

the caravan/camper has no running water and there is a bike in
the shower/ i guess in robocop logic the set up kinds of make sense
since there is running water why waste the space? use it a bar/sauna
you can ride the bike in the sweat box while drinking the proverbial coors six pack
and if you fee faint shoot yourself with a water pistol this way you keep from ruining the tore up
termite infested green couch. It all makes sense in a coors kind of way.:hammer:

yes the pensioner super rent a cop who protects the peeps in Carlisle from coors beer. 😐
he booked a caravan (for peeps out in the USA a caravan is a trailer) for a honeymoon holiday with the ex wife! to a gypsy caravan park (again, for those of you in the USA, a trailer park)o_O
Incredible, Carlisle is protected by a BBQ brusher :censored:
now get this: he booked the caravan from Igor at the "gym":eek:
this is not a fancy Winnebago we are discussing, it was rusted on the outside.
and had no running water!! :straightface:
the olde gal had a condition as soon as she stepped into the shower
to find a bicycle in there A FING BICYLCE in the Shower that has no
water doh:
do i have to continue with this? a Katastfrofa:censored:

Comrade McMuffin calls him a 'lad' when hes close to 75😐

yes the pensioner super rent a cop who protects the peeps in Carlisle from coors beer. 😐
he booked a caravan (for peeps out in the USA a caravan is a trailer) for a honeymoon holiday with the ex wife! to a gypsy caravan park (again, for those of you in the USA, a trailer park)o_O
Incredible, Carlisle is protected by a BBQ brusher :censored:
now get this: he booked the caravan from Igor at the "gym":eek:
this is not a fancy Winnebago we are discussing, it was rusted on the outside.
and had no running water!! :straightface:
the olde gal had a condition as soon as she stepped into the shower
to find a bicycle in there A FING BICYLCE in the Shower that has no
water doh:
do i have to continue with this? a Katastfrofa:censored:

Comrade McMuffin calls him a 'lad' when hes close to 75😐

Everything in your post is correct
Minus the 75 bit 😉

if you watched that Brad Pitt movie, where he is a boxer who lives in
the Ukranian caravan camp ( for USA peeps, the trailer park where hillibillies live)
it showed the fact that there water pumps where you could plug your tiny ukrainian
camper to:straightface:
the problem there was that they had no showero_O
you had to use the water house:eek:
The thing is. He doesn’t even know most M songs. Never mind Marr songs.
he picks berries so the dole don’t stop his money
By night, he listens to Meat Puppets and King Crimson. No carpet in most of his flat and a filthy toilet.
That’s how Cro rolls.
Oh, and he eats Rustlers microwave burgers for dinner and tea .
I think it's tragic that people have to pick berries just so they can get their dole money. You don't get very much cash either.
123 euros per month!

Capo di tutti Garbage Toter capi🤌
The Totefather🖖
Comrade McMuffin cut and paste Consigliere?👩‍🦰
and, naturally, bringing up 'the rear' Fredo robocop👮‍♂️
You’ll be demanding a kings ransom for picking fruit...
especially with all those extra fingers you’ve inherited..

Make sure you don’t get all that fancy Morrissey merch stained with blueberry juice....

You must have a good local charity shop close by or have you been thieving Moz merch from clothes lines again?
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