Kristeen Young comments on Facebook "But, never go to Morrissey-Solo..."

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Sorry, I was being sarcastic with the hitting the heights thing :straightface:

I was just pointing out that if she did have anything about her with all of the leg ups that she's been getting then surely her career would have gotten somewhere by now?

It hasn't because she isn't very good.

That's ok. It's hard to denote tone while typing and the two replys I received to my inquiry were enlightening. I agree with you...all the 'leg ups' she gotten haven't done squat for her and I'm not sure if she's just living in a bubble dream of 'one day I'll actually make it'. Surely this can't be the only talent she has-singing and pounding on a piano? Are there no back up plans? No other talents? My back up plans have saved me many times and i've been grateful that i've had them on the back burner.
Yes, they collaborated on an excellent song of hers called Savior, which is on her LP'd know that, if you had any actual knowledge of the musician who you constantly trash on here simply because of her proximity to Morrissey.

I was saying it as it is mate, in respect of kristeen and Tony.
It's a fact pal, the only reason she played with Bowie,Placebo and Morrissey is because of Tony.
Most of us are aware they live together, which is hunky-dory. Its just f***wade embarrassing when she pretends to be poor while living in an expensive part of NY.
This is the trouble, the only people who have heard of her are Morrissey fans, mainly, and those who know of her a large portion don't like her and know she is full of shit.
Those of us really in the know, can tell you she is not a nice person.I actually would say she is a sociopath, as Miss Merton said
"What do you see in multi millionaire Paul Daniels"
I went to Rome,Florence, Greece,Manchester and Edinburgh, Morrissey was awesome,She was OK but was booed. Manchester was the worst,I felt sorry for her-then Manchester is a musical city,they know what they like they know there is better around the corner and the tickets were expensive.

Skylarker, I can also,remember you running ya mouth about Kristeen yourself, a few years ago,you were saying how she "f***ed Tony"..I remember reading it.
So I wouldn't try and take the moral high ground.Also, you don't have to know every song someone has made not to like them- if you can't stand the singing why would you want to know about them?
I live in Manchester, I know a few people involved I have met Kristeen about 20 times.
I like Morrissey not Kristeen.It is nice that Morrissey is trying to help. it's simply a waste of time though.
She has been going 20 years and doesn't even have 3000 friends on Facebook. Doll and the Kicks have more than her and they aren't even going.
When she isn't playing with Morrissey the venues she plays are tiny and still not full, I have known people who have gone and its a mix of Tonys fans, Morrissey's obsessive wacko fans and maybe a few others.
She is hated in her home town because of the antics in her youth-this is what I heard in St Louis last year, from about 30 different people.
Most of the people I have met dislike her.This is because they know what she is like, so dose Morrissey.
He likes her,likes playing games with her and he is trying to help, let her make some money.
Its easy for him as well, he only has one person to pay. Plus, she is so desperate for fame she drove around North and South America,like some singing obsessive fan-Morrissey,the band and the crew thought it was awesomely funny
Once he is promoting a new LP, I don't think she will be on tour-people already don't come to watch when she plays and those that do, to get their place to be close to Morrissey, tend to shout abuse.
The reason this thread has continued is because people dislike her.
They don't have to like her,they are also the ones who have to put up with her when they go and see Morrissey and pay the money-they have a right to have their say.
It makes more sense for people to have a pop at Kristeen Young than Morrissey, again it is a Morrissey site.
I am just someone who likes Morrissey and hates to see him waste his time,on someone who doesn't deserve it and who walks around bitching like an ungrateful bratty brat, brat.
I also,feel for the fans.
Enough is enough, they shouldn't have to pay so much money to see her name on the bill again.
It maybe easy for Morrissey but it isn't fair on the fans.
Skylarker, I can also,remember you running ya mouth about Kristeen yourself, a few years ago,you were saying how she "f***ed Tony"..I remember reading it.

Well, I am fairly sure I never said that. As you are referencing a post that is by your own admission years old, and you have not provided details of what I said, it is hard to answer for. It is true I run my mouth (mouth, LOL!!! #Sands) about her from time to time; but I run my mouth about a lot of things, so it probably wasn't personal.

I have no way of knowing who she has or has not slept with, and I try to stray from making such insinuations. If I ever said something that direct or ridiculously inflated, I am sure I was just talking out of my ass.

While I have mixed feelings about her as a person; I will say that on the whole I have great respect for her as a musician and that during the brief time when I was in contact with her resulting from an article I wrote, she was never anything short of polite, friendly, and human, and conveyed nothing resembling hubris or a sense of entitlement. But that was a very long time ago; I only bring it up in context of the accusation made. How she is now, as a person, I have no idea.

At any rate I'm sure we all have better things to do here than discuss who Kristeen Young is sleeping with.
I was saying it as it is mate, in respect of kristeen and Tony.
It's a fact pal, the only reason she played with Bowie,Placebo and Morrissey is because of Tony.
Most of us are aware they live together, which is hunky-dory. Its just f***wade embarrassing when she pretends to be poor while living in an expensive part of NY.
This is the trouble, the only people who have heard of her are Morrissey fans, mainly, and those who know of her a large portion don't like her and know she is full of shit.
Those of us really in the know, can tell you she is not a nice person.I actually would say she is a sociopath, as Miss Merton said
"What do you see in multi millionaire Paul Daniels"
I went to Rome,Florence, Greece,Manchester and Edinburgh, Morrissey was awesome,She was OK but was booed. Manchester was the worst,I felt sorry for her-then Manchester is a musical city,they know what they like they know there is better around the corner and the tickets were expensive.

Skylarker, I can also,remember you running ya mouth about Kristeen yourself, a few years ago,you were saying how she "f***ed Tony"..I remember reading it.
So I wouldn't try and take the moral high ground.Also, you don't have to know every song someone has made not to like them- if you can't stand the singing why would you want to know about them?
I live in Manchester, I know a few people involved I have met Kristeen about 20 times.
I like Morrissey not Kristeen.It is nice that Morrissey is trying to help. it's simply a waste of time though.
She has been going 20 years and doesn't even have 3000 friends on Facebook. Doll and the Kicks have more than her and they aren't even going.
When she isn't playing with Morrissey the venues she plays are tiny and still not full, I have known people who have gone and its a mix of Tonys fans, Morrissey's obsessive wacko fans and maybe a few others.
She is hated in her home town because of the antics in her youth-this is what I heard in St Louis last year, from about 30 different people.
Most of the people I have met dislike her.This is because they know what she is like, so dose Morrissey.
He likes her,likes playing games with her and he is trying to help, let her make some money.
Its easy for him as well, he only has one person to pay. Plus, she is so desperate for fame she drove around North and South America,like some singing obsessive fan-Morrissey,the band and the crew thought it was awesomely funny
Once he is promoting a new LP, I don't think she will be on tour-people already don't come to watch when she plays and those that do, to get their place to be close to Morrissey, tend to shout abuse.
The reason this thread has continued is because people dislike her.
They don't have to like her,they are also the ones who have to put up with her when they go and see Morrissey and pay the money-they have a right to have their say.
It makes more sense for people to have a pop at Kristeen Young than Morrissey, again it is a Morrissey site.
I am just someone who likes Morrissey and hates to see him waste his time,on someone who doesn't deserve it and who walks around bitching like an ungrateful bratty brat, brat.
I also,feel for the fans.
Enough is enough, they shouldn't have to pay so much money to see her name on the bill again.
It maybe easy for Morrissey but it isn't fair on the fans.

I agree with some of this. I agree that the only reason that people have heard of KY is thru Morrissey. I have no idea who or what she is sleeping with....don't really care but *shrugs shoulders* what can one say? Someone has to be footing some of her bills for her to live in Manhattan, which all I can say to that is "must be nice" !! I've always liked NY when visiting...alot of energy and stimulation...just alot of life going on! It's always been an adventure to visit NYC.

I agree she is ok as an opening act, I've seen her hasseled while up on stage at one of the Morrissey concerts I attended (she had Baby Jeff at that point in time---whatever happened to him? He's a great drummer!!) . Noone seemed to want her there, but she plugged along. I for one was happy to have her finish her set. I'm wiling to give an opening act a chance and gave KY a fair and honest one and decided that I just don't care for what she was doing. I clapped politely where appropriate but that was all she got from me.

If Morrissey is "playing games" with KY, as you put it, well, that's horrible on his part. Is she there for his amusement? What games exactly? Mind games? That's just wrong if he's getting some kind of sick entertainment out of stringing her along. While I don't like her professionally and I'm not to impressed with what I've seen of her personality, there is no need to 'play games' with someone, no matter how crappy they are as a person. He could just leave her on the roadside and not bother with her and therefore spare her and us. That speaks alot about him, if indeed he is 'playing games' with her.

I would hope he would be promoting a new LP in the future, that would be lovely, but I'm not holding my breath. I am looking forward to his autobiography whenever he decides to finally get it published.
I agree with some of this. I agree that the only reason that people have heard of KY is thru Morrissey. I have no idea who or what she is sleeping with....don't really care but *shrugs shoulders* what can one say? Someone has to be footing some of her bills for her to live in Manhattan, which all I can say to that is "must be nice" !! I've always liked NY when visiting...alot of energy and stimulation...just alot of life going on! It's always been an adventure to visit NYC.

I agree she is ok as an opening act, I've seen her hasseled while up on stage at one of the Morrissey concerts I attended (she had Baby Jeff at that point in time---whatever happened to him? He's a great drummer!!) . Noone seemed to want her there, but she plugged along. I for one was happy to have her finish her set. I'm wiling to give an opening act a chance and gave KY a fair and honest one and decided that I just don't care for what she was doing. I clapped politely where appropriate but that was all she got from me.

If Morrissey is "playing games" with KY, as you put it, well, that's horrible on his part. Is she there for his amusement? What games exactly? Mind games? That's just wrong if he's getting some kind of sick entertainment out of stringing her along. While I don't like her professionally and I'm not to impressed with what I've seen of her personality, there is no need to 'play games' with someone, no matter how crappy they are as a person. He could just leave her on the roadside and not bother with her and therefore spare her and us. That speaks alot about him, if indeed he is 'playing games' with her.

I would hope he would be promoting a new LP in the future, that would be lovely, but I'm not holding my breath. I am looking forward to his autobiography whenever he decides to finally get it published.

My theory on game playing is that if the person has more interest in the vices than the virtues, they're open season to use. If they are kind and honest, they are off limits and to be protected. She seems chuck-full of envy , wrath and avarice just based on a year of facebook posts. Maybe she's his forgiveness project, I dunno. :rolleyes:
My theory on game playing is that if the person has more interest in the vices than the virtues, they're open season to use. If they are kind and honest, they are off limits and to be protected. She seems chuck-full of envy , wrath and avarice just based on a year of facebook posts. Maybe she's his forgiveness project, I dunno. :rolleyes:

Interesting...I never thought of it that way. But then again I've never really 'played games' like that....well only with my hubby but those 'games' were played lovingly ;-) I would think she's his punishment for sins past and present, but that is just what i think, and since 'misery loves company' we get to take the joy ride of listening to her in concert...of course fans could NOT show up for the opening act but that will never happen, so we get to sit here and gripe about her and her 'music'. Yes, she does seem to be just a wonderful bundle of envy, wrath and well was still wanting the pity party thrown in her honor with cake and all. Wonder what her family thinks of her?
I agree with some of this. I agree that the only reason that people have heard of KY is thru Morrissey. I have no idea who or what she is sleeping with....don't really care but *shrugs shoulders* what can one say? Someone has to be footing some of her bills for her to live in Manhattan, which all I can say to that is "must be nice" !! I've always liked NY when visiting...alot of energy and stimulation...just alot of life going on! It's always been an adventure to visit NYC.

I agree she is ok as an opening act, I've seen her hasseled while up on stage at one of the Morrissey concerts I attended (she had Baby Jeff at that point in time---whatever happened to him? He's a great drummer!!) . Noone seemed to want her there, but she plugged along. I for one was happy to have her finish her set. I'm wiling to give an opening act a chance and gave KY a fair and honest one and decided that I just don't care for what she was doing. I clapped politely where appropriate but that was all she got from me.

If Morrissey is "playing games" with KY, as you put it, well, that's horrible on his part. Is she there for his amusement? What games exactly? Mind games? That's just wrong if he's getting some kind of sick entertainment out of stringing her along. While I don't like her professionally and I'm not to impressed with what I've seen of her personality, there is no need to 'play games' with someone, no matter how crappy they are as a person. He could just leave her on the roadside and not bother with her and therefore spare her and us. That speaks alot about him, if indeed he is 'playing games' with her.

I would hope he would be promoting a new LP in the future, that would be lovely, but I'm not holding my breath. I am looking forward to his autobiography whenever he decides to finally get it published.

oh, come on. morrissey obviously genuinely likes kristeen young's work. just because the majority of us don't care for what she does doesn't mean he has some nefarious reason for keeping her on board. as much as he claims to "live in the now" he's very stuck in the past/what is familiar. for pete's sake, he's still enamored with tony visconti whose work hasn't been stellar for decades!
Well, I am fairly sure I never said that. As you are referencing a post that is by your own admission years old, and you have not provided details of what I said, it is hard to answer for. It is true I run my mouth (mouth, LOL!!! #Sands) about her from time to time; but I run my mouth about a lot of things, so it probably wasn't personal.

I have no way of knowing who she has or has not slept with, and I try to stray from making such insinuations. If I ever said something that direct or ridiculously inflated, I am sure I was just talking out of my ass.

While I have mixed feelings about her as a person; I will say that on the whole I have great respect for her as a musician and that during the brief time when I was in contact with her resulting from an article I wrote, she was never anything short of polite, friendly, and human, and conveyed nothing resembling hubris or a sense of entitlement. But that was a very long time ago; I only bring it up in context of the accusation made. How she is now, as a person, I have no idea.

At any rate I'm sure we all have better things to do here than discuss who Kristeen Young is sleeping with.

The thread was on the other bands thread.You said she slept with Tony Viosconti,for no reason.
Some man/women was saying how much he liked Kristeens music and you ripped into her.
I did hear a rummer that a man/women posted her emails on here-if that was you that is harsh baby harsh
Yes, we all have better things to discuss, the price of lemsip for starters mate.
oh, come on. morrissey obviously genuinely likes kristeen young's work. just because the majority of us don't care for what she does doesn't mean he has some nefarious reason for keeping her on board. as much as he claims to "live in the now" he's very stuck in the past/what is familiar. for pete's sake, he's still enamored with tony visconti whose work hasn't been stellar for decades!

Yes he does "some" of her music but lets not get carried away.Do you really think he likes the music of every band who plays with him?
There are various reasons people pick bands, Morrissey is no exception to this.
As for games- Jesus, the minds some of you have. Yes, he likes mind games, this doesn't make him a monster
The man has carried Kristeen Young for over a year,she is paid well enough.
Its amazing how quick you guys are to have a go at him.

In regards to Kristeens talent, she does have talent but no more than 100 acts in London or here in Manchester.
She kept moaning about Lady GaGa ripping her off yet she is just a £1 shop version of Kate Bush and siouxsie.
Her first video was her trying to ape Morrissey and V for Volcanic was heavy of Prince influence.
Im gonna go clubbing Night all.
Yes he does "some" of her music but lets not get carried away.Do you really think he likes the music of every band who plays with him?
There are various reasons people pick bands, Morrissey is no exception to this.
As for games- Jesus, the minds some of you have. Yes, he likes mind games, this doesn't make him a monster
The man has carried Kristeen Young for over a year,she is paid well enough.
Its amazing how quick you guys are to have a go at him.

In regards to Kristeens talent, she does have talent but no more than 100 acts in London or here in Manchester.
She kept moaning about Lady GaGa ripping her off yet she is just a £1 shop version of Kate Bush and siouxsie.
Her first video was her trying to ape Morrissey and V for Volcanic was heavy of Prince influence.
Im gonna go clubbing Night all.

On a Tuesday? :squiffy:
The thread was on the other bands thread.You said she slept with Tony Viosconti,for no reason.
Some man/women was saying how much he liked Kristeens music and you ripped into her.
I did hear a rummer that a man/women posted her emails on here-if that was you that is harsh baby harsh
Yes, we all have better things to discuss, the price of lemsip for starters mate.

I said for no reason that she slept with Tony Visconti, or I said that she slept with Tony Visconti for no reason?

No one posted her emails anywhere. Someone threatened to recently but they never actually did it...surprise surprise.

Yes he does "some" of her music but lets not get carried away.Do you really think he likes the music of every band who plays with him?
There are various reasons people pick bands, Morrissey is no exception to this.
As for games- Jesus, the minds some of you have. Yes, he likes mind games, this doesn't make him a monster
The man has carried Kristeen Young for over a year,she is paid well enough.
Its amazing how quick you guys are to have a go at him.

In regards to Kristeens talent, she does have talent but no more than 100 acts in London or here in Manchester.
She kept moaning about Lady GaGa ripping her off yet she is just a £1 shop version of Kate Bush and siouxsie.
Her first video was her trying to ape Morrissey and V for Volcanic was heavy of Prince influence.
Im gonna go clubbing Night all.

once again, yes, he obviously genuinely likes her work. i don't consider that 'carried away', nor do i have any idea what percentage of her music he likes because i've never asked him, but clearly you have. so what is it? what qualifies as "some"? 45%, 81%, 7%? do tell.
Sorry to drag this thread back out in the open...but I'm curious...what ever happened to Baby Jeff?
wow, 29 pages, impressive achievement folks :thumb:
I think what this subject needs now is a poll asking people whether they would prefer to sleep with her
or listen to her music
or none of the above :cool:
wow, 29 pages, impressive achievement folks :thumb:
I think what this subject needs now is a poll asking people whether they would prefer to sleep with her
or listen to her music
or none of the above :cool:

Definately none of the above. And it is impressive that this much dislike for one individuals music and person rates a whopping 29 pages.
None of the above!

I take it kristeen wont be on your christmas card list then !
I remeber all my recieved christmas cards last year, only got 3! , everyone forgot me! :(
But I wasnt available to all my friends nor online then, as i was busy doing somthing, was nothing specail really, well ok, I admitt it, its fantastic! ;)
But now im back online, might perhaps get a few more greeting cards this year, yea course I will ! :)

But alas ive tried in vien and failed miserabilly! perhaps morrissey will convince you? plz read below - thank you! :-

Touring partner Morrissey, who’s asked the offbeat Young to open most of his shows since 2006 as well as appear on his records, recently called her voice “a beautiful bayonet”

The sound is as good as you’ll ever hear in modern music. We scan the British pop charts in the hopeless quest for something different. Kristeen Young frees us from this,” he wrote,

adding “Beneath the waterplant hairstyle (hers, not mine) is a face made to be peered at till the end of time.
The eye-crossing drabness of flicking through music magazines could be undone in a flash by Kristeen Young. Please, lower yourself in.” - MORRISSEY

Never more so truer words spoken by morrissey!

Yep our loverly little gothic friend is just fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!! :) truely remarkable!

We are in fact, all talking about her because we are all so fascinated and intrigued by the Enigma that is kristeen young!

Shes just simply fantastic!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Shes got the whole lot of you on all talking about her, shes an absolute genius! LOL :)


Oh and id appreciate it if the person who is repeatedly and continually sending me messages, who ever it is, telling me to "shut up" would kindly refrain from doing so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Im not going to shut up at all!!!!!!!
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She really is quite terrible musically. I have had the misfortune of standing through a couple of her support slots.

Morrissey is well known for being intentionally perverse often just to annoy, and I can only think that is what is going on here with his choice of support.
She really is quite terrible musically. I have had the misfortune of standing through a couple of her support slots.

Morrissey is well known for being intentionally perverse often just to annoy, and I can only think that is what is going on here with his choice of support.

It's in the way that you use it.
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