Tony Visconti on Morrissey's keen sense of smell

Tony Visconti Will Lie for David Bowie - The New York Times
Published: March 29, 2013


You also produced Morrissey’s 2006 album, “Ringleader of the Tormentors.” Given his demand that meat be nowhere near him, were there practical difficulties?
I’m diabetic. Every day at lunchtime, a vegetarian meal would be waiting, sometimes as bland as linguine and tomato sauce. I told him, “I’ll probably go into a coma if I eat that.” It was delicate. I might have been fired. He said, “You’ll have to sort that out by yourself.” So I ate meat well away from the studio, like miles away, at my hotel. He’s got an incredible sense of smell. He smells meat.

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But I can't believe Visconti is a meat eater. Yuck. And he uses his diabetes as an excuse? Now, that's sad. What about Kristeen Young? Is she vegan?

Maybe Morrissey can find a better producer via the Vegan Rock Stars list:

Great posts Geezer & Glove. I don't pay for other people's ignorance either. If I win a restaurant gift card, I have no problem sharing, but don't exploit animals on *my* winnings.

Christ, it seems like you treat "meat-eaters" like lepers. Dick.
I'm f***ing sick of this. We are all free to air our views about what we eat and why, so at the end of the day there must be a "free-choice" after we've heard all the arguments of eating or not eating meat ? If Tony wants to eat meat so be it who gives a f*** its HIS choice and if Morrissey wants to eat or twat daffodils about then so be it, respect to either of em. You lot are f***in brain-washed.

Benny the butcher

Will it get printed ? I won't hold my breath.
I wish you would hold your breath; go ahead, try to hold it for a really, really long time.
I'm surprised he didn't fire Gustavo. I though that the band had to sign docs that they had to eat vegetarian . Isn't that what the roadie who went "undercover" said?

Diabetics must eat a protein with every meal. Pasta with sauce is pure starch (and pure sugar) that would send his blood sugar through the roof.

It's a wonder Moz isn't a type 2 diabetic yet. His diet is ghastly.
So everyone who works with Morrissey must go veggie to respect HIS views.

But he won't respect the fact that Visconti has diabetes and cannot be served food that will spike his blood sugar?

Why does everyone around Morrissey have to live by his ideals and choices? Or risk being fired?

This is beyond absurd. Morrissey is an animal fascist.

Visconti should have quit.

Are you trying to say meat is the only food that doesn't spike blood sugar?

And he seemed to suggest it would DROP if he didn't eat meat anyway, which is the complete opposite of what you are saying, and is completely wrong because meat has very little affect on blood sugar, so I don't even know what exactly the complaint is
I'm surprised he didn't fire Gustavo. I though that the band had to sign docs that they had to eat vegetarian . Isn't that what the roadie who went "undercover" said?

Diabetics must eat a protein with every meal. Pasta with sauce is pure starch (and pure sugar) that would send his blood sugar through the roof.

It's a wonder Moz isn't a type 2 diabetic yet. His diet is ghastly.

I don't think I've ever seen what the roadie who went undercover said. I'm curious. Is it somewhere on this forum or can you tell me where to find it? Thanks.
I don't think I've ever seen what the roadie who went undercover said. I'm curious. Is it somewhere on this forum or can you tell me where to find it? Thanks.

I think it may have been this article by Andrew Winters from 2008.
Article here:

The Times link no longer works but is available at
I'm surprised he didn't fire Gustavo. I though that the band had to sign docs that they had to eat vegetarian . Isn't that what the roadie who went "undercover" said?

Diabetics must eat a protein with every meal. Pasta with sauce is pure starch (and pure sugar) that would send his blood sugar through the roof.

It's a wonder Moz isn't a type 2 diabetic yet. His diet is ghastly.

I suspect this is an attempt to troll Morrissey as a hypocritical vegetarian tyrant. :rolleyes:
Couldn't Tony have just requested vegetables, fruits, and whole grains instead of Pasta? I mean, if he was that worried about being fired and all...

Pasta was the issue here. Even whole-grain pasta ia bad news for a diabetic. Unto itself Linguine and tomato sauce is a healthy meal, just not for diabetics. Fruits contain sugar as well. Carbs come in many forms and all must be calculated. My Mom is diabetic and has issues with low-blood sugar. My Dad had issues with his blood sugar being too high. So for my mother, pasta and tomato sauce (measured) is a good choice. For my father, pasta was not a good choice.
I think it is funny that this man mentioned Morrissey having a good sense of smell and could smell meat. I bet Morrissey could smell meat on people around him. :sick: When I was in Korea, the Korean people said Americans smell like rotten milk because we eat cheese! So I guess those who've been fibbing about their vegetarianism would be sussed out by Moz in a New York minute!
Pasta was the issue here. Even whole-grain pasta ia bad news for a diabetic. Unto itself Linguine and tomato sauce is a healthy meal, just not for diabetics. Fruits contain sugar as well. Carbs come in many forms and all must be calculated. My Mom is diabetic and has issues with low-blood sugar. My Dad had issues with his blood sugar being too high. So for my mother, pasta and tomato sauce (measured) is a good choice. For my father, pasta was not a good choice.
I think it is funny that this man mentioned Morrissey having a good sense of smell and could smell meat. I bet Morrissey could smell meat on people around him. :sick: When I was in Korea, the Korean people said Americans smell like rotten milk because we eat cheese! So I guess those who've been fibbing about their vegetarianism would be sussed out by Moz in a New York minute!

A friend of mine told a story of a woman he knew who was vegetarian. She wouldn't kiss him until he went vegetarian for several weeks, she could smell the meat dripping from his pores. It made her sick to smell him.
I suspect this is an attempt to troll Morrissey as a hypocritical vegetarian tyrant. :rolleyes:

There are vegetarians- my sister-in-law is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat or any food that came into contact with meat (so the stuffing on Thanksgiving that was in the bird- no way) My brother and nephew did eat meat and my sister-in-law (the saint she is) would cook meat for them separately from her food. Double the work, but a labor of love. Then...there's...Moz. I suspect you are as Italian as I am, so you will understand this word- SCOOTCH! (not spelled right, but you get it) I find militant vegans as annoying as door-to-door religion salespeople who bark that I will burn in Hell if I don't convert to their religion! I skip over Meat Is Murder on every compilation CD. I actually sing the refrain every time I'm making Hamburger Helper. I read "Fast Food Nation" amount of abattoir footage can come close to the vivid descriptions of that book! Chapter 8 is all about my cousin's son who died of e Coli from the hamburger at Jack in the Box. And yet, the author leaves it to the reader to make an educated, informed decision as to eat meat. He doesn't tell you "If you love and care about animals..." The author just puts it out there. I think it is funny and sad at the same time that Morrissey's biggest fan base are Hispanics and Latinos, yet who comprise the largest population working in meat packing plants and slaughterhouses here in the U.S.? Right. Hispanic and Latino people.
There are vegetarians- my sister-in-law is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat or any food that came into contact with meat (so the stuffing on Thanksgiving that was in the bird- no way) My brother and nephew did eat meat and my sister-in-law (the saint she is) would cook meat for them separately from her food. Double the work, but a labor of love. Then...there's...Moz. I suspect you are as Italian as I am, so you will understand this word- SCOOTCH! (not spelled right, but you get it) I find militant vegans as annoying as door-to-door religion salespeople who bark that I will burn in Hell if I don't convert to their religion! I skip over Meat Is Murder on every compilation CD. I actually sing the refrain every time I'm making Hamburger Helper. I read "Fast Food Nation" amount of abattoir footage can come close to the vivid descriptions of that book! Chapter 8 is all about my cousin's son who died of e Coli from the hamburger at Jack in the Box. And yet, the author leaves it to the reader to make an educated, informed decision as to eat meat. He doesn't tell you "If you love and care about animals..." The author just puts it out there. I think it is funny and sad at the same time that Morrissey's biggest fan base are Hispanics and Latinos, yet who comprise the largest population working in meat packing plants and slaughterhouses here in the U.S.? Right. Hispanic and Latino people.

Interesting, I didn't know that. Hispanics generally work all the shit jobs, that's just the nature of our quiet caste system. Regarding militant vegetarians, nobody likes to be told what to do. They respond to being shown how to do something and taking their own initiative to do it. The trick is educating people on the moral corruption of the meat industry and having them change "because it's the right thing to do and I want to be right." I don't object to meat period. Go to WHole Foods, there's mamas with their carts full of wholesome food and chicken and whatnot who are going to go home and lovingly prepare a meal for their family. If I were a chicken I'd want my suffering to be appreciated in THAT home, not in a handout window at Wendy's. In an ideal world people wouldn't eat meat. But NOW, people do eat meat, that's not going to stop with lectures they aren't listening to because it's too harsh. It's transitioning them to thinking maybe it's not a good idea to support an industry that harvests souls for profit. We weren't recycling plastic 20 years ago. Now everyone does. It's not unthinkable a dent can be made in the mindset of people regarding meat. Chorizo and Asada aside, the Hispanics love Morrissey for spiritual reasons, he's very familiar to them. :cool:
Are you trying to say meat is the only food that doesn't spike blood sugar?

And he seemed to suggest it would DROP if he didn't eat meat anyway, which is the complete opposite of what you are saying, and is completely wrong because meat has very little affect on blood sugar, so I don't even know what exactly the complaint is

Diabetics can go into a coma if their blood sugar is too high or too low.

Protein does need to be consumed with meals, but not too much.

Are you suggesting he should have eaten a plate of pasta because Morrissey is a douche who forces his beliefs on others?
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