Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Maybe that's what caused mine. I just started using a mist on my face, by Saje. It's basically essential oils and water.
yeah, i wouldnt do that. not if you have sensitive skin.
oh god, i love pie. there are so many amazing kinds. i want to buy them ALL.
I promised myself about 10 days ago when I bought rice and chips, that I would go back on a raw diet for good. Don't want to go back on my word to myself. If I do, I'll be no better than that woman who didn't pay me back my $50.
That's how I am with shoes and toiletries. I have about 10 different Fluoride free toothpastes.
oh that reminds me, ive started hoarding toiletries. well, not really hoarding, but i have like three different toothpastes, three new tootbrushes, a bunch of chapsticks and packets of floss, etc. which for me is hoarding because i usually wait till ive run out completely before buying anything new. it has nothing to do with the coronavirus thing though. i think it's more like not having a permanent home for some months and wondering whether i ever would that when i finally got a place to set my stuff, it sort of felt nice to be able to stock up and know that i was set for a while.

i would just eat apple pie and rice and chips. a raw food diet doesnt sound like very much fun. and when you inevitably get sick and die as we all do regardless of what you eat you'll just be resentful for not having eaten what you wanted.
or maybe you could eat raw food for five days out of the week (cause i know that having self control and eating clean is gratifying in its own way), and whatever you wanted on the other two?
oh that reminds me, ive started hoarding toiletries. well, not really hoarding, but i have like three different toothpastes, three new tootbrushes, a bunch of chapsticks and packets of floss, etc. which for me is hoarding because i usually wait till ive run out completely before buying anything new. it has nothing to do with the coronavirus thing though. i think it's more like not having a permanent home for some months and wondering whether i ever would that when i finally got a place to set my stuff, it sort of felt nice to be able to stock up and know that i was set for a while.

i would just eat apple pie and rice and chips. a raw food diet doesnt sound like very much fun. and when you inevitably get sick and die as we all do regardless of what you eat you'll just be resentful for not having eaten what you wanted.
I'm gonna give raw my best shot.
or maybe you could eat raw food for five days out of the week (cause i know that having self control and eating clean is gratifying in its own way), and whatever you wanted on the other two?
It's a slippery slope if I allow myself time to indulge in cooked food.
oh shit, pep! i hate when a laptop dies! did you get another one? or do you have a back up computer?

that's sort of why i think it would help for me to write a draft first. just work out all the little bumps before hand. and then rewrite it with more of a feel for the rhythm or tone, like the final layer being when you apply the rhythm and get a momentum going. is what you're writing considered to be the final draft, like where everything is set in stone?

in bed is when i do ALL my best thinking! doesnt rousing yourself in order to write down an idea keep you awake though? sometimes i feel like i have one chance to grab hold of the sleep train and if i ruin it with pesky thoughts ill be awake for hours.
Yes, I had a spare laptop - the one the kids use for their school/college work. And today it died also. I cannot believe it :( I blame Mercury retrograde (in the absence of proper technical knowledge). I've managed to coax my old one back to life, so I'm just hanging on with fingers crossed till my new laptop arrives Mon/Tues.

Well, all the main plot points are fixed and each chapter has a rough plan. I think you need an outline of where you're going so you know you have a structure that works. But nothing is set in stone - if I have a better idea for a scene as I go along, I'll change it up. And the first run through is always a draft - you cannot spot all the problems and iron out all the wrinkles in one go, you need the perspective you can only have from getting to the end. In my limited experience.

Oh yes, that pesky sleep train is a bugger if you miss it! Which is why, if I have an idea after I've turned the light out, I grope around in the dark and scrawl 'blind' across the notepad. Which makes deciphering my own writing the next morning an entertaining task :lbf:
I look back to my wayward years in the 80s. We'd come out of nightclubs and go up back alleys and it was another world. Probably perverted. That's what happened in the 80s though, before Grindr. I don't mind having been a pervert traipsing around the forest, short of breath and freezing cold. Open air encounters. Danger. f***ing a black man at 4am in the morning as the sun came up. Climbing over park walls.Disgraceful,but oh, so much fun.
I'm realising now, it was probably the 90s as well, LH. You wouldn't believe what went on. I think we were seen as perverts at that time and so we did what we wanted. Scruffy sex all over the place. I once got in a jerk circle in the woods with a bloke who'd been so well to do and serving us drinks in the nightclub. He was wanting everyone to ejaculated in his face and I'd only seen him half an hour before being oh so nice and proper with everyone.
I believe you. I've seen the silhouettes at dusk in the forest of Stanley park, and I used to live in the gay district in Montreal. Guys were brazenly giving each other blow jobs just outside my window. One guy sat there in the sunlight stroking his glistening penis while he watched cars go by. I could see below the balcony, through the sunroofs of cars, sexual activity. Down the block they'd have group rooftop sex shows in black leather biker clothes. They completely turned their noses up when they'd notice female me. It made me so mad. ?
I believe you. I've seen the silhouettes at dusk in the forest of Stanley park, and I used to live in the gay district in Montreal. Guys were brazenly giving each other blow jobs just outside my window. One guy sat there in the sunlight stroking his glistening penis while he watched cars go by. I could see below the balcony, through the sunroofs of cars, sexual activity. Down the block they'd have group rooftop sex shows in black leather biker clothes. They completely turned their noses up when they'd notice female me. It made me so mad. ?
Where did my emoji go? Instead there's a question mark. :crazy:
i have obtained apple pie!!!! annnnnnnnddddd.... wait for it..... rainier cherries!!! i was so excited when i saw them at the grocery store today!!! i was wondering when we were going to get them and if that wasnt another of lifes joys that covid had somehow managed to ruin, but there they suddenly were with their cheery yellow faces. so im eating those tonight and will save the apple pie for tomorrow.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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