Morrissey - The Extended Interview -

Morrissey: the extended interview -
MORRISSEY'S light hasn't gone out, writes Cameron Adams.

UPDATE Sep. 29:

chrisarclark sends the link / excerpt:

Coachella bosses offer meat ban in return for Smiths reunion - WENN / MSN


"[Morrissey and Johnny Marr have] always insisted they are not interested in putting [The Smiths] back together, but it's now emerged Coachella organisers promised staunch vegetarian Morrissey they would ban all meat products from the site in Indio, California for the entire event if he reunited the group for a headline performance."
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Some things good:

I was recently approached by Sony
I can only roughly assess Facebookook
- Morrissey uses Facebook
Lonely Day by System of a Down would be the last song I absolutely loved- I hope he's been ironic
Some things good:

I was recently approached by Sony
I can only roughly assess Facebookook
- Morrissey uses Facebook
Lonely Day by System of a Down would be the last song I absolutely loved- I hope he's been ironic

"Roughly assess" means he's not really familiar with Facebook, so he obviously doesn't use it. The System of a Down thing is a shocker.
A much more interesting interview than usual..
I really liked:

>> At Coachella a few years you complained about the waft of burning flesh from a nearby barbeque. Has that been a problem since at outdoor shows?

Not at all, and interestingly the agents for Coachella offered a 100-per-cent vegetarian event for the following year if I would agree to headline with Johnny Marr as the Smiths. Fascinatingly they made it clear that they would 'not require' the Smiths' bass player or drummer ... which I thought certainly said something.
He used a System of A Down song on the preshow tape once at least. I can't remember where, but I noticed because I thought it was odd.
"Roughly assess" means he's not really familiar with Facebook, so he obviously doesn't use it. The System of a Down thing is a shocker.

i don't like them but it shouldn't really be a shock - he has used Apex Theory on a pre show tape before
For all that people squabble over the quality of the latter LPs, I'm yet to read a poor Morrissey interview.

And 'Metro' by System Of A Down is a truly magnificent song, as an alternate recommendation to Mozzer's dubious choice.
I figured you guys would be all over the Coachella Smiths Reunion tidbit like brown on shit. :D
Haha, good little interview that, the funniest thing he's said about the royals! "charles had an affair with camel, whilst he was with Diana" haha! Nice to read that he keeps stocked up on Duval, yeah really enjoyed that interview, he seems relaxed normal and witty like he's not worried anymore.
Haha, good little interview that, the funniest thing he's said about the royals! "charles had an affair with camel, whilst he was with Diana" haha! Nice to read that he keeps stocked up on Duval, yeah really enjoyed that interview, he seems relaxed normal and witty like he's not worried anymore.

Whilst waiting behind the theatre to catch a glimpse of morrissey last year in san antonio I noticed he had a case of duval which stood out. Didn't remember the other beer they brought in.

Crystal, we're not one to overact about not news are we? :p
Great read- one of the best recent interviews, I'd say.
It was interesting to read about the offers that he turned down from Sony, and from The Killers.
And the "Eric Bana" answer to his "favourite Australian animal" question was classic! :p
Duval is the champagne of beers, isn't it?

Although I appreciate Morrissey's reasons for conducting e-mail interviews it is quite easy to compose garrulous replies rather than in a face to face environment. Facebook is the very essence of loneliness has a certain profound truth to it; all is not yet lost!
I don't understand why Moz is so obsessed with a record label. For someone who wants control he should seize the collapse of the industry to create a quality product aimed at his loyal fans. Great artwork, format options and extras. What Blondie achieved with their last long player with the Fan Pack magazine and booklet is an example. They didn't have the support of an ugly corporation but it sold very well and received a great deal of media attention. Moz you don't need these record company hacks ... they have never appreciated your art and never will.
Laughed when he made the point about retaining sanity by steering clear of TV news. Feel much the same way myself...
Wow, Morrissey is a fan of System Of A Down? They have a favorite of mine for years, although Lonely Day is one of their weaker songs IMO.
Steven Patrick Durge

Still cranking on about her majesty the Queen how droll
as·sess   /əˈsɛs/ Show Spelled[uh-ses] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
1. to estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation.
2. to fix or determine the amount of (damages, a tax, a fine, etc.): The hurricane damage was assessed at six million dollars.
3. to impose a tax or other charge on.
4. to estimate or judge the value, character, etc., of; evaluate: to assess one's efforts.

Did he mean access? Just wondering.
Enjoyed the interview, thanks! (journo asked questions in an entertaining way without trying to show off too much).

That Morrissey likes that SOAD song doesn't surprise me much.
The vocal inflections, the sentiment ("it's mine") and even a Moz-style grammatical goof in "most loneliest".
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