What song are you listening to right now?

I remember this performance on the Oxford Road Show. They did Headmaster Ritual as well. Always had a soft spot for Shakespeare Sister.!
i only recently asked myself if the final stanza ....
I thought that if you had an acoustic guitar
Then it meant that you were
A protest singer
Oh, I can smile about it now
But at the time it was terrible
.... is said by the jealous and thus emotionally manipulative mum, hiding her own aggression and fear of loss behind a facade of motherly concern, not willing to accept a "stranger" at her already shredded bosom.
It's funny, because my mother loves this song when I sing it. I think Morrissey gets deranged on purpose in this song. When you think of all the things Morrisseys said about his Mum and Dad in his songs (leave me alone I'm alright dad, surprised to still be on my own). I think there are a lot of other lyrics indirectly attributable to his dad too. People go on about his mother having influenced him, but I think his dad did too. There's a defiance in some of his lyrics that could have only come from his dad.
the biographical approach lies beyond my capacities, though ive noticed of course that peeps on this forum favour it beyond anything else. as we all struggle with "parental" introjects or alien ego-states that are trying to drag us down or do to us whatever our "parents" werent able to tackle themselves and instead had to dump on us instead, i can read the lyrics a lil bit more universally.
is there a way out of it and truly following your own natural course independent from anybody else's expectations? when are we truly ourselves?
It's a difficult one, but I feel artists like Morrissey are able to do it. We worry about the ties and how our family or even our enemies will view us. I think true artists like Morrissey are more committed to expressing themselves before any considerations of that sort. I mean, I could have never displayed my arse on an album centrefold knowing Fulwell my parents could see it, but Morrissey did. When you think of all the times he's laid himself bare for public scrutiny, it must be his art that comes first. It takes a certain mentality to be in the public eye and be aware of all the inherent dangers that come with it, andto carry on. I imagine it's a dangerous existence to live.

Moz is an eccentric and it's not anymore complicated than that. Add to it his kind of humour which was not noticed by many back then and still to this day.

Lanterns is just a very confused pseudo intellectual. She's the only one I want gone from this board.
Moz is an eccentric and it's not anymore complicated than that. Add to it his kind of humour which was not noticed by many back then and still to this day.

Lanterns is just a very confused pseudo intellectual. She's the only one I want gone from this board.
I regret this post terribly. I wanna go to Germany and say sorry. I am a stupid motherf***er.
It's a difficult one, but I feel artists like Morrissey are able to do it. We worry about the ties and how our family or even our enemies will view us. I think true artists like Morrissey are more committed to expressing themselves before any considerations of that sort. I mean, I could have never displayed my arse on an album centrefold knowing Fulwell my parents could see it, but Morrissey did. When you think of all the times he's laid himself bare for public scrutiny, it must be his art that comes first. It takes a certain mentality to be in the public eye and be aware of all the inherent dangers that come with it, andto carry on. I imagine it's a dangerous existence to live.
so, this was morrissey's b-hynde then? i didnt know that. o_O
i see your point with regard to artists and ordinary folks. i would add though that the music biz has its own set of rules and expectations, like every other employer has too, and showing your arse might be just what is expected. probably we'll never find out to what extent morrissey's expressions are independent creative acts of his own will or nature or love, or rather part of a written contract or a punkish counterblow to what is pissing him off. but i assume the struggle against becoming somebody's puppet, be it a clinging "mum", or the record label, is always an issue. and there will be a phase when you wanna grow out of the old ties that try to define you in a restrictive or simply inadequate way which is no longer conducive to your emotional well-being.
bon jovi emorama fatguyinalittlecoat rulz gr8 tags i have good taste i have terrible taste nugz luvs dmb nugz luvs phish post-count increaser r kellz lyk wut robby=follower she who has good taste this thread is toxic who nose yannisbad ydw an ipod
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