West Ham T Shirt

The shirts are still available direct from the West Ham Boys Club for £10 each + p&p.

The address is
West Ham Boys Club
The Black Lion Pub
59 - 61 High Street
E13 0AD

The Goat
Goat, do you know if they're used to just getting random mail requests? Like, all I need to do is write them, include a cheque and size, and that's that?

Many thanks... :)
Or is there a way for online shopping? I don't mean Ebay of course.
Goat, do you know if they're used to just getting random mail requests? Like, all I need to do is write them, include a cheque and size, and that's that?

Many thanks... :)

I would simply write to them, sending a cheque (maybe blank in the price as I dont know how much postage would be, depending if you are overseas or UK).
I'm sure they will be delighted to receive orders and help with funding etc.
I dont have any connections or anything with them, just supplying the info!

The Goat
No, no, of course. That answers my question. Thanks very much!
Jeese be sensible guys! Posting a blank cheque c/o a pub!!

thats exactly what I thought. And not just a pub. A COCKNEY pub.
:) Yeah, I'll mail them an inquiry rather than a blank cheque.
Well the address is the pub but the club is seperate based at the back so im sure it would get passed on unopened.
When i said a blank cheque i didnt mean entirely blank!
If you write it out to the WHBC only they can cash it and if they did write in 500 quid it's not as if they are not traceable is it?
Anyway, that's my advice for what it is worth.

The Goat
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