TTY: PETA New Clip 'Behind The Leather'


Staff member
PETA New Clip -
15 May 2016

PETA's 'Behind The Leather' Is Revoltingly Effective - Forbes


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia recently conducted a reality prank where they created a pop-up store full of exotic leather products – handbags, jackets, shoes, etc. – but there was a gruesome surprise behind every product. I found the resulting film to be disgusting, but from a communications standpoint I found it also to be incredibly effective and right on strategy.

Here’s the two minute film, and I must warn you not to watch during or shortly after lunch (or any other meal):

Without going over old ground, the PETA stance on leather is laughable. They simply haven't a clue what they're talking about. Does Moz wear leather shoes these days? I'm sure this has been done to death.
i dont see how this video could possibly be effective. i mean, i already knew that it's kind of really weird and macabre to wear or otherwise use the skin of a dead creature. i think everyone already knows this, though for many this knowledge has been subdued to nothing but a niggling spot at the back of their brain, easily put out of mind when their superficial whims have been delighted or engaged. i think it has been subdued by the familiarization and normalization of the use of animal skins. this video, in my opinion, would only be effective for people who didnt already know that wearing animal skin is weird and macabre, and like i said, i think people already do. instead i think it supports the normalization of it by showing a bunch of lovely, serene looking people considering the products. it says to me "if they dont have a problem with it, why should i?". show a bunch of monstrous cyclopsian types of people checking out the skins with the message of "if you support this then this is what you become" and i think that would be a lot more effective.
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