Statement by Morrissey in Hot Press on Queen's visit to Ireland

The Very Existence of the Queen Is Against Any Notion of Democracy - Hot Press

16 May 2011

This is just one of a number of compelling charges set down by Morrissey in an article written for Hot Press, to coincide with the Queen's visit to Ireland

The Queen's visit to Ireland is part of a new Palace PR campaign to re-invent the Windsors. The message from the Queen will be the same as ever: who we are born to is more important than what we achieve in life.

It should be remembered by the Irish people that as recently as the turn of the 1980s the Queen supported Margaret Thatcher by not dismissing Thatcher as she allowed hunger strikers to die at the Maze Prison, most famously Bobby Sands, who was 27 years old. As Sands starved to death in protest at being tagged a 'criminal' and not a 'political prisoner' by the Thatcher government, the Queen sat in her Palace and said nothing. If the Queen had any human feelings for the Sands family or other hunger strikers then she did not express them.

The full meaning of the Monarchy is, like the Queen herself, a complete mystery to most people. It is protected from any investigations by ridiculous stories of trivia and wedding dresses and on-again-off-again soap-drama romances. The most revealing statement came from Commander Christine Jones of the Metropolitan Police last month, when she warned that any British people carrying anti-royal placards who are "seen in the vicinity of the royal wedding would be removed under the Public Order Act." This means that any political dissent in England is silenced in order to protect the royals, which in itself goes against every principle of democracy.

The very existence of the Queen and her now enormous family – all supported by the British taxpayer whether the British taxpayer likes it or not – is entirely against any notion of democracy, and is against freedom of speech. For a broad historical view of what the Queen is and how she "rules", examine Gaddafi or Mubarak, and see if you can spot any difference.

You won't be able to.

The Queen also has the power to give back the six counties to the Irish people, allowing Ireland to be a nation once again. The fact that she has not done so is Fascism in full flow. What else could it be? Name one other European country that is controlled by its neighbour?


May 2011

Uncleskinny also sends the link:

Morrissey says the Queen should give six counties back to Ireland - Hot Press


With the visit of Queen Elizabeth to Ireland due to begin tomorrow, Tuesday May 17, the Lancashire born singer, songwriter and performer Steven Patrick Morrissey has written an article for Hot Press, which challenges in trenchant terms the appropriateness of welcoming the British monarch to Ireland.

...The full article appears in the issue of Hot Press which hits the streets this Thursday, May 19.

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You (and Morrissey) want to extend sympathy to convicted members of the IRA? You want people who - unlike you - DID live through their campaign of terror to agree with you? You believe that there was merit in their demand to be accorded the respect normally given to actual soldiers? You believe that, having been taken to court, tried and convicted for their crimes, they ought to have been treated with humanity and understanding? Laudable, though that undoubtedly is, I think you and Steven really need to take some time and acquaint yourself with, at least, a few of the unpalatable truths about the IRA, before presuming to assert their rights. There's a whole internet full of facts out there, my friend. Feel free to avail of them.

Oh I know all about it, I've had an extensive tour of Belfast, courtesy of my friend, and heard all about both sides of the argument, seen the murals, the museums and the marks on the people and the landscape. And as interesting and laudable as your post is, you misinterpreted what I was saying. But in my eagerness to waffle on, I realise that I didn't make myself clear enough.

I don't think that the hunger strikers should have had anyone give in to their demands, but they shouldn't have been allowed to die either. I don't know what the solution was, or ultimately if one could have been reached but, just like the sinking of the Belgrano, or the wholesale destruction of Northern industry, or her racist and homophobic rhetoric, Thatcher, her government and the royal family didn't give a damn about the people involved. People like Thatcher and the Queen genuinely believe they're better than everybody else and what sickens me is that all the cheering and flag waving and talk of state funerals, reinforces that opinion in their heads. There are people who are better than others at some things; for all her faults Thatcher was better at being a politician than most, but she accomplished that by bullying and destroying others. I think respect should only be accorded to those who accomplish great things, if they can achieve those things with their morality intact. As far as I'm concerned, for all Morrissey's controversial words, he's still a moral person as he's done no physical or mental harm to another human being, and he extends that to animals also. It's impossible to go through life and have opinions that don't offend people, but offense does not equal harm. When it comes to the Queen and the royal family, they're just a group of talentless freeloaders who serve no purpose that could not be served by our elected politicians.

When it comes to your accusations about my views of Ireland, once again I can only repeat that I can't make pronouncements on the rights or wrongs of hundreds of years of violence, but to say I'm naive about the IRA, or indeed the atrocities perpetrated by the Loyalists and the British Army, couldn't be further from the truth. Ultimately there is only one moral right where disputes over politics, religion and territory are concerned, which is that nobody deserves to die. Every death is a tragedy because everyone is someone's family member or friend and every death causes grief to those people left behind. Unfortunately that perfect moral ideal can never be achieved, but every attempt ought to be made to strive for it.

Nevertheless, it may surprise you to know that I have more sympathy for the victims of crime than I do for the criminals. Sentences in this country are a farce, life should mean life and everyone convicted of first degree murder should get life. Prison isn't tough enough and help for the mentally ill, which many criminals are, and victim support, is pitifully scarce. Moreover, the indoctrination of terrorists, in places such as Ireland and amongst the Muslim community, is allowed to continue unabated, because people are too upset about offending one group or another.

I see what you're saying, that poor treatment did not appear as the list of demands of the hunger strikers. But in every post, what I've been trying to get across is that I think that it's likely that the situation amongst the hunger strikers would have been easier to control if those running the prison had fostered a sense of fair treatment and respect amongst the inmates. Then perhaps a solution could have been found that didn't involve either giving in to their demands or ended with them dying. Tough jails do not equal violent ones and tough policies do not equal ignoring the situation and hoping it will go away, like Thatcher did. Punishment is deprivation of liberty and other rights enjoyed by ordinary citzens, but it is not bullying people into submission and (I'm not saying this applies to the Irish situation) torture. But ultimately what Morrissey was saying about the whole Irish situation, not just Sands, is that the Queen has hardly ever spoken about Ireland in the past and has ignored the Troubles, until now. I wonder what visit will be planned next to keep her in the public eye until the jubilee?

I said I didn't agree with the remarks made by Morrissey regarding Ireland, as I have no opinion on that situation. However, I am passionately opposed to having a royal family and this is why I think Morrissey is justified in his main point, which has unfortunately been lost under all the debate about Sands and Ireland's borders.

Nevertheless Morrissey is entitled to his opinion, as am I and as are you, but please don't put words in my mouth like you did above. Whilst I can extend sympathy to whoever I like, I'm not extending sympathy to the criminals themselves. However, sympathy for their families is a justified response. If you murdered a member of my family tomorrow, I'd want to see you locked up for life, but I wouldn't wish death on you and if you committed suicide as some form of protest, I would have sympathy for your family that they'd lost a relative. All life matters to someone. When it comes to Ireland, I do not support one side over the other and I certainly do not support terrorism. Nevertheless (as Cherie Blair once said about the Palestinians) you can understand how such methods of protest arise, even though it doesn't make them right. The point is we need to foster a better way to solve disputes, the reality is, being human, we never will find it.

But on to lighter things:

About that last bit...i always wanted to believe that hewitt rumour just for the total shitstorm it would have caused should it have come out but i'm afraid you can blind me with science but it fails on one major point...if you looked at Harry at the recent wediing hes blinking Charles looking at you, hes grown more like his father in the last few years so i'm afraid we'll have to take our mudraking elsewhere...

They all look like one another because the upper classes were (and in many ways still are) a hotbed of inbreeding. It all results in that horse-faced appearance that makes them look alike. Unless they find the ginger gene in the Windsor lineage, you can't argue with genetics, to have ginger hair Harry would need that gene from both parents. I don't know, the Windsors may carry the gene and it's just never been expressed, but I find that unlikely. And then there are many people who insist you can't see Charles in Harry at all. I agree with you about his looks, but again, I agree with science more. Anyway it was just an attempt to lower the tone and it's just a bit of fun speculation that'll never be resolved, unless someone from the palace calls Jeremy Kyle.
On a more serious note, I was pissed and in a bad mood and got a little carried away and really do apologise if anyone was really offended. I have deleted the offending post and feel suitably embarrassed.

Y'know what they say, Karl: 'when you're drunk the REAL you comes out.'

While I'm glad you've, at least, had the decency to delete what you said, I don't see how your attitude toward protestant people in Northern Ireland differs, substantively, from the attitudes you've ridiculously attributed to those whom you said you despise. It doesn't. What belies your liberal cant is an embittered, hateful, sectarian prick. I'm a Northern Irish protestant, but I realise your unthinking hatred isn't a consequence of your religious belief/background/affiliation. Frankly, you're an embarrassment to the catholic population in Northern Ireland. In fact, you're an embarrassment to Northern Ireland; I'm sure your grandmother and your parents who suffered because of others' idiocy must be very proud.
Y'know what they say, Karl: 'when you're drunk the REAL you comes out.'

While I'm glad you've, at least, had the decency to delete what you said, I don't see how your attitude toward protestant people in Northern Ireland differs, substantively, from the attitudes you've ridiculously attributed to those whom you said you despise. It doesn't. What belies your liberal cant is an embittered, hateful, sectarian prick. I'm a Northern Irish protestant, but I realise your unthinking hatred isn't a consequence of your religious belief/background/affiliation. Frankly, you're an embarrassment to the catholic population in Northern Ireland. In fact, you're an embarrassment to Northern Ireland; I'm sure your grandmother and your parents who suffered because of others' idiocy must be very proud.

Given Morrissey age I wonder if he's having a mid life crisis!

Morrissey talked about his midlife crisis in an interview with a swedish newspaper back in 2006. He is too old now to have a midlife crisis. Men rarely reach 80 and most men die when 70-something so for him to have a midlife crisis he would have to be in his 40's now.
I denounce you Morrissey 22/5/11. Historically totally clear for all to see.
"I am not British and it is a horror to read how little Brits know their constitution."

Well that shows how little you know too, because the British don't have a constitution. (Thank God!) Hard for us to know about something that doesn't exist. Constitutions are anti-progressive, hidebound institutions that freeze you to a moment in history impeding political and social evolution. I mean, look at the US, everyone still carrying guns around and shooting each other as though it was 200 years ago, because they're stuck with it enshrined in a constitution written in a more primitive era.

All the world's most progessive countries have a constitutional monarchy. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Japan, UK. I'd sooner live in any of them, that always score high in league tables of social progress. political liberty and quality of life, than the 'people's republic of China' or some other dodgy state.

In the US, they treat the politicians, the President, like royalty, which is much more dangerous. We're older and wiser than that.
"I am not British and it is a horror to read how little Brits know their constitution."

Well that shows how little you know too, because the British don't have a constitution. (Thank God!)

Seriously, this was the whole point of my remark, you do not have one. British sickos throw around with Hitler and Nazis a lot when in their own country.... you end the sentence. One big joke! A Brit is one of the very last people whom I am goint to let myself lecture on anything. And the whole way of your response(s) just hardens my thinking that you are brain dead little nothings.
Seriously, this was the whole point of my remark, you do not have one. British sickos throw around with Hitler and Nazis a lot when in their own country.... you end the sentence. One big joke! A Brit is one of the very last people whom I am goint to let myself lecture on anything. And the whole way of your response(s) just hardens my thinking that you are brain dead little nothings.

Ermmmm..... what?
To think Morrissey actually had the cheek to play Omagh two years ago while harbouring these sickening views. Omagh was left devastated by a republican bomb which killed 29 innocent men, women and children. Morrissey has said some daft things before but now he's truly beginning to sound vile. Suffer little children anyone?
Seriously, this was the whole point of my remark, you do not have one. British sickos throw around with Hitler and Nazis a lot when in their own country.... you end the sentence. One big joke! A Brit is one of the very last people whom I am goint to let myself lecture on anything. And the whole way of your response(s) just hardens my thinking that you are brain dead little nothings.

Well, I would debate with you but you obviously are either intoxicated, mentally ill, or have learning difficulties.
The irony of Morrissey's Queenie/Gadaffi comparison is that Gadaffi FAMOUSLY helped to fund Irish republican terrorists back in the 70's and 80's. I think old Moz is looking at the IRA through rose tinted NHS spectacles.

Morrissey please stop making public statements about things you know nothing about. You are going to ruin your legacy.
Well, I would debate with you but you obviously are either intoxicated, mentally ill, or have learning difficulties.

None of this. No interest in further communication with a Brit like you who cannot read and is dumb as f***. I rather spend my life with more worthwhile things and as I already communicated, as long as you stay on your little island I do not really care about what you do there.
The irony of Morrissey's Queenie/Gadaffi comparison is that Gadaffi FAMOUSLY helped to fund Irish republican terrorists back in the 70's and 80's. I think old Moz is looking at the IRA through rose tinted NHS spectacles.

Morrissey please stop making public statements about things you know nothing about. You are going to ruin your legacy.

Did you know that leading figures of the London School of Economics tried to give Gadaffi an new public image? Don't answer, I am not interest what little Brits say... It was more a rhethorical question.
So, first, you said, "Protestants can pass themselves off as lovely british brits all they want, but most of them are still horrible, racist, sectarian, evil nasty c***s," then deleted it because you were embarrassed. Then, you had the sheer hypocrisy to leave your other post where you tried to lecture other people about THEIR sectarian attitudes.

Seriously, take your sectarian shit and f*** off. Go. Now. Please.
And take your sectarian. discriminatory, offensive language with you.

What a hypocritical, bigoted little man you are, Karl.

Also, it's funny that, in the post you deleted, you'd complained about the way catholic people in Northern Ireland were treated by protestants and yet you failed to point out that the greatest (and gravest) danger posed to members of the catholic community during 'the troubles' came from a section of society compromised almost entirely of catholics. Which organisation? Let me help you out, Karl: it was Morrissey's favourites, the Provisional IRA. Between 1969 & 2001, they murdered more catholics in Northern Ireland than any other single organisation. Don't let the facts get in the way of your prejudice, though.
So, first, you said, "Protestants can pass themselves off as lovely british brits all they want, but most of them are still horrible, racist, sectarian, evil nasty c***s," then deleted it because you were embarrassed. Then, you had the sheer hypocrisy to leave your other post where you tried to lecture other people about THEIR sectarian attitudes.

What a hypocritical, bigoted little man you are, Karl.

Also, it's funny that, in the post you deleted, you'd complained about the way catholic people in Northern Ireland were treated by protestants and yet you failed to point out that the greatest (and gravest) danger posed to members of the catholic community during 'the troubles' came from a section of society compromised almost entirely of catholics. Which organisation? Let me help you out, Karl: it was Morrissey's favourites, the Provisional IRA. Between 1969 & 2001, they murdered more catholics in Northern Ireland than any other single organisation. Don't let the facts get in the way of your prejudice, though.

Interesting to note that since i reported him to the police Karl has not made any subsequent posts here. Given he has made almost 400 since March, i'm hoping we don't see this odious bigot on here again.

Hopefully the lesson will be reinforced when he is hauled before a judge for a sectarian hate crime
Seriously, this was the whole point of my remark, you do not have one. British sickos throw around with Hitler and Nazis a lot when in their own country.... you end the sentence. One big joke! A Brit is one of the very last people whom I am goint to let myself lecture on anything. And the whole way of your response(s) just hardens my thinking that you are brain dead little nothings.

you are clearly brain dead yourself, being so narrowminded generalizing all brits just by reading comments of the 'sicko' people in britain that post ect, there is people in every country that does that.
you are clearly brain dead yourself, being so narrowminded generalizing all brits just by reading comments of the 'sicko' people in britain that post ect, there is people in every country that does that.

no, honey, just some of your own medicine. If the people of one nation constantly give generalisations the way that Brits do, especially Morrissey fans, who think of themselves as quintessential British or English, then one day it will just be applied to yourself. Do not do onto others as you don't want to be done to yourself. There you go, do it, and you will get what you do onto others. Simple. Three years of quintessential British Morrissey fans and I have had more than enough of that nation. :D But hey ho, that''s different, isn't it, because it applied to your utterly f***ed up nation. I have been around and I have never met as many people who have been as racist and as sexist or name any other "human rights" category as Brits and Americans, which is quite remarkable. Now f*** off, stay on your island and keep your quintessential Morrissey where he belongs, amongst his likes on that island.
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