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apparently she did have bunions but got them removed! still looks like she has them though...i like the headline: meghan markle had toe breaking surgery to perfect her feet. i wouldnt say her feet are anywhere close to being perfected.

Those pictures should be put up in high schools around the world as an example of what can happen when you wear stupid shoes. Just say no, girls! Embrace your inner frump!
Really glad to hear it! Just keep on keeping on. When do you think you will be ready to start actual writing?
dont know yet, pep! i need to study interiors so that i can write bad ass descriptions (that do not include the words bad and ass).
dont know yet, pep! i need to study interiors so that i can write bad ass descriptions (that do not include the words bad and ass).
Sounds good to me! It's all time well spent. I spent so long planning mine that I was just bursting to start the actual writing, so that when I finally got stuck into the first chapter it just poured out because I could see it so vividly. Alas, all the subsequent chapters have required increasing amounts of donkey work to create the same level of detail. But I guess that's part of it. In fact, the whole thing is such a f***ing slog it makes me wonder why we do it sometimes. :rolleyes:
Sounds good to me! It's all time well spent. I spent so long planning mine that I was just bursting to start the actual writing, so that when I finally got stuck into the first chapter it just poured out because I could see it so vividly. Alas, all the subsequent chapters have required increasing amounts of donkey work to create the same level of detail. But I guess that's part of it. In fact, the whole thing is such a f***ing slog it makes me wonder why we do it sometimes. :rolleyes:
for the loot, pep. for the loot.
i posted some stuff on neils instagram about him being the king of the fairies but not an object of lust (!) even if he sometimes is. i wish he would respond to me. i need neil to respond to me.
i posted some stuff on neils instagram about him being the king of the fairies but not an object of lust (!) even if he sometimes is. i wish he would respond to me. i need neil to respond to me.
Um... you just outed him as queer but said nobody fancies him. And you're wondering why he hasn't responded? :lbf:
Um... you just outed him as queer but said nobody fancies him. And you're wondering why he hasn't responded? :lbf:
i dont mean fairies as in gay people! i meant fairies as in 'wondrous little sylphs'!! maybe i should tell him that. i dont think he would mind though being mistaken for a gay person. i doubt he cares either way what people think. and i didnt say nobody fancies him. i just said that i dont feel about him the way old women feel about lee majors because he's more than that, he's proved himself.
i dont mean fairies as in gay people! i meant fairies as in 'wondrous little sylphs'!! maybe i should tell him that. i dont think he would mind though being mistaken for a gay person. i doubt he cares either way what people think. and i didnt say nobody fancies him. i just said that i dont feel about him the way old women feel about lee majors because he's more than that, he's proved himself.
Yeah, might be good to clarify all of that :lbf:
I've got hard shoes now, and my feet feel fine in them, so far. They're made in the USA, so were a little pricey. I've got just enough money left to buy food.
Fantastic. Many more bodies around today. There's this myth that you can be lonely while being around people but I've hardly spoken to anyone while I've ventured out today and I've been quite content knowing that the opportunity for company is there. Like knowing you've got legs to walk with even if you don't use them. Lockdown has made me feel this way. So I guess it wasn't all bad.
Shoes will not fill the emptiness. I know: I did the same thing with other stuff. In the end it only creates anxiety and debt.
I needed hard soled shoes, because all the soft soled ones damaged my left foot. I'm done buying shoes for at least a year though. I've got the hard soled ones I need. One pair for dry days, and 2 waterproof pairs. I'm Miss Happy Feet.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not on my last legs. I'm a young 50. I can do as much now, as I did in my 20s. My body still does everything I want it to do. Inevitably, though, I won't go out and look like a 20 year old. But I don't particularly want to. I'm still attractive in my own way. I've no major health issues. I should have faced problems, I think, from the amount I drink, but it's not happening. I can still walk up 16 flights of stairs with no problem. I can put myself on an exercise bike at full pelt for an hour. I've got a strong heart.
Sometimes I look 75. Sometimes 30. I'm 56.
Apart from my very obvious mental problems which I've carried around with me from day one, I've still managed to stay physically healthy. I think because I know I'm 'lacking' in the cerebral plane, I've concentrated on being physically healthy. It's something I can do on my own without anyone else judging me. Hahaha, I hear you say. What's with all the drink? That's not healthy. No. It's not. I think of how much more healthier I could have been without it, but, like I say, it's something I've felt the need to do. It's something I've never regretted. It's still a socially acceptable way of getting through it all, short of shooting up or resorting to medication. Which I have tried and it never worked. (medication, not shooting up!). And, anyway, I like drinking. It brings me joy. It stops me being myself for a while. It sometimes makes me crude and bombastic, but all drugs have side effects and at least the side effects of drink are short lived. Rather than having to medicate for the months ahead, I just medicate for the day ahead and then suffer the following morning. A quick fix, but not prescribed by anyone else but myself. No one tells me how much to take, or when I should stop. Rather this madness than pills.
My stomach complains if I even slowly sip a beer these days. Coffee, rice, chips. These are the things that kill me.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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