Official Manager Statement regarding Morrissey’s health (January 26, 2024)


NealCassady posted news of South America cancellation:


Mexico City cancellation notice posted by On Returning.

Media item:
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The pilots forced me to buy tickets!

Nah, but seriously, let’s not be too hard on
C Souza. I’ve been cancelled on before, but took a chance and have gone to many shows after. But it was a decision I made full well knowing that he can cancel any gig that I was heading to. Of course any cancellation will naturally lead to a mix of emotions, but being upset is not something that should last that long, not for a cancelled show, and not for a show that I know might be cancelled.

It is what it is.
There are unemployed people on this website who work more than him. And the unemployed on this website do nothing. Just retire.
There are unemployed people on this website who work more than him. And the unemployed on this website do nothing. Just retire.
Isn’t he sort of a joke these days? The last single where his voice is sped up? Why would he under and circumstance think that’s a good call? And why wreck your record label deal when you had a who’s who playing on the record. And why then lie about it. And then not buy the rights. Then record a record with Alain. Then not pay him. Then tour a best of that is a mess. Then cancel. Then lie. Blah blah blah.

Singer I paid you to sing.

I think we can all safely speculate that ‘exhausted’ can also be read as debilitating depression. It’s possible that Donnie wouldn’t word it that way, or felt that it wasn’t in his right to disclose that information in a quick public statement.
We could speculate all sorts, really. We could all concoct alternative versions but the reality is that what they've said is "physical exhaustion", and it doesn't really add up alongside other things posted on Central and what we know of the band rehearsing and all the rest. Morrissey is a brilliant, evocative writer and if he is struggling with depression, then surely he knows there are thousands of us who know what that feels like and just a few words to say "I'm having a bad time, that's all", would have meant so much more than this third-person, robotic, "state of the nation" thing from Donnie.
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Could it just be that he can't perform (I know he doesn't like that word) unless he can give it his all? Remember how he explained that the reason he lived this isolated existence at home was that "nothing is better than a false something"? So don't go on stage unless you can do it ++++? So I still don't know whether I will ever see him on stage. I can understand the disappointment and frustration of those who gave up time and money to see him. I suspect those who come on here just to say something unpleasant might have more fulfilled lives if they tackled what it is that makes them come to a site to make negative comments about someone they have never met, but I suppose it adds to the interest and debate. I'll have limited internet access after tomorrow, will miss following the debate.
You’re totally right in everything you said. Also, he did deal with cancer and having to periodically treat it. It could still be an issue. Even after cancer treatment though, there can be lasting physical and mental health issues.
It’s those jeans. The weight of the denim in those flares must be crippling for a pensioner.
You’re totally right in everything you said. Also, he did deal with cancer and having to periodically treat it. It could still be an issue. Even after cancer treatment though, there can be lasting physical and mental health issues.
It takes two minutes to issue a statement explaining why he has cancelled all these gigs and wasted the time/money of his fans.
To not even bother to do so shows the absolute disdain he has for the people who support him.
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12 hours a day, 7 days a week? I’d contact your union then because that is illegal. Or not true 🤔
This is true in the US. Physicians, especially surgeons and specialists normally work 90-110 hours a weeks
I wonder if any current band members have decided to exit after this week.
Perhaps that's behind the Mexican and South American cancellations?
Maybe, but Alain hasn't really any more room in his band just now (though I'd love to see Carmen included).

... I suspect those who come on here just to say something unpleasant might have more fulfilled lives if they tackled what it is that makes them come to a site to make negative comments about someone they have never met, but I suppose it adds to the interest and debate. I'll have limited internet access after tomorrow, will miss following the debate.
Count yourself lucky.
We could speculate all sorts, really. We could all concoct alternative versions but the reality is that what they've said is "physical exhaustion", and it doesn't really add up alongside other things posted on Central and what we know of the band rehearsing and all the rest.
Yes, that’s my point.
Morrissey is a brilliant, evocative writer and if he is struggling with depression, then surely he knows there are thousands of us who know what that feels like and just a few words to say "I'm having a bad time, that's all", would have meant so much more than this third-hand, robotic, "state of the nation" thing from Donnie.

Agree. But if depression is the case, we can expect him or anyone to be less functional than they normally are. Also, maybe mental issues are not something he wants made public, because the way the music and general media (not fans) may misuse that information, for jibes, etc.

This too is speculation, but I can’t imagine anyone that’s making the decisions that he’s making and has been treated as he has been over the past several years, how that’s not going to drive most people to eventual breakdown.

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It's all quite disheartening.

I'm assuming that exhaustion is a euphemism for depression. Dealing with depression is so difficult. It is probably safe to say that many people on this board have dealt with the "black dog" before. God knows I have.

I saw seven shows last year, SLO, 4/5 in Vegas, Oakland and San Francisco. They were phenomenal, crowd pleasing shows. Could I bitch about the repetitive setlists? Yes. But seven times last year I was within a couple of feet of my favorite artist, who performed beautifully, In fact, better than I've ever seen him before. Let me tell you, in those buildings, during those shows, the reaction among the gathered was tremendous. I met so many people who had never seen him before, especially on the Vegas shows, who told me how terrific they thought the concert was. It was joyous. I think anyone who walks in casually to a Morrissey show will walk away satisfied.

What I think eats me, and so many of you, is a lack of professionalism. We are dealing with an artist, who is an artist at heart. If he does not find professional management, professional help, there's no hope.

I could very well hold the record for most Morrissey tickets bought without a cancellation. I have been very lucky to have not been burned by this man. My sympathy is with the people who have blown countless dollars on enjoyable evenings that were not to be. I have loads of empathy for Morrissey as a man, but I can't argue with anyone who is finished with Morrissey as a business.
Well you are obviously a fan who wants to think the best of him
I went to most of the gigs you mentioned he was good but no way was he a patch on smiths / 90s moz no way. Also he did some great gigs in Brighton and Camden and Brixtton from 2004 to 2009 and the gigs you mentioned were no way as good as that either . In my opinion . For the last 10 years or so , no matter how good the gigs are , you often get a sense of him going through the motions .
I get the impression he finds it hard to connect to the passion he once had . You can hear it songs too

The reason people are annoyed isn’t just communication, it’s the fact he has been caught canceling and lying a number of times
I guess he's keeping it subtle. Hope there aren't any major shake-ups afoot.

For all concerned, yes. But you can’t really blame them if cancellations are going to be an issue financially, if they chose to leave and pursue work that is more stable.
Brendan has posted many "emo" memes that are at odds with his general presentation. The previous one re: the music industry was being shared here mainly due to its timing.
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