Morrissey article/interview in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

If people are rude to you it's probably because you make extensive use of this site and then have the temerity to be critical of it. You're davidt's guest here. If you don't like it, f*** off. Nobody owes you (or Morrissey for that matter) anything; quite the reverse.

Ha!! Quite the reverse?? Wow, you really are deluded.

People aren't rude to me, generally. But, they're terribly rude to Morrissey - on this supposed fan site. The reviews on the shows have been nice, but those people - a good portion of them - probably don't post here often.
I don't mind criticism if it's specific and gives valid points to support the arguments. Most critical of the site (who are usually anonymous) give vague complaints / insults such as 'this site is full of anonymous haters, it's a cesspit' - no real evidence or specifics so in the end a useless comment. This is what I mean by giving actual evidence / supporting your arguments:

Here are the actual quotes you are referring to from the LiFO magazine interview in July 2012:
"I dislike the fact that my name is used when it’s so obviously a Smiths site and not a Morrissey site."​

Let's take the stories posted on the main page in January 2013 so far. Of the 34 stories total, do you honestly believe most of these are about The Smiths and have nothing to do with him? If so, which ones do you believe should never have been posted, of these 34? I believe I can justify all of them as possibly being of some interest to Morrissey fans and why it was posted if you have an issue.

With regard to what Morrissey said about anonymous users:
"The owner says it is an open forum, but since everyone posts under the name Anon, then how can that be considered open?"​

I wouldn't say he is specifically making a suggestion (with any valid arguments, at least) the ability to post anonymously should be removed. I think he is suggesting that this isn't an open site if anyone can post without posting their real identity, but by my view, it's just the reverse. Isn't it more open if anyone can post? I've made arguments about anonymous posts in this thread and many times in the past.

I was talking about how Morrissey had said the site isn't about him - that it covers the other Smiths and stories that has nothing to do with him. So, yeah...I mean, it is MORRISSEY-SOLO. David and I talked about this not too long ago and I think he posted a link to that story. He said if Morrissey would make suggestions - and he has, but not directly to David. I was just pointing that out. But, you didn't see that. It was a good chance for you to come out fighting, and that's exactly what you did.

Why do you have to be such an ass? I don't have blinkers on and I haven't missed some of the constructive criticisms. I did say, "There are HARDLY EVER..." meaning = some, but not many. Maybe if you'd read and think before you come stumbling out to David's rescue like a bull in a china shop, you wouldn't come off as such an arrogant jerk!

Whatever. I'm quite aware of online situations, and I've dealt with a lot of personal real life events that you wouldn't even have a clue how to handle. So, yeah, why bother?

God, you're a hateful man, Peter.


Chess? It's more like Battleship.

I think he would rather you get rid of the anonymous feature - he's mentioned that before. He's also alluded to the site covering stories about the other Smiths - I don't think he likes that (we've talked about that before, you and I), and insults? Come on, David. There are insults a'plenty here, and they're very damaging to the soul. There are hardly ever any well written constructive criticism posted here concerning his music. Only that he's washed up and lost any talent he's ever possessed. Which is NOT true. Some of us actually do like the new songs.
I don't mind criticism if it's specific and gives valid points to support the arguments. Most critical of the site (who are usually anonymous) give vague complaints / insults such as 'this site is full of anonymous haters, it's a cesspit' - no real evidence or specifics so in the end a useless comment. This is what I mean by giving actual evidence / supporting your arguments:

Here are the actual quotes you are referring to from the LiFO magazine interview in July 2012:
"I dislike the fact that my name is used when it’s so obviously a Smiths site and not a Morrissey site."​

Let's take the stories posted on the main page in January 2013 so far. Of the 34 stories total, do you honestly believe most of these are about The Smiths and have nothing to do with him? If so, which ones do you believe should never have been posted, of these 34? I believe I can justify all of them as possibly being of some interest to Morrissey fans and why it was posted if you have an issue.

With regard to what Morrissey said about anonymous users:
"The owner says it is an open forum, but since everyone posts under the name Anon, then how can that be considered open?"​

I wouldn't say he is specifically making a suggestion (with any valid arguments, at least) the ability to post anonymously should be removed. I think he is suggesting that this isn't an open site if anyone can post without posting their real identity, but by my view, it's just the reverse. Isn't it more open if anyone can post? I've made arguments about anonymous posts in this thread and many times in the past.

Lack of specific details? I'll be quite specific.

The problems with this site are as follows:

1 the culture of bullying, involving most of the moderators and especially 'P' who is probably the most objectionable and bullying character on this website and who has the power to use and abuse his powers, as he often does.

2 the trolling of Morrissey, which goes beyond professional criticism and becomes quite personal

3 the libel directed against Morrissey and other users of this site, which is not challenged and is encouraged

4 the hypocrisy of the owner and moderators in crying 'free speech' to justify libel and abuse and then censoring all comments they do not like or which mention other sites - for example MorrisseysWorld.

5 The generally childish mode of communication here

6 the lies posted about Morrissey's business dealings as 'news'

7 The fact that the singer to whom this site is meant to be dedicated despises it. This is reason enough for any fan to steer a wide berth.

8 The lack of accountability of the owner and moderators which is so stark that people are leaving in their droves. Most of your 'hits' are the same 20-30 people recycling their visits all day long. Meaningful discussion or debate no longer occurs.

The site is created by unkind people for unkind people for the entertainment of unkind people.

I actually see no specific details, just general conspiracy theories which is not surprising given the name "BlueRose" you signed off with. Do you have any actual evidence supporting any of these points?

Lack of specific details? I'll be quite specific.

The problems with this site are as follows:

1 the culture of bullying, involving most of the moderators and especially 'P' who is probably the most objectionable and bullying character on this website and who has the power to use and abuse his powers, as he often does.

2 the trolling of Morrissey, which goes beyond professional criticism and becomes quite personal

3 the libel directed against Morrissey and other users of this site, which is not challenged and is encouraged

4 the hypocrisy of the owner and moderators in crying 'free speech' to justify libel and abuse and then censoring all comments they do not like or which mention other sites - for example MorrisseysWorld.

5 The generally childish mode of communication here

6 the lies posted about Morrissey's business dealings as 'news'

7 The fact that the singer to whom this site is meant to be dedicated despises it. This is reason enough for any fan to steer a wide berth.

8 The lack of accountability of the owner and moderators which is so stark that people are leaving in their droves. Most of your 'hits' are the same 20-30 people recycling their visits all day long. Meaningful discussion or debate no longer occurs.

The site is created by unkind people for unkind people for the entertainment of unkind people.

Lack of specific details? I'll be quite specific.

The problems with this site are as follows:

1 the culture of bullying, involving most of the moderators and especially 'P' who is probably the most objectionable and bullying character on this website and who has the power to use and abuse his powers, as he often does.

2 the trolling of Morrissey, which goes beyond professional criticism and becomes quite personal

3 the libel directed against Morrissey and other users of this site, which is not challenged and is encouraged

4 the hypocrisy of the owner and moderators in crying 'free speech' to justify libel and abuse and then censoring all comments they do not like or which mention other sites - for example MorrisseysWorld.

5 The generally childish mode of communication here

6 the lies posted about Morrissey's business dealings as 'news'

7 The fact that the singer to whom this site is meant to be dedicated despises it. This is reason enough for any fan to steer a wide berth.

8 The lack of accountability of the owner and moderators which is so stark that people are leaving in their droves. Most of your 'hits' are the same 20-30 people recycling their visits all day long. Meaningful discussion or debate no longer occurs.

The site is created by unkind people for unkind people for the entertainment of unkind people.


You couldn't be more unspecific if you tried. For each of your points, link to posts that support your view, otherwise it's you just writing down vague feelings. I challenge you to post specific links to specific posts to support each of your numbered points. Go on.


Good song that. By the way, who am I hateful to? Do you have some posts you could point to?


I'm not going to click on that as I know you're insulting me. Here are the quotes of yours that are absurd, rude, and just plain mean in spots.

"Are you serious? Are you seriously suggesting that the the site only cover Morrissey stories because of the site name? And as for insults - boo hoo. Do you know how many online and indeed real-life situations we have had to deal with? It's not a one-way street you know. And opinions are just that - opinions, no matter how they are worded. But hey, you keep wearing those blinkers, because you seem to be missing all the 'well written constructive criticism' of which there is lots, but since it doesn't fit your argument, why mention it?

- arrogant and rude.

"How dare they delete critical posts - I mean, it's almost like censorship, viva free speech etc, er........

- arrogant, sarcastic, and rude.

"Oh do f*** OFF you tiresome windbag of irrelevance, and take your f***ing stupid delusions with you.



"You're an idiot. You just couldn't be more wrong. I don't have to carry out all my Morrissey-related discussions in public. How could you possibly know I HATE Morrissey? You just couldn't be more wrong. And I'm not going to go over the well-trodden ground of only-complimentary vs. open forum.

- okay - tell us how much you DO love Morrissey - really.

"You are having us on, right? Create an account, Log in, then you can ignore all the "anonymous crap". Problem solved. And there is no agenda, you conspiracy theorising nutjob.


- See, if YOU don't agree, you turn nasty.

"Hello Anonymous! You are a deluded c*** and your opinions stink. How about that? The blog is a f***ing joke, you and those involved are deluded idiots and I wish you all the very worst for the future. Happy New Year!


P.S One more thing - you are a c***.

P.P.S - You are so desperately thick you cannot see the irony in being allowed to post on a site you claim to despise, and yet won't allow it on your site. Oh wait, for 'site' read shitty blogspot blog by poorly fat bloke.

P.P.P.S No matter how much you protest, you have defrauded fans, posted 'Oh it's only a parody' way after your delusion was set in train. You are an appalling human being and I really do wish you the very worst for what you have attempted to do to well-meaning fans. You unfunny, shitty, terrible twat.

P.P.P.P.S f*** you, and f*** your shitty, shitty second-hand arsewipe blog. I wish it all the success of a dog-shit eclair."
- Wow, that blog really gets under your skin, doesn't it? But, why? It has NOTHING to do with you. I think this one is totally rude and shows your true colors.

"Shut it, you whey-faced ninny.

- Rude.
OH, and by the way that anonymous post wasn't me. In case you're wondering. But having just read it, I agree with it.
Ha!! Quite the reverse?? Wow, you really are deluded.

I don't see davidt asking you to provide him with a forum on which to write and share a turgid, self-obsessed blog that nobody except its author reads, and I don't see any of the users of this site asking Morrissey to keep them in a lavish lifestyle. Do you?

But, they're terribly rude to Morrissey - on this supposed fan site.

Awwwww... poor multi-millionaire Morrissey. How does he possibly cope?!
I'm not going to click on that as I know you're insulting me. Here are the quotes of yours that are absurd, rude, and just plain mean in spots.

"Are you serious? Are you seriously suggesting that the the site only cover Morrissey stories because of the site name? And as for insults - boo hoo. Do you know how many online and indeed real-life situations we have had to deal with? It's not a one-way street you know. And opinions are just that - opinions, no matter how they are worded. But hey, you keep wearing those blinkers, because you seem to be missing all the 'well written constructive criticism' of which there is lots, but since it doesn't fit your argument, why mention it?

- arrogant and rude.

"How dare they delete critical posts - I mean, it's almost like censorship, viva free speech etc, er........

- arrogant, sarcastic, and rude.

"Oh do f*** OFF you tiresome windbag of irrelevance, and take your f***ing stupid delusions with you.



"You're an idiot. You just couldn't be more wrong. I don't have to carry out all my Morrissey-related discussions in public. How could you possibly know I HATE Morrissey? You just couldn't be more wrong. And I'm not going to go over the well-trodden ground of only-complimentary vs. open forum.

- okay - tell us how much you DO love Morrissey - really.

"You are having us on, right? Create an account, Log in, then you can ignore all the "anonymous crap". Problem solved. And there is no agenda, you conspiracy theorising nutjob.


- See, if YOU don't agree, you turn nasty.

"Hello Anonymous! You are a deluded c*** and your opinions stink. How about that? The blog is a f***ing joke, you and those involved are deluded idiots and I wish you all the very worst for the future. Happy New Year!


P.S One more thing - you are a c***.

P.P.S - You are so desperately thick you cannot see the irony in being allowed to post on a site you claim to despise, and yet won't allow it on your site. Oh wait, for 'site' read shitty blogspot blog by poorly fat bloke.

P.P.P.S No matter how much you protest, you have defrauded fans, posted 'Oh it's only a parody' way after your delusion was set in train. You are an appalling human being and I really do wish you the very worst for what you have attempted to do to well-meaning fans. You unfunny, shitty, terrible twat.

P.P.P.P.S f*** you, and f*** your shitty, shitty second-hand arsewipe blog. I wish it all the success of a dog-shit eclair."
- Wow, that blog really gets under your skin, doesn't it? But, why? It has NOTHING to do with you. I think this one is totally rude and shows your true colors.

"Shut it, you whey-faced ninny.

- Rude.

I've got a suggestion; get a f***ing life.
I'm not going to click on that as I know you're insulting me. Here are the quotes of yours that are absurd, rude, and just plain mean in spots.

"Are you serious? Are you seriously suggesting that the the site only cover Morrissey stories because of the site name? And as for insults - boo hoo. Do you know how many online and indeed real-life situations we have had to deal with? It's not a one-way street you know. And opinions are just that - opinions, no matter how they are worded. But hey, you keep wearing those blinkers, because you seem to be missing all the 'well written constructive criticism' of which there is lots, but since it doesn't fit your argument, why mention it?

- arrogant and rude.

"How dare they delete critical posts - I mean, it's almost like censorship, viva free speech etc, er........

- arrogant, sarcastic, and rude.

"Oh do f*** OFF you tiresome windbag of irrelevance, and take your f***ing stupid delusions with you.



"You're an idiot. You just couldn't be more wrong. I don't have to carry out all my Morrissey-related discussions in public. How could you possibly know I HATE Morrissey? You just couldn't be more wrong. And I'm not going to go over the well-trodden ground of only-complimentary vs. open forum.

- okay - tell us how much you DO love Morrissey - really.

"You are having us on, right? Create an account, Log in, then you can ignore all the "anonymous crap". Problem solved. And there is no agenda, you conspiracy theorising nutjob.


- See, if YOU don't agree, you turn nasty.

"Hello Anonymous! You are a deluded c*** and your opinions stink. How about that? The blog is a f***ing joke, you and those involved are deluded idiots and I wish you all the very worst for the future. Happy New Year!


P.S One more thing - you are a c***.

P.P.S - You are so desperately thick you cannot see the irony in being allowed to post on a site you claim to despise, and yet won't allow it on your site. Oh wait, for 'site' read shitty blogspot blog by poorly fat bloke.

P.P.P.S No matter how much you protest, you have defrauded fans, posted 'Oh it's only a parody' way after your delusion was set in train. You are an appalling human being and I really do wish you the very worst for what you have attempted to do to well-meaning fans. You unfunny, shitty, terrible twat.

P.P.P.P.S f*** you, and f*** your shitty, shitty second-hand arsewipe blog. I wish it all the success of a dog-shit eclair."
- Wow, that blog really gets under your skin, doesn't it? But, why? It has NOTHING to do with you. I think this one is totally rude and shows your true colors.

"Shut it, you whey-faced ninny.

- Rude.

Well, you've got me there. I admit I have been arrogant, sarcastic and rude, guilty as charged. You've laid it all nicely out, with your opinions on. But you said I'd been hateful, and I asked you who to, and according to your excellent post here, none of that is hateful, so you either found hateful stuff and didn't link to it or you made it up. Which one is it? And by the way, do click on that song, it's really good. And I'm not insulting you. Just try it.


Well, you've got me there. I admit I have been arrogant, sarcastic and rude, guilty as charged. You've laid it all nicely out, with your opinions on. But you said I'd been hateful, and I asked you who to, and according to your excellent post here, none of that is hateful, so you either found hateful stuff and didn't link to it or you made it up. Which one is it? And by the way, do click on that song, it's really good. And I'm not insulting you. Just try it.



I didn't make any of it up. I went through your latest comments, which you could easily delete, I suppose. You asked for specifics and this is what I found. That's horrible of you to suggest that I'm lying and you didn't post these comments. But, not shocking. I'll be honest and say I'm not that computer savvy and I don't know how to link quotes to other threads. So, I did my best to answer your question. And, no. I won't give it a try because I don't trust you. Why else would you have posted it as a reply?
I didn't make any of it up. I went through your latest comments, which you could easily delete, I suppose. You asked for specifics and this is what I found. That's horrible of you to suggest that I'm lying and you didn't post these comments. But, not shocking. I'll be honest and say I'm not that computer savvy and I don't know how to link quotes to other threads. So, I did my best to answer your question. And, no. I won't give it a try because I don't trust you. Why else would you have posted it as a reply?

You gave your opinions on each post. For example, Rude, Arrogant etc. You accused me of being hateful. Now according to your opinion, not mine, none of it is hateful. So, you accused me of being a 'hateful' person, and yet according to your own assessments, you can find no evidence. I doubt you'll apologise though.

And about the song link - you are simply doing the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "La la la I'm not listening". It's Armand Van Helden.

I don't see davidt asking you to provide him with a forum on which to write and share a turgid, self-obsessed blog that nobody except its author reads, and I don't see any of the users of this site asking Morrissey to keep them in a lavish lifestyle. Do you?

Awwwww... poor multi-millionaire Morrissey. How does he possibly cope?!

Could this be you Peter? See...I don't know. It's anonymous.

To whomever it is - Hate on, baby. You're words mean nothing to me. Really. Especially if you can't even provide a user name. One that is recognized and not just signed up. I know you've been here long enough if you can make such a comment about my blog. Which is about's MY blog.
You gave your opinions on each post. For example, Rude, Arrogant etc. You accused me of being hateful. Now according to your opinion, not mine, none of it is hateful. So, you accused me of being a 'hateful' person, and yet according to your own assessments, you can find no evidence. I doubt you'll apologise though.

And about the song link - you are simply doing the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "La la la I'm not listening". It's Armand Van Helden.


Being rude is being hateful. I have nothing to apologise for - I answered your question and, in YOUR opinion, I'm wrong.

The song link: Yes, and they're Morrissey's lalalalalalalalaaaa's... :) Obviously the words are meant as a reply to my post. You wouldn't have just randomly put the link there.
Being rude is being hateful. I have nothing to apologise for - I answered your question and, in YOUR opinion, I'm wrong.

The song link: Yes, and they're Morrissey's lalalalalalalalaaaa's... :) Obviously the words are meant as a reply to my post. You wouldn't have just randomly put the link there.

We got there in the end, and there we have it. Being rude is hateful. Remember where you heard that. I'm off to renew my membership of Hope Not Rudeness.

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handinglove is blueroserat!!!! Wow, what a twist!!! Really should change it to headinmorrisseystockingcapwithspittleoozingforth!!! yawn...
I don't mind criticism if it's specific and gives valid points to support the arguments. Most critical of the site (who are usually anonymous) give vague complaints / insults such as 'this site is full of anonymous haters, it's a cesspit' - no real evidence or specifics so in the end a useless comment. This is what I mean by giving actual evidence / supporting your arguments:

Here are the actual quotes you are referring to from the LiFO magazine interview in July 2012:
"I dislike the fact that my name is used when it’s so obviously a Smiths site and not a Morrissey site."​

Let's take the stories posted on the main page in January 2013 so far. Of the 34 stories total, do you honestly believe most of these are about The Smiths and have nothing to do with him? If so, which ones do you believe should never have been posted, of these 34? I believe I can justify all of them as possibly being of some interest to Morrissey fans and why it was posted if you have an issue.

With regard to what Morrissey said about anonymous users:
"The owner says it is an open forum, but since everyone posts under the name Anon, then how can that be considered open?"​

I wouldn't say he is specifically making a suggestion (with any valid arguments, at least) the ability to post anonymously should be removed. I think he is suggesting that this isn't an open site if anyone can post without posting their real identity, but by my view, it's just the reverse. Isn't it more open if anyone can post? I've made arguments about anonymous posts in this thread and many times in the past.

That's only because he's touring, David. And has been touring for a while. In between, it's stories about Rouke, Marr, Joyce - which goes back to Morrissey's statement from LiFO.
I don't agree that this evidence of a 'rude' quotes is a fair representation of Uncleskinny's posts as a whole. Most are not and he is actually one of the top contributors to the site and Morrissey community in general, in addition to being a moderator on the site. Taking a look at the context, many of the quotes were in response to the anonymous troll behind the MorrisseysWorld Blog who has been persistently posting negativity towards the site here and on their blog. If Uncleskinny or other users wants to blow off some steam on occasion it's perfectly acceptable, but to characterize these posts as representative of all posts in general is just plain wrong.

I didn't make any of it up. I went through your latest comments, which you could easily delete, I suppose. You asked for specifics and this is what I found. That's horrible of you to suggest that I'm lying and you didn't post these comments. But, not shocking. I'll be honest and say I'm not that computer savvy and I don't know how to link quotes to other threads. So, I did my best to answer your question. And, no. I won't give it a try because I don't trust you. Why else would you have posted it as a reply?
That's only because he's touring, David. And has been touring for a while. In between, it's stories about Rouke, Marr, Joyce - which goes back to Morrissey's statement from LiFO.

OK - go ahead and post a range of these alleged stories that you are thinking of. For example, something like, "in this range from May to June 2011 there were 40 posts and 35 of them had nothing to do with Morrissey and were about ex-Smiths". If you can't provide actual evidence, I'm just going to say it doesn't exist and you are talking out of your ass. You should be able to easily find all articles posted in the article archive.

The site is a pretty tight focus in subject matter so there will be times there isn't much news. So maybe an article about an ex-Smith is highlighted and seems more important when in a busy time it would just be a side note. If you really think the focus of this site is on the ex-Smiths and not Morrissey's current output as a whole I think you are deluded.
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