Is Morrissey an alpha male???

I'd say so

But he DOES lead... people certainly follow him. He also has idols, but some of his idols have worked with him which shows that he can still lead and he's not completely star struck or whatever... But, I'd say we should ask him!
Yes, I'd say Moz is an alpha male in that he's very much the leader of and provider for his charges -- employees mostly, but I believe he also takes care of his family financially.

And if you recall that article by the dude who worked as a roadie for Morrissey for about a day, then was fired (ostensibly for being/looking too old), it paints a picture of a whole group of people who follow Morrissey's rules about what they can eat, what they can say & do, how they should look (i.e. preferably like him). Moz is an alpha male not through violence but through his money and power of influence/fame.

This is not a criticism BTW, just an observation.

P.S. I thought many of the posts on the Russell Brand web site were very interesting, esp. that one who points out that Russell gets people's empathy through stereotypically female behaviour: flirting, being deferential, etc.
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