Is Lana Del Rey the American Morrissey? by Marc Hogan - Pitchfork

Is Lana Del Rey the American Morrissey? - Pitchfork
by Marc Hogan

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Starting a comparison like that and even trying to suggest a similarity is really far fetched.
Not that I totally dislike Lana Del Rey. Videogames was good.
But Moz is amongst many other things, also witty and funny.
Well, hello there LA shade chasers. Find one or die melting!

Yes, of course!
I see the resemblance now!
But I also note some differences.
The umbrella of Celine Dion is a much more beautiful one.
The one covering Moz is a shitty, crappy and cheap looking one.
Maybe that's why he doesn't look to happy there? :(
He is thinking about a note to self reminder:
Jed, get me a decent umbrella next time!
I look ridiculous!

And what about the missing shades?
Celine Dion and her "assistant" know how important it is to wear shades, even when it is raining!
That is what I call real star quality. :cool:
Yes, of course!
I see the resemblance now!
But I also note some differences.
The umbrella of Celine Dion is a much more beautiful one.
The one covering Moz is a shitty, crappy and cheap looking one.
Maybe that's why he doesn't look to happy there? :(
He is thinking about a note to self reminder:
Jed, get me a decent umbrella next time!
I look ridiculous!

And what about the missing shades?
Celine Dion and her "assistant" know how important it is to wear shades, even when it is raining!
That is what I call real star quality. :cool:

One famous person didn't mind using the photo because he probably thought it was humorous, and the other famous person probably didn't really want the photo shown. There lies just one of the many differences between them.

Though I can see Pitchfork in trying to compare M with L D Ray is just as absurd in trying to compare M with Celine just because there is someone holding an umbrella over them.
Well, they ARE both washed up alcoholics who say stupid shit, sleep with lots of guys and suck performing live...

They may have a point.
Well, they ARE both washed up alcoholics who say stupid shit, sleep with lots of guys and suck performing live...

They may have a point.

But it's a minor one.
Very minor. Funny, but minor. :)
Bull Ox!! Inn nn n it! Uncle Steve does not live in LA!! He hates America. Spotted in Manc! I saw him with the director of STEVEN down by the "working class factories" just last week. Everyone knows Uncle Steve rents a condo with Jake, Damon, and Michael Stipe in Switzerland so they won't have to pay taxes. America is not the world...warm summer days indoors...bla bla bla

People don't live in LA for the shade. They live in LA for the sun. Just ask Uncle Steve. He's always got a good surfer tan going on I reckon.
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