Morrissey Central "IRISH BL❤️❤️D" (January 18, 2024)

This is why people were fighting against statues being taken down in the US, it's the slippery slope. I know someone will try to start shit about the Confederacy, but I am so not interested. History is history, no need to erase it. And all of this was over Saint George Floyd.

Lot's of those statues aren't contemporary to the civil war, they were put up later for political reasons. And people from every age reshape their environment for good and bad and that in turn becomes history.
This paper is a good summary of the dangers of such legislation.

The intro says
This paper asserts that the interaction of the DSA with the HCB [ European Digital Services Act (DSA) and Ireland’s Hate Crimes Bill (HCB).] may have consequences which were not intended by the creators of either piece of legislation separately. There is a risk that this could lead to the censorship of legitimate, non-hateful content, including politically vital material and content that is created to oppose hatred. In some cases, this could risk exacerbating the very problem that such laws are designed to address.
I can see it now. I'm walking out of a record shop with the brand new Moz album when I notice an Ed Sheeran poster in the window. Before I can self-censor and cancel myself I blurt "ooh how I hate that Oompa Loompa ginger minger." Cue the keystone cops locking me away in one cell and my LP in another. Very soon thereafter I start eating flies and calling for my master.
Laws don’t stop stupid people thinking stupid things.
Laws are made by stupid people. The Irish government is incompetent and corrupt. There is very little free speech anyway. RTE, the national broadcaster, is 100% pro-government and has been for at least 5 years. They report half stories and leave out the bits that don't suit. Especially anything to do with paedophilia or attacks by non-nationals. A five year old girl was stabbed almost to death outside her Dublin school during the day and RTE refused to name the criminal. The BBC named him. It doesn't suit RTE to name him because he's a non-national bell-end and it doesn't suit the current government thinking of letting known criminals into the country. I'm not a xenophobe or paranoid conspiracy theorist. I just want background checks done on people and want the news to be impartial.
Correct, I'm not ok with that.
I'm not ok with telling people what they can or cannot say.
I'm not religious - but both those vague clauses above could be used to ban the Bible or the Quran, for example.
What is 'hate' anyway? The bill doesn't even give a definition.
The state got involved in restricting 'love' for centuries. That never worked out well.
Could be used to ban inconvenient dissent as well. EC President just said misinformation is the world's gravest problem. For who? There's a change in treatment of individual rights; receding as a priority. It will be an interesting few years :nomouth:
The bill also makes it a crime to condone, deny, or grossly trivialize genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes.
So anyone in Dublin of Turkish origin who denies the genocide in Anatolia had better be careful.
Also, the Irish state is among those refusing to admit what's being done in the Middle East right now.
The other major problem is social media.

A group of women chatting online about their concerns over gender should never lead to a prosecution - but when it's been turned into a business model that needs outage on a daily basis, then there's problems.

If you're sharing videos about crimes committed by trans people millions of times you're teaching people to afraid of, & disgusted by, all trans people & that will lead to real world negative consequences, while some horrendous podcaster gets paid for it.

Apparently, gossip of the wrong sort is already getting in the way of the global programme
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen addressed the World Economic Forum at Davos, highlighting the increasing concern of misinformation and disinformation as the top global risk for the next two years. She emphasised that these challenges, along with societal polarisation, hinder our ability to address major global issues such as climate change, geopolitical shifts, and technological advancements.

Von der Leyen stressed the need for immediate and structural responses on a global scale, asserting that Europe can and must take the lead in shaping this response. She called for collaboration between governments, businesses, and democracies, emphasising the importance of creating new alliances to address challenges that transcend borders.

I'll re-reference this piece too on how social media damages independence of thought by acting as a subtle force of group censorship (does it?):

This basic mechanism for creating conformity was right out in the open; you could see people bend to the popular consensus in real time. If you said something people liked, they’d take a fraction of a second to hit that fav button. If you said something unpopular, people would yell at you, like really yell at you! For the average person, if those yelling people are your professional peers, that’s going to influence your work. It just will.

There have always been peer-group pressures that breed conformity, at any time and in any industry. What the rise of the social internet did was to a) scale up the number of people applying those pressures, b) make the application of pressure a potentially all-day affair, and c) pull not only professional values and concerns into consideration but also artistic tastes, slang, sense of humor, and similar. I’m sure there was a lot of concern for one’s reputation among peers within any given newsroom at any given paper, and these could not be said to have no influence on what got published. But that still meant that you were getting pressured by dozens of people instead of thousands, you went home at night and were free from those opinions, and once at home your tastes in TV shows or music weren’t being observed and judged. The social internet changed all that.

It's not a separate crime - it's an aggravating factor for harassment or inciting violence or whatever you're charged with.

The danger could be that refusing to use pronouns is classed as harassment but that would involve a lot respectable middle-aged women being in the courts & American Christian groups have got involved - no government needs that headache.
Have you heard about the Enoch Burke case, the teacher in long-running trouble since he refused to address a transgender student with the pronouns requested?
This list sums it all up.❤️❤️d-january-18-2024.151921/post-1987571125

We’re not talking about saying things that someone else doesn’t like. We’re talking about breaking the law, inciting violence and/or hate, slandering someone, etc.

This shouldn’t be hard for anyone to understand or follow. And like I said elsewhere, if one can’t have a debate with someone without being hateful then it might be time to work on one’s eloquence.
Yes, but this is a slippery slope. It's taking one step towards banning or censoring and they think if they do it incrementally that the public are less likely to notice.
What is a radical feminist?

2 thoughts to help you understand.

What's the difference between a gun and a radical feminist?
A gun only has one trigger.


What do radical feminists and Game of Thrones have in common?
All men must die.

(They're jokes, btw, in case the hate speech police are about...)
2 thoughts to help you understand.

What's the difference between a gun and a radical feminist?
A gun only has one trigger.


What do radical feminists and Game of Thrones have in common?
All men must die.

(They're jokes, btw, in case the hate speech police are about...)
cop car GIF by South Park
Ive heard of left and right stuff (I don't live in a cave, I swear) but I really don't remember what each side contains. I keep forgetting. This post isn't my asking what each side is, because I'll probably just forget again, plus I don't care. I easily forget about things that don't matter to me. Throw it in the trash, I say. I don't like any of this division, and I will not waste my time with it. There's too much depth to things that others think are simply "good" or "bad", well I don't think anything is that simple. On that note, I don't like the idea of blocking any speech anywhere because it's our most primal human right is to say what we want to say, think what we want to think... Almost like breathing and eating (well, the thinking part is like breathing and eating. We can think without saying... I do it often.)

Love❤️, peace✌🏻 and harmony✨. (Maybe in the next world?)
I was like that a couple of years ago, had no idea what left and right were. Then lock down happened and I spent my days watching political shows on YouTube :oops:

I wasn't missing anything by not knowing...
I was like that a couple of years ago, had no idea what left and right were. Then lock down happened and I spent my days watching political shows on YouTube :oops:

I wasn't missing anything by not knowing...

it’s not bad at all knowing that both sides are evil.
Have you heard about the Enoch Burke case, the teacher in long-running trouble since he refused to address a transgender student with the pronouns requested?

Yeah. He seems to have done everything he could to get himself fired & jailed. I think pronouns will settle down as a voluntary thing.
Not that I know what they actually are, but that's fake news. There may be students involved, but it's not a student organisation.

They teamed up with Gript media - who got funding from an anti-abortion pressure group called the Life Institute - who get funding from American anti-abortion groups.

These groups hate vegans - so I don't believe Morrissey really knows who he's involved with.

Free speech unless you're a vegan billboard.


Free speech unless you're a vegan billboard.

That was part of my point earlier. If these people support free speech, why does it only pertain to hate speech and incitement? You would think Morrissey's site would try to raise awareness of the draconian ag-gag laws here in his adopted country, where a few years back a Utah woman faced a penalty of six months just for standing on a public roadside and filming cattle being mistreated outside a factory farm. That's how strictly the law was written. It's why the horrorshow footage that does manage to get disseminated is only a tiny sliver of what goes on.
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