I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman.com

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Anonymous;1986790486[B said:
]Your analogy between fans who admire Morrissey and the brain-washed, blind following of cult members or extremists seems to be misguided.[/B] I have enjoyed Morrissey since the Smiths days, but I only became truly captivated around the time that Quarry was released, primarily, because I had spent the nineties being preoccupied with the typical responsibilites of life. However, once I started to listen to his entire body of work, I became increasingly more impressed with his writing. Yes, he is off his game at the moment, but a few unremarkable songs cannot diminish what he has already accomplished. There always seems to be so much speculation and criticism concerning what Morrissey should have done , could have done, and might do. I just prefer to be appreciative for what has been done. Yes, cancellations are frustrating, but the thrill of seeing him live negates that frustration. Yes, I would love a new record that echoes the poetic writing of his previous recordings, but if that doesn't happen, I can just listen to what I already have, because, you see, it is all about enjoying the music. We all have free will. If you don't like him, then don't look at him, listen to him, or even give him another thought.The reason I say that your analogy is misguided is because, unlike some people on this site, if I ever become tired of Morrissey, I will simply walk away. I won't berate others for enjoying his music; I certainly won't waste hours of my time composing and posting messages of hate on his 'fan' website. That behavior seems to be more indicative of a problem. Seeking out others with a similar focus of contempt, and attempting to spread that message is a tactic used by the two groups that you mentioned.


There's nothing 'hateful ' in directing critical thinking to a formerly innovative artist who is now lazy and lacking direction. I couldn't care less about the sensitivities of his cultic 'fans', and couldn't care less about your 'appropriate guidelines' for how to interact with cultural products like CDs and concerts. I feel the same way about almost all music/musicians these days: it's a crisis of the wider culture and Moz's 'outsider' posturings have become both irritating and hugely amusing. I don't berate anyone for liking his music, I only query the redundant nostrums of 'fandom'. There's another site where you can have a love-in, moderated by compliant cult members who simply will not allow any 'off-message' postings. Of course, if Morrissey was able to accept feedback from anything but the mirror, he might be in a totally different place rather than increasingly bizarre behaviour.

" That behavior seems to be more indicative of a problem. Seeking out others with a similar focus of contempt, and attempting to spread that message is a tactic used by the two groups that you mentioned."

Morrissey has built a corporate music career around a concept of "Viva Hate!" having abandoned early intimations of struggling with decorum and self-control (guts-gentle-kind). His first solo album was called "Viva Hate" and from that he set forth the karmic wave which attracted "The 3 Mental Patients" and the other assorted dysfunctional characters who patrol his concerts and attempt to patrol this site with splenetic venom which they were legitimised in doing by Morrissey's increasingly hateful diatribes about murdered Norwegians, African orphan, Chinese cultural challenges, pregnant women. And on and on and on. Reality test his worldview with a cross-section of society and he'll be dismissed as an attention seeking troubled adolescent trapped in a middle-aged body. If you can ignore all that whilst projecting your fantasies onto his work, that's fine. I refuse to do so, hence I give it to him straight. Don't worry, he's no wallflower, despite the posturing. Is it really "all about enjoying the music"? Maybe for you, but for others the personal is the political and Morrissey is very close to pariah status for his frankly unpleasant outbursts and corporate rock whore entitlement agenda, whereby he thinks he deserves mass acclaim just for his legacy career. He's done 30 years, give him a retirement gold watch as an award, but don't expect the discerning Audience to swoon along with the cult Fans in the first 10 rows.

"Your analogy between fans who admire Morrissey and the brain-washed, blind following of cult members or extremists seems to be misguided. "

No, it's not. It was dismissed here when I first raised it as an issue many years ago, but it's now commonly accepted that the dysfunctional co-dependent fan/star dynamic is troubling and indicative of a seriously hegemonic 'fame' agenda from an artist who purports to be 'radical'. He composes stunningly inept messages of hate and contempt towards victims of terrorism yet expects the Audience to just accept it as informed commentary? I'll break the bank to go and see him if he ever has the notion to play in Norway again! I don't give him any credence other than as a singer and a minor poet/lyricist and his assertion that he is a lone voice of 'intelligence' in popular music has been revealed as unintentional devastating irony. He's often completely clueless, but I certainly don't express hate and contempt towards him. Baffled amusement, perhaps, but nothing more. I really do have a full life, this is just a fun way to spend an interlude before moving on to the next drama of the day: the family evening meal! So, thanks for the advice, but...no thanks!

The 3 Mental Patients will return, spewing their misguided invective as territorial pissings, presumably in homage to their mentor and spiritual guide. It's time for Morrissey to grow up and leave his disturbed 'fans' behind. Is he up to it? Or is he just another loser fame whore trapped like a moth to the flame of the spotlight? That's the most unoriginal trope possible, as is the 'crash in flames' Judy Garland nonsense which suggests there's explanatory power in Morrissey's recent troubles: there isn't. He's totally calculating and won't make a move until the calculator tells him it's profitable to both his bank balance and ego to do so. Just ask those promoters in South America how 'edgy' and 'risk taking' they found him to be. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, which I've had in response to my views numerous times. I'm pleased my analysis is now gaining traction in the wider media and I hope it serves as a lightning shock to Morrissey to wake up from complacency. But if he doesn't i really don't care..ditto Cohen, Dylan, The Rolling Stones, and on and on. Morrissey is just a useful topic to compose my thoughts around.

bye lyndda.

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As usual Brummieboy and Johnny are an oasis of sanity. How anyone can interpret Morrisseys career of late as anything but a disapointment.
The reason we care is because he was once upon a time, wonderful.
I would love a return to form but honestly, is it likely?
Age is not an excuse, you do not need me to list other artists as old or older who have taken risks and made refreshing new music.
Anyway, he is not old, he's just lost it.

You're very kind. I share your analyis 100%.

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Oh dear! You're really struggling with this whole teenage/low grade A level / clearing stuff, aren't you? And to think you can't even feint onto your black sheeted bed in your box room and be nourished by other cult casualties without annoying folk expressing non-compliant opinions. It's horrid when that happens. Breathe. Camomile tea. Maybe a wank to let the frustration out.


If you hate morrissey and morrissey fans so much why are you constantly on here? As for your wank comment the only wank on here is you
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

There is no one like Morrissey. Having to explain who he is to someone that is unaware is almost impossible. I appreciate every song and the beautiful delivery of it. VIVA MOZ !!!!!!
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

There is no one like Morrissey. Having to explain who he is to someone that is unaware is almost impossible.

The last time I tried to do this was about a decade ago when I invited a new girlfriend to sit with me and watch an interview he did with Jonathan Ross on BBC One.

Regrettably instead of witty, erudite, amusing Morrissey a stuttering, mumbling social spastic came on and did a great impression of a complete and utter tool. Looked just like him. I still think of that interview instead of turning the central heating up a notch. Must have saved me a fortune.
BrummieBoy's reading comprehension skills

I think BrummieBoy needs to work on his reading comprehension skills. I wrote it was "great" that Christina Aguilera helps Rwanda refugees with food. BrummieBoy is the one who called them "black people." He uses derogatory terms to describe poor people. He sounds like a little raci$t.


Oh, that's easily the funniest thing on this thread. All the signs and symptoms of memetic contagion and cult thinking exhibited in a 'tired and emotional' outburst of faux-authenticity. How dare Christina Aguilera provide food so black people can 'procreate' resulting in a 'proliferation of hungry mouths to feed'! I'm sure you're right that Moz is 'way more intelligent' than Christina Aguilera...ahem! He mused upon how Madonna might turn her orphan adopted African son into a handbag. yes, he often 'skirts the edge of death' by eating dodgy pasta rather than hiring a tour chef, but don't worry, he can just hire a private jet to fly back to his personal physician to ensure his role as "eloquent, outspoken truth teller" isn't curtailed by croaking. As for "That's what makes him such a unique and amazing artist, celebrity, and person." Every artist is 'unique' even if they slavishly attempt to replicate something else. Every 'person' is also unique, like a beautiful snowflake! Aaah! Morrissey is a 'celebrity' of sorts, but then they're being pumped out in industrial proportions to feed the lumpen herd culture. Moz's grievance appears to be that some folk are daring to suggest he's not that different to the rest of the klutzes on Rodeo Drive....

" if we fans want to keep him here longer we better let him know. You're gonna miss him when he's gone."

If Morrissey releases another sparkling consumer product I may well enjoy it, if it's rubbish, I'll just LOL! like I did at 'Kill Uncle. I really couldn't care less if he retires to a nunnery and would actually prefer that than anymore mediocre Dad-rock re-hash, re-run, repackage, etc.

You might want to print off your post and discuss it with a therapist. There are some worrying signs of you absconding from personal existential responsibility and placing your 'faith' in a silly pop idol who isn't really idolised by more than the first few rows.

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

If you hate morrissey and morrissey fans so much why are you constantly on here? As for your wank comment the only wank on here is you

I don't hate your "Viva Hate!" cult leader and I don't hate his "Viva Hate!" devotees. I find it all rather entertaining to observe. I'm just watching 'Celebrity Big Brother 2013' begin with it's 'Temple of The Cult of Celebrity'. 2 Corrie Stars, a transgender woman, a gay man, an ex-model ex drug-addict, boy band casualty: it's looking good! All it needs now is Mike Joyce or something really funny.

I note your sexualised comment. Are you a man or a woman? Do you want to give me a wank? Is that what you mean? Send me a pic and I'll have a look, but you'll have to join the queue. Are you really "Irish Blood, English Heart"? I am. Does that turn you on?

I regret to inform you that this is a 'free speech' zone so unless the site proprietor decides to expel me from your sight, you'll just have to put me 'on ignore' and get on with your Fandom. Sorry, but that's the rules. Ask "!Viva Hate!". Even if I was 'expelled' all that would show is that the free speech subtext to this site is qualified. Why would I care?

bye sweetie!

edit:All it needs now is Mike Joyce or something really funny.

The final 'celebrity' to enter Big Brother was RON ATKINSON!
This might be telly gold..
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Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

I don't hate your "Viva Hate!" cult leader and I don't hate his "Viva Hate!" devotees. I find it all rather entertaining to observe. I'm just watching 'Celebrity Big Brother 2013' begin with it's 'Temple of The Cult of Celebrity'. 2 Corrie Stars, a transgender woman, a gay man, an ex-model ex drug-addict, boy band casualty: it's looking good! All it needs now is Mike Joyce or something really funny.

I note your sexualised comment. Are you a man or a woman? Do you want to give me a wank? Is that what you mean? Send me a pic and I'll have a look, but you'll have to join the queue. Are you really "Irish Blood, English Heart"? I am. Does that turn you on?

I regret to inform you that this is a 'free speech' zone so unless the site proprietor decides to expel me from your sight, you'll just have to put me 'on ignore' and get on with your Fandom. Sorry, but that's the rules. Ask "!Viva Hate!". Even if I was 'expelled' all that would show is that the free speech subtext to this site is qualified. Why would I care?

bye sweetie!

Cult Leader? Hardly. He's a rock star with a devoted fan base plain and simple. I dont understand why it makes certain people so angry. I mean, so what?!
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

I don't hate your "Viva Hate!" cult leader and I don't hate his "Viva Hate!" devotees. I find it all rather entertaining to observe. I'm just watching 'Celebrity Big Brother 2013' begin with it's 'Temple of The Cult of Celebrity'. 2 Corrie Stars, a transgender woman, a gay man, an ex-model ex drug-addict, boy band casualty: it's looking good! All it needs now is Mike Joyce or something really funny.

I note your sexualised comment. Are you a man or a woman? Do you want to give me a wank? Is that what you mean? Send me a pic and I'll have a look, but you'll have to join the queue. Are you really "Irish Blood, English Heart"? I am. Does that turn you on?

I regret to inform you that this is a 'free speech' zone so unless the site proprietor decides to expel me from your sight, you'll just have to put me 'on ignore' and get on with your Fandom. Sorry, but that's the rules. Ask "!Viva Hate!". Even if I was 'expelled' all that would show is that the free speech subtext to this site is qualified. Why would I care?

bye sweetie!
the sexual comment was made by you, I merely commented on your personality, I don't want you expelled its good to hear everyone's opinion so I won't be be putting you on ignore either, but don't hold your breath for a photo I'm way out of your league, in fact please do hold your breath you've nothing sensible to say anyway as your bb comment proves. You really should put your specs back on its irish blood irish heart not irish blood English heart
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In an earlier post brummieboy you commented on the type of people who post on this site , I asked which one are you? Very interesting that you didn't answer, something to hide?
Re: BrummieBoy's reading comprehension skills

I think BrummieBoy needs to work on his reading comprehension skills. I wrote it was "great" that Christina Aguilera helps Rwanda refugees with food. BrummieBoy is the one who called them "black people." He uses derogatory terms to describe poor people. He sounds like a little raci$t.


Dear 'anonymous'. idiot. Here's what you wrote:

"Other celebrities think they are philanthropic, but they're just ignorant. For example, Christina Augilera says she helps with food banks for Rwanda refugees. That's great, but then she says the point of it is so they can procreate (see the most recent InStyle magazine.) Yes, she is that stupid that she doesn't see a correlation between hunger and a proliferation of hungry mouths to feed. "

Are you suggesting that there is a large Caucasian population either in Rwanda or amongst refugees from that country. The desperate clownish attempt to label that correlation as 'racist' is almost as comical as your cultish remarks about Morrisey. You wrote that Christina is both ignorant and stupid yet now claim that your 'that's great' aside was the defining element of your bitter rant. There's nothing wrong with my reading skills, but you're writing is as illogical as your thinking.

I note that you regard correctly identifying the majority of Rwandans as people of colour somehow translates into 'derogatory remarks about the poor'. Clearly it doesn't, and clearly you are an immensely silly person: the perfect candidate for The Cult of Morrissey. Enjoy your delusionality but please don't share it with your work colleagues or neighbours. It doesn't surprise me that you cloak your bizarre comments under 'anonymous' as you are clearly exhibiting quite serious cognitive disorder.

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

If Ryan Gilbey wants to dump Moz, good for him. That's him. Now we know Gilbey never really loved Moz in the first place.[He was never a genuine cult member?] But if Gilbey thinks he will condemn Moz for being an eloquent, outspoken truth teller, then that's where I have a problem.[I have a problem with people challenging my belief in this cult! ] The Moz who speaks the truth is always in trouble. [Grandiosity and magical thinking bearing no relation to consensual reality, imagining hierarchical authority and #1 status for the cult leader].Truth tellers are my heroes and Moz is #1. [My cult leader tells 'the truth' even if he was challenged by a Judge over the veracity of his 'truth telling'.] You know how people are so afraid to speak the truth because they don't want to be attacked for it? [Morrissey always understands and communicates 'the truth' and only non-believers fail to accept this, thus attacking him on spurious grounds of taste and decency, and that he is a disturbed individual] Well, Moz doesn't have that problem. He keeps on telling it like it is and I love that about him. That's what makes him such a unique and amazing artist, celebrity, and person. Other celebrities think they are philanthropic, but they're just ignorant. For example, Christina Augilera says she helps with food banks for Rwanda refugees. That's great, but then she says the point of it is so they can procreate (see the most recent InStyle magazine.) Yes, she is that stupid that she doesn't see a correlation between hunger and a proliferation of hungry mouths to feed. Our Moz is way more intelligent than that and fans should feel lucky to have him. [Members of the XTina cult are misguided and should 'see the light' and join our cult. And stop listening to a singer who communicates without 'intelligence']What's wrong with thanking Moz for living?[Living is an involuntary automatic process and no one needs to be thanked for continuing their existence other than our heroic cult leader whose every breath is a struggle and whose presence on the planet is somehow biologically extraordinary rather than mundane] He often skirts the edge of death and if we fans want to keep him here longer we better let him know. [Some cult members are negligent in not expressing unconditional approval for our cult leader. If we do not storm the stage and provide him with the positive regards he does not find in adult relationships, then he may renounce his role and abandon the cult. This is obviously tragic if it unfolds. ] You're gonna miss him when he's gone.[Non believers will experience an epiphany when our cult leader shuffles off this mortal coil. We are the elect in seeing his vast significance unlike foolish Xtina Aguilera disciples.]

p.s. Gilbey, if you didn't notice, the inclusion of "Ouija Board, Ouija Board" (a lovely fascinating song) was part of a tribute memorial to a deceased fan.[The leader of our cult cares deeply when one of his disciples croaks and uses a Ouija Board to commune with dearly departed 'fans' on 'the other side. This is a deeply respectful song by which to mourn the dead, but also to celebrate their escape from this 'unhappy planet with all the carnivores and the destructors on it'.]


Thanks. This one goes in my research file on 'Pop Delusions and the Hysterics of Male Menopause Dad Rock Boomers'.


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In an earlier post brummieboy you commented on the type of people who post on this site , I asked which one are you? Very interesting that you didn't answer, something to hide?

I have no idea what you are referring to. Kindly quote from the relevant post you made and I will give it my attention. Briefly.
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

the sexual comment was made by you, I merely commented on your personality, I don't want you expelled its good to hear everyone's opinion so I won't be be putting you on ignore either, but don't hold your breath for a photo I'm way out of your league, in fact please do hold your breath you've nothing sensible to say anyway as your bb comment proves. You really should put your specs back on its irish blood irish heart not irish blood English heart

My secretary misquoted your name as she read your dire message to my whilst I ate grapes on the chaise. Please focus your venom on Enda and The Troika. Why would you have such a silly name? If you're Irish by geographical location at birth then I fail to see the merit in the redundancy of your moniker. I'm holding my breath, please explain why it's 'Irish Heart, Irish Blood'. Why stop there? 'Irish Foot, Irish Cock, Irish Islets of Langerhans. Irish Appendix'. Still holding my breath, going dizzy!!!
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Cult Leader? Hardly. He's a rock star with a devoted fan base plain and simple. I dont understand why it makes certain people so angry. I mean, so what?!

It doesn't make me angry, it makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD! 'devoted fan base'. Fan: derivative of fanatic. Cult thinking. Magical thinking which is not congruent with consensual reality. He's no longer a 'rock star' and only his 'devoted fans' would now suggest he is.

Why would I be angry about Morrissey's dilemmas? I don't do schadenfraude or rubber-necking. It's his life to ruin by always crashing in the same car, etc. I'm a Big Brother observer too and could write endlessly about the 'stars' who co-conspire with the 'fans' to construct the illusion that they are genuine 'celebrities'. But it doesn't make me angry. Like Moz and this online 'shrine', it's just 4 teh lulz.
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Actually I really enjoyed that article and the way it was written. I think that instead of writing some boring old concert DVD review, he really personalized it and put to word his heart and his soul. I don't see it as a personal attack because his feelings are valid too and not just morrissey's. I think it is very poetic an romantic the way he sees it as a break up because in way we all feel that delusional relationship with him. In my own 20+ year relationship, I've felt that same way with ups and downs and personal triumphs and disappointments with him and his music. Morrissey has always brought that kind of passion in those that love him, indeed love him, and when the end may come and it has been coming for a long time, I will mourn it like the death of an old lover or the end of a love affair.

For me losing Morrissey over the past few years has been a very painful experience and I guess that is why I can relate to the author. However unlike with the author, for me it is too soon to move on and I haven't found and doubt that I will ever find someone to replace him

You are clearly psychologically healthy with a very direct and honest insight into the nature of your 20+ year relationship to Morrissey's consumer products and consumer concert experiences.It takes intellectual and emotional honesty to calmly realise that things have been going wrong for a long, long time. No one should mock or express disdain the fact that many have found succour and meaning through interacting with Morrissey's career as a musical entrepreneur, unless they attribute extraordinary and remarkable powers to the fact they found a few good CDs rather than a therapist. Mockery and disdain is correctly reserved for those, like Morrissey, who imagine there is some vast conspiracy to prevent wider commercial dissemination of his recent output, rather than discerning indifference to mediocrity.

I continue to enjoy Morrissey's music when it pops up on 'shuffle' and do not regret or resent the time,money and energy I have directed towards following his fascinating, albeit increasingly bizarre, trajectory. He is not alone in his descent into artistic redundancy. Popular music itself appears increasingly exhausted, relying on heritage novelty and nostalgia rather than addressing the challenges of contemporary life. A bit like 'the death of the novel'.
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Lots of people are still invested heavily in Morrissey. At least one poster here claims to have a couple of dozen tattoos, so can hardly turn their back on him now without looking like a complete berk.

That's fine, of course, but as the fanbase shrinks, as all fanbases must, some here now resemble the outer edges of Star Wars fans. You can see why some liked the first movie, and the second. You can even understand why they might have loved the Return Of The Jedi as yoots, but by the time the prequels came along you knew they were defending the indefensible, but had gone too far to back out.

Those who discover Morrissey's work now are unlikely to adore him as he was when he was at his peak, any more than someone hearing the Kinks or the Small Faces for the first time today are going to go completely batshit. As you get older you tend to turn your back on the charts and explore the past.

There's an element of denial in claiming he's as good as he ever was. If anything to attach that much devotion to a man who has portrayed himself as an outsider from the get go seems to go against everything he used to stand for. Frankly, it's a bit odd.

An excellent appraisal. I think it comes down to the 'sunk investment cost' of time, money and emotional energy which many made when they were younger. It's hard to critically reflect as so often one is listening to the memories one associates with the time rather than the art itself. I cannot hear 'Sugar Baby Love' by the Rubettes without getting an erection as it was the soundtrack to a particularly spectacular blowjob, but that doesn't mean I can't critically dismiss it as a sickly pop confection now.

I think young people are attracted to the facts and myths which percolate around The Smiths collective. I think Morrissey has never found a genuinely inspired and original musical template since then, even if he has worked with some gifted collaborators. His solo career has been an elongated coda to The Smiths.

Tattoos of transient celebrities are an entirely foolish undertaking. This should be part of the school curriculum so that people don't 'scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen', and then have to explain the physical graffiti to their grandchildren like some war wounds.

Your comment on the Star Wars prequels is spot on. The 'prequel' molestations of 'Kill Uncle' and other artefacts totally wrecks the original playlist order, yet the credulous imagine there is some mystical calculation involved in removing or adding extraneous tracks! There isn't, it's just another misguided attempt by Morrissey to rewrite the past rather than accept and re-interpret it. Of course, he's done that since the start, evading the tensions of his teenage years by curating an imaginary England from his cultural references. And that was his startling talent which now eludes him as he thrashes around in the C21st century like a drunk uncle at a wedding. He openly mocked others in 'Get Off Of The Stage', yet the comical 'gap year' trips to Korea and Peru show that he may well be nothing more than another fame-hungry corporate rock whore who got lucky for a while.

I hope he has a 'moment of clarity' and returns with genuinely inspirational words and music, but there's plenty of other things in life for me as a 53 year old. I can't imagine how forlorn it must be to be trapped in a career of 30+ years yet unable to retire for fear of new horizons or lack of funds to do so. It now seems that something other than pure love of his craft may be behind Morrissey's predicament.

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

As usual Brummieboy and Johnny are an oasis of sanity. How anyone can interpret Morrisseys career of late as anything but a disapointment.
The reason we care is because he was once upon a time, wonderful.
I would love a return to form but honestly, is it likely?
Age is not an excuse, you do not need me to list other artists as old or older who have taken risks and made refreshing new music.
Anyway, he is not old, he's just lost it.

Classifying obsession as "an oasis of sanity" is a bit much.
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Classifying obsession as "an oasis of sanity" is a bit much.
'Obsession'? I don't get you.
I thought it was the very opposite.
Could you expand on this?
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Oh dear! You're really struggling with this whole teenage/low grade A level / clearing stuff, aren't you? And to think you can't even feint onto your black sheeted bed in your box room and be nourished by other cult casualties without annoying folk expressing non-compliant opinions. It's horrid when that happens. Breathe. Camomile tea. Maybe a wank to let the frustration out.


Augh! Here I go again. Having to decipher yet another glib, lazy, encoded reply. As I have had to say time and time again, I do not come to this site to quarrel with anyone. I bit of intelligent trading of thoughts between legitimate Morrissey fans is all I hope for, but it is clear yet again, that I have to defend myself and other like-minded fans against the likes of the pissed off, disenfranchised, angry 'once were's', like you. For God sake man, what possesses you to take valuable time and do your best to defragment simple posts of devotion from people who are simply fans of Morrissey's work? Take me for instance. Im, "struggling with teenage/low grade A level/ clearing stuff". What does that even mean? Did you even read my post in its entirety, or just cherry pick the things in it you disagree with and then make a half-hearted, half-witted attempt to know me? The second part of your retort, when you ramble on about a black sheeted bed, box room, and be nourished by.....blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Speak English. Have a sensible reply if you are going to have one at all. All I did was give a thought out, reasonable, reply to what I thought was a badly written article, and voice my unswerving love for the man to which we devote time to. That's all. I am a well read, sensitive, man who very simply loves Morrissey. I visit this site to express those feelings, and sometimes post a question of my own to see how others feel. I did not ask your opinion on how to relax. I breathe in and out thank you. I do not care for chamomile tea, and if I wish to let my frustrations out, I need not have to have a wank. When you say such infantile things as that, you are simply showing all level headed people on this site just how desperate you must be for a standing battle. Why? Have you nothing better to do? (and im the one in need of masturbation).
Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your stance. Are you indeed a Morrissey fan, or do you just come here to try and make yourself feel better/superior by picking apart parts of replies you do not agree with? If you do not agree with someone, just say why, and explain yourself in simple terms. if you happen to agree with someone, just say, 'well put', or, 'That's how I feel'. Sacrificing your time, and 'ours', by simply coming here to start a row is childish and unnecessary. Please try harder.

**** See what I did here? I replied to you with just the right amount of sensitivity, while not giving in, or taking it personal. I did not tell you what to drink, what to do for relaxation, guess what color your sheets are, or write something that requires translation.
Try it sometimes.

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Well said!

Thank you!
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