An open letter to Morrissey - from Side-Line Music Magazine

An open letter to Morrissey - Side-Line

28 Jul, 2011
In a reaction to the comments the former frontman of the Smiths made at a concert in Warsaw, Poland, on Sunday, Side-Line's chief editor Bernard van Isacker decided to send the man a letter. For those who are unaware, before singing "Meat is Murder", the 52-year-old musician told the crowd: "We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald's and Kentucky Fried shit every day."
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I think this guy has a valid point...

I've been vegan 18+ years and I'm not foolish enough to compare the factory farm system to a murderer. Yes, both are horrible...but it just makes little to no sense. Plus it doesn't help the cause when people just think all vegetarians are angry, insensitive and crazy...and lately Morrissey is all three.

Animals Rights is about compassion. I include people in that thinking as well. Morrissey has lost his compassion for a point of view.

Side note: Moz is also still NOT vegan. In this way he is really STILL part of the system he claims to hate and despise. Hating on fast food? The milk in your tea comes from the same farms, as does the leather in your shoes.

Agreed. To make such an extremist statement, I should hope you wouldn't still be supporting a sister company of the one you're trying to bash.

Go vegan, Moz!
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