Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

@Gaylord Deepstar is the usual village idiot on this new thread, downvoting even when someone is reminiscing about a concert they’ve loved in the past. Which would be a GREAT type of comment for more people to come to this website to make, you hopelessly eternal imbecile
That's what the ignore feature is for, I've discovered!! I'm over the moon with the ignore feature! It's a total revelation! I think they should make it the slogan to draw new members here: you can put EVERYONE on ignore!
@Gaylord Deepstar is the usual village idiot on this new thread, downvoting even when someone is reminiscing about a concert they’ve loved in the past. Which would be a GREAT type of comment for more people to come to this website to make, you hopelessly eternal imbecile

poor thing is just jealous of your memories.
That's what the ignore feature is for, I've discovered!! I'm over the moon with the ignore feature! It's a total revelation! I think they should make it the slogan to draw new members here: you can put EVERYONE on ignore!

You're full of crap, you haven't just discovered the ignore button, you've been putting people on ignore for years.

That's what the ignore feature is for, I've discovered!! I'm over the moon with the ignore feature! It's a total revelation! I think they should make it the slogan to draw new members here: you can put EVERYONE on ignore!
imagine you put everyone on ignore and you could only see your own messages,would be very weird.
although wait.... there wouldnt be any threads visible to comment on because they'd all have been started by people on ignore, so how would that work.? :unsure: i guess i still have to work out the logistics of it!
hey, if i put everyone on ignore then this could be like my very own website!! i could use it for my dominatrix website, just tell all the visitors to MY site that they have to put everyone on ignore but me for the site to work! the wheels in my head are turning, guys!!
I don’t like this new use of “grab” - I’m a traditionalist:
grab GIF

Please accept my deepest heartfelt apologies. Incidentally, I seem to have saddened two folks with my Nando's / Mcd's comment. I send my deepest heartfelt apologies to those folks as well.
Please accept my deepest heartfelt apologies. Incidentally, I seem to have saddened two folks with my Nando's / Mcd's comment. I send my deepest heartfelt apologies to those folks as well.
I wouldn’t worry about it. People even dislike my posts sometimes, and I’m the best contributor on this website.
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