What concert/show are you going to go to next?

I'm currently having I-hope-I-get-Patti-Smith-at-the-Roxy-tickets agida that promises to linger for 24 hours since they go on sale tomorrow.
Scored a ticket for Psychedelic furs tonight at a a small club..this week has been total shit..time to rage!


They did a free show a couple summers ago at Pershing Square I would've paid $40 for. Played every hit.
Looks like I'm scrapping my quiet evening at home to go see Louis CK at the Fabulous Forum. THe last person I saw there was Morrissey back when it was blue.

I've never seen him before and made the mistake of looking at LA Weekly. Yay driving to Inglewood in the rain while in a crabby mood! :straightface: Let's hope the "handicapped accessible" ticket I got on StubHub isn't a bust. I may have just spent 80 bones on a space to put a wheelchair. THat would be SOOOO Louis CKish.
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Dead Kennedys last night at the Roxy was pretty excellent. I was one back most the show and okay with that as I'm not a diehard and he kept sticking the mic in people's faces to sing the songs, I hid behind a ginormous man when he came near. :D I had to bail toward the end, the mosh pit was spreading out and people were diving off the stage and I have a f***ed up neck I have to baby.





THey drink Crystal Geyser, people. :cool:


Cambodia encore safe from the trash can in the back.

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THey drink Crystal Geyser, people.

After what happened last show, you where hoping they would.:o
THey drink Crystal Geyser, people.

After what happened last show, you where hoping they would.:o

Of course! He kept alluding to the incident and not talking about it but just smiling, it was hilarious. Also he'd take a sip of water then dump the rest on the pit like a baptism. I was all, "Hey! Savor that shit. It's bottled at the source." :D
Dead Kennedys last night at the Roxy was pretty excellent. I was one back most the show and okay with that as I'm not a diehard and he kept sticking the mic in people's faces to sing the songs, I hid behind a ginormous man when he came near. :D I had to bail toward the end, the mosh pit was spreading out and people were diving off the stage and I have a f***ed up neck I have to baby.





THey drink Crystal Geyser, people. :cool:


Cambodia encore safe from the trash can in the back.

Jello looking good? He's about 56 phew.
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i dont think thats jello. hes in a couple of other bands sand i think thats east bay with a new newish singer. i could be wrong and they could have made up but i havent heard that
It's not Jello, it's Skip Greer. All the others are the same. Jello got in a royalties dispute with the band and left.
I saw Dead Kennedy's at Ink n Iron two years ago with this singer. It was awful.

Anyways, did you hear about the incident at the San Diego show last week? Some couple from the audience decided to have sex on stage during their set. haha
I saw Dead Kennedy's at Ink n Iron two years ago with this singer. It was awful.

Anyways, did you hear about the incident at the San Diego show last week? Some couple from the audience decided to have sex on stage during their set. haha

funny. i liked biafras other bands like ..school of medicine and the one album he made with krist from nirvana. jellos pretty awesome on his own. even his work in alternative tentacles deserves some recognition historically
bought tickets for hedwig on broadway featuring john cameron mitchel. im excited
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