What are you watching on YouTube right now?

Mariupol Fortress. The last day in Azovstal.

I’d go with fear being a motive for most of if not everything we do in life, and that’s not always a bad thing. But even love, there’s the fear of not being loved or finding someone to love. So I fear that fear is the root cause behind human behavior.

Also I’m not too sure who the ‘ice man’ is in the video. Lol.
Neither do i. But it seems that he put the ppl he was about to kill into a freezer, if i got that right, to erase all signs about their time of death.

The way he was posing for the camera didn't look natural to him. I assume that he introjected his abusers' (parents') behaviour in a way that it was irreversible and became the dominant personality trait in him.

With regard to fear making us social human beings, i agree. But does that mean that all efforts to dispel your fears will automatically lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour?

PS: Do you mean that you are not sure if it's actually the interviewer who is the iceman?:eek:
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I don’t know if it’s possible to dispel fear. It depends on how the individual approach’s any fear. The best we can do is be aware of the emotion of fear, question it, and try to find out where it comes from, and see if it can actually and even paradoxically, benefit us instead of let it hurt or become a limitation to us in our everyday goals.

And yeah, was just making a bit of a joke about the interviewer maybe being the ice man here. Why can’t the interviewer show kindness to this damaged person? If the killer didn’t get it from his parents or society, then why not be the first to show this person some kindness, and should I dare say.. love?
Yes, being a reflective person can help. There are certain areas of life in which fear can be quiet beneficial, in others it's more of a limitation and then needs to be worked on.

When the interviewer uses the word "fearless" to characterize the iceman in a general way, he first of all wants to flatter him, and is obviously successful. He compares him to firefighters, policemen or ppl deactivating bombs. These ppl are able to disconnect from their fear of dying. The iceman, in contrast, was a fearless killer, so he didn't fear the consequences of his behaviour.

I think the interviewer knew that if he wanted to connect with the iceman's emotional self, he had to distract his dominant killer introject first. If he had shown kindness to the dominant and unemotional introject, which is protecting (suffocating) the vulnerable part inside, he would have been snubbed (and maybe killed) immediately. So, i think the interviewer quiet cleverly was able to reach into the iceman's soul (for a second there was just the slightest emotional stir in his face) while keeping a frosty pokerface all the time throughout the interview.
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‘Love’ can mean different things. We can also say that survival is the driving force that moves us. Which of course is the fear of that great unknown… death. And is anyone really ‘strong’? I think we should accept that we’re all weak, perishable, with our day’s numbered.
Maybe embrace the fear of our mortality, in order to embrace each other and life more fully. To see each other as one, and that no matter who we are, we’re all on the same road, then I think we will start being kinder to not only each other, but to ourselves also.

Or we could embrace our love of life (instead of our fear of mortality) in order to embrace each other and life more fully?

Fear has been the driving force behind so much bullshit in the world. Love is the driving force behind art and everything that is beautiful in life. And life itself.
Yes, interesting breakdown. I just don’t see the point of the interviewer playing these mind/ego games with the convict. The only benefit is maybe for the entertainment of the viewers, where their expectations of how a killer and a psychiatrist(?) would interact with each other. Everyone walks away satisfied in playing their parts.
After some research i have learned that the interviewer is a renowned psychoanalyst, Dr. Park Dietz:
Park Dietz
Not sure, why you think it's a mind/ego game that is played here.

From the iceman's point of view these interviews were probably a welcomed change from the boredom of prison life.

A win-win-win situation, imo.
Agree, I’m sure the convict welcomed the change, and flattered that people are interested in him. Maybe in the end all that killing got him what he always wanted, and that’s … to be ‘loved’.

I just see the roles they are playing, even the viewers, and how the setup can be satisfying for everyone. Sadly, that’s entertainment.
Can't really say that i love the iceman after having watched the video. I am glad, I have never met him. Just say one wrong word, and you are put away quickly. Rather the "sweet and tender hooligan" type of criminal, i would say. Did he really wanted to be loved? There is something scarily narcississtic in the way he raises his left upper lift in Elvis style to look cool and disgusted at the same time. Difficult to imagine that this persona would ever leave the stage voluntarily to make space for the loving kid.
I’m sure he found it flattering, the interest people have in him and his deeds. So, yes,
for him, a kind of love from the attention he receives, despite what we or viewers think of him.

We all have roles to play, like them or not, we will play them well. But it’s the wise that don’t take the roles too seriously, for they know that the mask we’re given at birth will be taken away at death, only to be replaced again with a different mask. That’s of course if you’re open to and entertain the possibility of reincarnation.

'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players'
I'm pretty sure that another serial killer, Macbeth, agrees with that.

Choose your roles wisely.
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. / 1 John 3:18
Depends on how much responsibility you are willing to accept for your deeds, i guess.

you mean plead insanity? I do, everyday 🙃
Stay away from the future
Back away from the light
It's all deranged - no control
Sit tight in your corner
Don't tell God your plans
It's all deranged
No control
If I could control tomorrow's haze
The darkened shore wouldn't bother me
If I can't control the web we weave
My life will be lost in the fallen leaves
Every single move's uncertain
Don't tell God your plans
It's all deranged

fate is handed to us, even the thoughts and choices we think we make, all handed to us, predetermined, from where? we do not know.

I don’t ask anymore. I accept my station and am grateful for the hand I’ve been dealt. It’s been a good one.
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