Tonight's "My Life with Morrissey" Screening

  • Thread starter The Artist Formally Known as "Mud"
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The Artist Formally Known as "Mud"

So who's going?

I hope to finish my latest roll of film tonight - wich includes pix from the film screening of "Louder Than Bombs" @ The Egyptian in Los Angeles (Feb. 7)

I'll post them ASAP - including many "Morrissey-Solo.Com-ers" ...

Seeya there!!


"My Life with Morrissey" - new indie film (sneak preview in LA, Mar. 6)

posted by davidt on Friday March 01 2002, @09:00AM

Overtoom writes:

There is a new indie feature film about Morrissey currently in post-production in the Los Angeles area. The 90 minute film, titled 'My Life with Morrissey', is a dark comedy featuring an off-kilter office girl who accidentally meets Morrissey one night -- with disastrous results. A special free sneak preview screening will be held Wednesday, March 6th at Raleigh Studios in Hollywood CA. at 7:30 pm in the Pickford Theatre. Raleigh Studios is located at 5300 Melrose Ave. Hollywood, CA. (across from Paramount Studios) All Morrissey fans are encouraged to attend -- come early as seating is extremely limited and admission is free.

for more information contact:
[email protected]

More Details

I just spoke with the publicist- there are only 40 seats available for tonight's screening- but now that she knows the demand will FAR outnumber the supply- she is working on moving it to a much larger Theatre in the same location... I will post it here if it happens!!

... well hey they have upgraded to two smaller theatres- wich means 57 seats instead of 33... that is good... hopefully not a whole lot of people will have to be turned away... keep in mind that the film screening is a "rough cut" with most but not all of the sound/editing done... they want our feedback for marketing so let's UNITE AND TAKE OVER the Pickford Theatre tonight!

My Review of the Film

"My Life With Morrissey"

Talk about CAMP.

This movie made John Watter's films look like something from DISNEY...

To say that it was "over-the-top" would be the understatement of the new millennium to say the least.

It started with a great turnout- fortunately I called ahead to warn them that 33 seats wouldn't be enough- and they were able to secure the neighboring screening room to boost capacity to 57- which was overflowed with several more seated on the floor with even more turned away. The crowd was mostly "Morrissey-Solo.Com-ers" and when I announced Dave Tseng was in the audience everyone applauded... pix to come!

Oh that's right- there was a movie, too.

It started with a shot of the heroine, Jackie, sprawled out in her bedroom waking up to a new day with her many Morrissey posters, pins, pictures and assorted other memorabilia scattered about. She gets ready for work and kisses all of her Moz pics on the way out the door- and then comes back in and gives a hint of what is to come throughout the film buy lunging back into the frame and tonguing the posters with relish... the initial shock of the audience never really wore off as her downward spiral of obsession is graphically displayed in alarming detail. The characters in her office are equally violently over-acted: you could tell everyone had a riot filming this holding absolutely NOTHING back.

Things REALLY got racy once she finally meets Moz (played by a Sweet and Tender Hooligan, Jose Maldonado, who kept his "cameo" part filmed last Summer a secret from EVERYONE- including his own band- until word leaked out a few days ago). She goes around the known Moz haunts around L.A. religiously until her odyssey leads her to a HOT DOG STAND where the Pope of Mope apparently was eating a tofu dog. She doesn't see him at first but she does see the meatless weenie and proceeds to felate it unaware that he is watching from afar- and to her amazement: appears and offers her a ride home.

From here the film goes REALLY psycho.... She is now convinced that she is engaged to him and the fantasies get even more bizarre, if that's possible, including vibrators, inflatable love dolls with Moz' face plastered on, and slippery shower heads. Fortunately all of the self-love sex is implied and thus keeps this film out of the porn section.

Her return to the office is even more outrageous as she literally goes postal on her co-workers. Just when you think she can't push the envelope any further: it's hurled with fascinating abandon. This was a car wreck that one simply couldn't take one's eyes away from- WHAT INSANE THING WILL HAPPEN NEXT?

A tour-de-force in extreme acting and dialogue. A MUST-SEE for low-budget Indie film lovers that have any shred of an interest in the Cult of Morrissey.

Three things about the film....

...the first is that it obviously should have been based in Britain, probably in early 80s Britain, crippled with strikes, under Tory rule, unemployment at a record and the country close to collapse. I think Moz's music would have sounded far more at home here than in sunny LA with the tanned folk and palm trees (Moz has patently forgotten all about music since his demise in america, anyway).

Secondly, the lead should have been a male... we've had enough female pop adulation films, and there's really nothing that will ever beat Muriels Wedding. And to have a male doing the things described of the lead character...well... great shock value.

Thirdly... with Moz's empty diary, don't you think HE should have starred in this? The whole obsessive fan relationship would've whet his greedy appetite no end, I'm sure.....

> "My Life With Morrissey"

> Talk about CAMP.

> This movie made John Watter's films look like something from DISNEY...

> To say that it was "over-the-top" would be the understatement of
> the new millennium to say the least.

> It started with a great turnout- fortunately I called ahead to warn them
> that 33 seats wouldn't be enough- and they were able to secure the
> neighboring screening room to boost capacity to 57- which was overflowed
> with several more seated on the floor with even more turned away. The
> crowd was mostly "Morrissey-Solo.Com-ers" and when I announced
> Dave Tseng was in the audience everyone applauded... pix to come!

> Oh that's right- there was a movie, too.

> It started with a shot of the heroine, Jackie, sprawled out in her bedroom
> waking up to a new day with her many Morrissey posters, pins, pictures and
> assorted other memorabilia scattered about. She gets ready for work and
> kisses all of her Moz pics on the way out the door- and then comes back in
> and gives a hint of what is to come throughout the film buy lunging back
> into the frame and tonguing the posters with relish... the initial shock
> of the audience never really wore off as her downward spiral of obsession
> is graphically displayed in alarming detail. The characters in her office
> are equally violently over-acted: you could tell everyone had a riot
> filming this holding absolutely NOTHING back.

> Things REALLY got racy once she finally meets Moz (played by a Sweet and
> Tender Hooligan, Jose Maldonado, who kept his "cameo" part
> filmed last Summer a secret from EVERYONE- including his own band- until
> word leaked out a few days ago). She goes around the known Moz haunts
> around L.A. religiously until her odyssey leads her to a HOT DOG STAND
> where the Pope of Mope apparently was eating a tofu dog. She doesn't see
> him at first but she does see the meatless weenie and proceeds to felate
> it unaware that he is watching from afar- and to her amazement: appears
> and offers her a ride home.

> From here the film goes REALLY psycho.... She is now convinced that she is
> engaged to him and the fantasies get even more bizarre, if that's
> possible, including vibrators, inflatable love dolls with Moz' face
> plastered on, and slippery shower heads. Fortunately all of the self-love
> sex is implied and thus keeps this film out of the porn section.

> Her return to the office is even more outrageous as she literally goes
> postal on her co-workers. Just when you think she can't push the envelope
> any further: it's hurled with fascinating abandon. This was a car wreck
> that one simply couldn't take one's eyes away from- WHAT INSANE THING WILL

> A tour-de-force in extreme acting and dialogue. A MUST-SEE for low-budget
> Indie film lovers that have any shred of an interest in the Cult of
> Morrissey.

> Enjoy.
Re: Three things about the film....

> Secondly, the lead should have been a male... we've had enough female pop
> adulation films, and there's really nothing that will ever beat Muriels
> Wedding. And to have a male doing the things described of the lead
> character...well... great shock value.

Muchagreement from moi.
Besides, that would work pretty well, since Moz seems to be one of the few male pop stars that has a lot of men adoring and desiring him along with women.
just suppose juxtapose

then how about having 2 obsessives, one of each sex & running their stories parallel, just my thought on it. All to late of course as the film as been done & dusted but maybe not finally polished.

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