The Drivel Thread

Enjoying the bus ride home from the art supplies store, where I picked up my prints, and they're sandwiched between cardboard which is way too large for 8 x 10" prints. No wonder I was charged more than expected. I'll investigate when I get home.
No wonder I was charged so much. They made the blank borders huge. I'll probably cut them down to fit dollar store frames.
Ive got wedding bell blues going through my head now 😆

Will you marry me Shazzz 😉😉

I’ll be on your side when you are
I’d never scheme or lie Shazzzz
There would be no Fooooooling 😆😆
Going to buy small frames from the dollar store now. Maybe I'll hesitate to cut those huge borders off the prints, but I'm more likely to be too impatient to hesitate.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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