The Drivel Thread

Why are we being inundated with pictures of crazy old women??
Trying to avoid the hunter’s bullet
To take pleasure in a bath
Heroin’s not for me
A stab of pain I expect to increase
What can I do to prevent further abuse

I can still enjoy taking a full breath for now
And a calm
I don’t feel like my hair’s going white as I type
But anxiety is a familiar blight
After all, isn’t that the intention for many
As the deer sees it’s dying light

I’m ready for an aberration
Because predictability has made it easy
I walked right into it
The decorum trap
Gang member awareness of body language
Out the door
Me a square led into the gloved fingers’ lair

Though I’d had a premonition glimpse that told me to beware
Too polite and afraid to aberrate
I followed the cues of someone who hates you
Through and through in his thick skull
In the safety of his surgical gloves

He won’t listen to your music
Though I gave him a sticky note with your name on it
It will be thrown into the trash
Not even a recycling bin
He’s deep into being a villain
To combat feeling impotent

My first impression was a slaughterhouse worker
Who smugly stands among the future meat
Having no clue what they’ll be
Screw politeness
I say in hindsight
To my inner cow
Kick his knee in
Refuse to go in
"I’ve got this terrible cold coming on."

The conformist walk up the block
Not even daring to look at the cow beside me
On the sidewalk as I pass
I didn’t dare look at the slaughterhouse technician
Except with goodwill toward him
Looking for a chance to offer him a sticky note
Numbed by conforming reflex to him calling my name
Stranger danger on mute
As I let him open my gown
The gods love me, honey bunny, you know that! :(

I’m afraid this isn’t true and if it was ever true you’ve since fallen afoul of God because God hates Zionists! Take a look at the 10 commandments and the Zionists easily fail each of the commandments from six through ten. You’ve been defending them for the past seven months so why would any God love you!? Also, you failed commandment #1 by saying “the gods”. We’re not permitted to put any other gods before God, nor on an equal footing with him either, I bet. You definitely wouldn’t be on God’s Christmas card list and you only have yourself to blame. God bless the guy in the Guess t-shirt for briefly waking you up from your delusions; they’re so deeply embedded that it was practically a miracle!
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On my walk I met a woman who said she likes Morrissey, and asked me what my favourite song is. I said I’m Not A Man, and she answered “Ohhh…” I asked her what hers is, and she said she’d think about it and let me know next time she sees me. She told me that her mum liked Morrissey, so he’s nostalgic to her. I take it her mum is dead. She had a contented little dog with her who was very busy smelling a garden. My lung’s not hurting, and the red patch of skin isn’t bothering me, though I’m sure it’s still red. I don’t feel like looking at it in a mirror right now. Israel, the song, is in my head.
I just rubbed lavender oil into the patch of red skin on my chest, because although it’s not a sharp pain it has a nagging discomfort to it, and I know that lavender oil might soothe the sensation. I feel anxiety about the patch of skin. I’ll wait a week and if it seems worse, I’ll probably look into making a formal complaint about the technician who was so rough with my skin and I feel needlessly, and suspiciously. It was a sharp stinging for a few minutes after he roughed it up. I wonder what he did that for, and I’m quite sure it wasn’t out of kindness. I suspect he deliberately tenderized my skin by being rough, to rub a carcinogen into it. It doesn’t feel like it’s healing. It doesn’t look like it’s healing. It feels like it’s just getting started. It’s had nearly five days to heal and it hasn’t at all.
The rattling cough is back too. I’m hoping to feel good enough to paint in the early morning. Right now the lung discomfort would reduce my ability to concentrate. It makes me grumpy and gloomy. I know the respiratory therapist will do her best tomorrow morning. Maybe she will give me some good advice. What a messed up life I’ve had. Villains laugh and smile at my pain. What can I do? Hopefully paint around 6 AM tomorrow, if I’m feeling up to it. I feel I’ve not lived yet. I’ve only just begun, and there are signs that it’s closing time soon for me, and soon I will be back to wishing for death to take me away from suffering. For now I want to just do my best to prevent further trauma from happening. An impossible dream, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever had. Tonight, it’s bed, or reading, I guess I will be doing. The human race is mighty cruel, though I’m impressed by kindness I’ve received, and want to emulate it, as well as I can with what I have at my disposal. What that medical technician did to me has made me grow stronger mentally and emotionally. I wonder if I will accomplish anything significant before I die, toward preventing further trauma. “It’s so easy to laugh. It’s so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind. Over. I know it’s over, and it never really began, but in my heart, it was so real."
I’ve diagnosed myself with gastroenteritis - haven’t felt so unwell in a long, long time.
I’m afraid this isn’t true and if it was ever true you’ve since fallen afoul of God because God hates Zionists! Take a look at the 10 commandments and the Zionists easily fail each of the commandments from six through ten. You’ve been defending them for the past seven months so why would any God love you!? Also, you failed commandment #1 by saying “the gods”. We’re not permitted to put any other gods before God, nor on an equal footing with him either, I bet. You definitely wouldn’t be on God’s Christmas card list and you only have yourself to blame. God bless the guy in the Guess t-shirt for briefly waking you up from your delusions; they’re so deeply embedded that it was practically a miracle!
It was soooooo upsetting. I was beginning to feel that my whole life was wrong and built on faulty premises. Thank the Gods my delusions are firmly in place again! 🤗

I do really f***ing fancy him, but we are NOT the same type of people. To illustrate, today he was saying how much he looooOOOooves the sun--unlike nicky and me. So I said I didn't like it and have sensitive eyes. He responded with "wear sunglasses--duh" , which seemed to me a cloddish thing to say because it failed to take into consideration all the reasons a person might not want to wear sunglasses. But I didn't feel like going into it and was feeling well disposed toward him so I just giggled and said "oh yeah, I guess", to which he repeated himself "I mean, I don't want to be rude, but... DUH." :rolleyes:

ALSO, if I meant "God " I would've said "God." When I say "the gods", I mean "the gods." Ergo, all of what you said about the ten commandments and whatnot is moot :rolleyes:
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I just rubbed lavender oil into the patch of red skin on my chest, because although it’s not a sharp pain it has a nagging discomfort to it, and I know that lavender oil might soothe the sensation. I feel anxiety about the patch of skin. I’ll wait a week and if it seems worse, I’ll probably look into making a formal complaint about the technician who was so rough with my skin and I feel needlessly, and suspiciously. It was a sharp stinging for a few minutes after he roughed it up. I wonder what he did that for, and I’m quite sure it wasn’t out of kindness. I suspect he deliberately tenderized my skin by being rough, to rub a carcinogen into it. It doesn’t feel like it’s healing. It doesn’t look like it’s healing. It feels like it’s just getting started. It’s had nearly five days to heal and it hasn’t at all.
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It might be the mold infection in your lungs coming out through your skin!

Make sure if you make a complaint against the technician you tell them about russell brand torturing you with microwave rays for context!👍
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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