Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

Just downloaded this document posted Jan. 5, 2015 on the Orange County Superior Court site. I believe this means the case has settled.

MINUTES FINALIZED FOR CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 01/05/2015 08:45:00 AM. 01/05/2015 (1 page PDF)

CASE NO: 30-2014-00736735-CU-CO-CJC CASE INIT.DATE: 07/29/2014
CASE TITLE: Steyn vs. Morrissey
CASE CATEGORY: Civil - Unlimited CASE TYPE: Contract - Other

EVENT TYPE: Case Management Conference
MOVING PARTY: Bradley Steyn
CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Complaint, 07/29/2014

Counsel for Plaintiff: Keith Davidson via courtcall
Counsel for Defendant: Bruce Isaacs via courtcall

Stipulation for Temporary Judge signed and filed.

Plaintiff reported that matter has settled.

The Order to Show Cause re: Dismissal on Settled Case is scheduled for 03/11/2015 at 08:45 AM in
Department C06.

No appearances required if Request for Dismissal is on file.

Parties waive notice.

UPDATE Jan. 7:

Link posted by Eurydice:

Morrissey - Bodyguard Moves To End Morrissey Lawsuit - WENN /

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Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

Why would Morrissey settle such a damaging allegation?

A court case would render any 'confidentiality agreement' between Morrissey & Steyn null and void. So, even if Morrissey was sure he could win on the specifics of these allegations, the 'poker game' of other possible revelations might have led Morrissey to settle purely to avoid unwanted disclosures about his private life. I assume we'll know a little more in March.

The recent disclosures in court by ex-staff of Lady Gaga rendered her a laughing stock. We already know that Morrissey is incapable of grinding his own salt so who knows what other humorous revelations would unfold in open court? He's probably sensibly decided not to be mauled by the media over his lifestyle foibles.


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Because there are bigger fish to fry.

Yes, probably including instructing his security team to make sure he never has to answer any more of your questions about 'signs'.

The news outlets will pick this up and point all kinds of fingers. I can't imagine Morrissey not clearing this up bc it's pretty damaging for fans to think settling out of court is merely an admission of guilt. No matter what, that's what people will be inclined to matter how loyal...the doubt has been inserted by a tiny court document which, technically, could also mean that Steyn dropped it, but I'm already seeing people buzzing with "he's guilty!" comments.

I doubt he will allow his fans to think he's capable of such violence if he's honestly not guilty.

I'll sit back and wait for a TTY statement.

Then he should have fought it instead of settling. But I suppose if he says he didn't do anything wrong that will be good enough for you and your ilk.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

Sounds like it was a wheeze to get some money after being sacked. Perhaps he succeeded in getting a minimum amount of compensation?

Fame=money=lawsuits I believe is the extract from Mozzer's booky-wooky

Your belief system is bogus.

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Then he should have fought it instead of settling. But I suppose if he says he didn't do anything wrong that will be good enough for you and your ilk.

Whereas nothing is ever good enough for you and your ilk.
I think 'settled out of court' could mean anything and does not always mean that a payment was made. If the 'evidence' proved to be completely unreliable he may have been advised by counsel to drop it, and they could have reached an agreement whereby he dropped it for a nominal sum (e.g. 1 dollar). These are all 'could of' and 'would have' and 'might have'. Maybe Moz paid him a fortune, but I doubt it.

this is kinda what i believe but who knows
Maybe he was slightly worried that that bloke would end up being awarded 25% of the smiths loyalties for the next 1500 years?


It's safe to assume he won't have a lot of faith in the courts.

The alternative view will of course be that Morrissey is Lex Luther and this is obviously an act of pure evil.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

Your belief system is bogus.

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Whereas nothing is ever good enough for you and your ilk.

When I read your posts--which is infrequent to say the least--I get the sense that they are being generated by a computer program--a robot. It is hard to accept that there is a living, breathing, thinking, human being behind them.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

When I read your posts--which is infrequent to say the least--I get the sense that they are being generated by a computer program--a robot. It is hard to accept that there is a living, breathing, thinking, human being behind them.

this is very true, for a time i thought her posts were spam. but that is a feature of cultic mentality.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

this is very true, for a time i thought her posts were spam. but that is a feature of cultic mentality.

Yep, one monotonous voice spitting out phrases by rote. Each person indistinguishable from the rest.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

Never mind all your rational, well thought out discussion.

I want to know what Benny thinks of this.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

this is very true, for a time i thought her posts were spam. but that is a feature of cultic mentality.

I thought I just liked a pop singer and all this time I've unwittingly been a part of some weird sect. f*** yeah!
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

I thought I just liked a pop singer and all this time I've unwittingly been a part of some weird sect. f*** yeah!

see? like clockwork.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

Capital letters are not your enemy.

rb was right. by rote. the same commentary over and over, like a bot. you could rearrange your posts under several other usernames and nobody will notice the difference. you could change places with marred and nobody would be the wiser for it. no personality.
Re: Steyn vs. Morrissey case minutes - "Plaintiff reported that matter has settled"

rb was right. by rote. the same commentary over and over, like a bot. you could rearrange your posts under several other usernames and nobody will notice the difference. you could change places with marred and nobody would be the wiser for it. no personality.

My keyboard is broken too. I bought an external one.
Then he should have fought it instead of settling. But I suppose if he says he didn't do anything wrong that will be good enough for you and your ilk.

You realize the type of people who use the phrase "for you and your ilk" while arguing a point are generally not freethinking, rational, open-minded individuals?
Exactly what I thought Acton.

It's amazing what assumptions you can avoid when you think before you type rather than instantly assuming Morrissey paid him off. Do you people really think after saying in recent interviews that it's a load of shit that he's going to dig into his pockets?

Someone above asked what Benny would say and I was thinking this all along when I read this. My guess it would be something like....Wha??? Morrissey a hypocrite??? who would have guessed that he would delight in the injury of a bullfighter after having an article that he supported (no TTY statement to the contrary) that gives discounts to advertised hotels for those attending these very bullfights....or something like that.
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