Smiths/Moz songs to make love to...

I pray everyday that he'll reissue "Strangeways, Here We Came," but no.
"Dear God, Please Help Me" or "Jack the Ripper."
I lost my virginity to a Smiths record sixteen years ago. And I have no problem with that.
It happened a couple times, but by total accident. it wasnt planned. infact the one time I must say it was THE worst sex I've ever had. It had nothing to do with the fact that the Smiths were on the in the background, he was just a douchebag who bragged about his skills and did not deliver.

Smiths/Moz is not sexin music. Give me Portishead/Massive Attack...that kind of stuff. Lost my virginity to the Smashing Pumpkins. Greatest makeout session of my life was to Amnesiac, by Radiohead. the whole album. good times.
:confused: I think you have your gaye singers mixed up.


i lost my virginity while vauxhall and i was playing in the background,no lie,but i got in trouble because i begin to giggle when the line in "the more you ignore " came on "let me in", i am not joking,i began to crack up and we needed to change songs.:o:p

my girlfriend was not happy about it.:D


I lost mine to a man, but whatever works for you... ;)

Ha! Verrrry clever :D
Skin Storm


I'd love to
Jukebox Jury


Nobody Loves Us


*whew* :o I'm done for now, thanks. :p :D

How have I missed this thread? I was just listening to Harsh Truth and I've always found it a SEXY song. Listen to his voice!!! :horny: I was actually thinking how the entire Kill Uncle CD would be worthy of a session.

I lost my virginity to a Smiths record sixteen years ago. And I have no problem with that.

*high five* (which one?) 45 or LP? ;)

I lost mine to a man, but whatever works for you... ;)


was he a BOY at the time? ;)
*whew* :o I'm done for now, thanks. :p :D

How have I missed this thread? I was just listening to Harsh Truth and I've always found it a SEXY song. Listen to his voice!!! :horny: I was actually thinking how the entire Kill Uncle CD would be worthy of a session.

I find Morrissey's voice on Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning incredibly sexy. I don't think it would work though, because it's too slow. You could wait a few tracks and do it to Speedway. :D
he was just a douchebag who bragged about his skills and did not deliver.

Bragging. See, that's a common mistake. I go the opposite direction. "Look, I'm going to show up. Let me remind you that a wise man once said 'Half of life is showing up'. Okay? And that's about it. I can promise you a pulse and a condom. I recommend you drink some coffee beforehand. Gather some reading material. Maybe US or People. Load up the changer with a favorite CD single or two. You won't even need to lock the cat in the bathroom. I'll be in and out in ten or fifteen, tops".

Let me tell you, I've never underwhelmed.
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I find Morrissey's voice on Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning incredibly sexy. I don't think it would work though, because it's too slow. You could wait a few tracks and do it to Speedway. :D

Oh yes, LS, GD would be foreplay...Speedway... well, zoom zoom zoom! ;)
Add all of Vauxhall to my playlist :cool:

Nope. He was all man. Sort of. :D

I should NOT have just had a flashback visual of Worm's penis just now. :D:D:D

*looks for eye bleach*
I should NOT have just had a flashback visual of Worm's penis just now. :D:D:D

*looks for eye bleach*

Hey, wait a minute here. I'm not the one defling this fine website with talk of screwing to The Smiths, okay? You people are blaspheming. I'm starting to think rock and roll really is the Devil's music. For me it's a church-- cleanse thy hands, heathen!
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