rollins vs morrissey

  • Thread starter regan was and regan is
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> I don't know who this rollins guy is but he sounds very dull.

> Has Morrissey ever mentioned him?
Henry Rollins, man??? how old ARE you? He was the f***ing lead singer of the greatest punk band, BLACK FLAG in LA in the late 70's to early 80's- he is f***ing BRILLIANT. Go get yourself educated- buy one of his books - the one I have near me is called "Black Coffee Blues" ANY of them are GREAT GREAT GREAT. LEARN SOMETHING!!! ROLLINS IS THE MAN!
> This "rollins guy you dont know" is henry rollins of the
> Goth/punk band Black Flag.
Re: the two closet cases should get it bed

> He's a macho meathead who at one time was in the punk band black flag but
> has done absolutely nothing of any value since.

> He's also said the following of Morrissey while introducing the video
> November Spawned A Monster:

> "The reason I picked Morrissey'd be because, in my opinion, Morrissey
> just embodies every horrible trait that a human can possibly possess. I
> mean, he's British, he didn't have to work very hard. And they have a
> handicap anyway, I mean, you notice all the great musicians who were
> English Moved. Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler, Tony Iommi and Bill Ward --
> the members of Black Sabbath; one of the world's greatest bands, even
> though they were British -- they (baffled head shake) moved to America.
> Which is great.

> "Umm... I just love this video because it catches our hero Morrissey
> lounging about in this hilarious shirt and just, whenever I see, I see the
> video of (puncey accents) November Spawned a Monstah I'm always here with
> a twinge of regret that it was not I who got to direct this video because
> in the last scene Morrissey'd just, would be doused with gasoline and set
> on fire too. And then we'd just get some, er, a wild sound mike up and
> just the sound of his hair and the polyester shirt burning into his skin
> and his last cries on earth and what we could do is we'd take that and put
> a house beat behind it and put it on a 12" and sell it to all these
> emaciated, you know, kids with bad teeth who don't have enough Vitamin C
> who never get outside, and it's like: Morrissey, cheer up, it's not that
> bad.

> "When you've got as much money as that guy does, you know, I'd be
> happy. David Lee Roth said 'Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy
> you a boat big enough to sail right next to it.' So I think the guy should
> cheer up.

> "So, I think we should play this video today to show everybody the
> traits they shouldn't cultivate. Look at Morrissey and just be, just jump
> up and down in joy that you are not him. That's why.

> "And I know that this might be a little cruel, that I might have, you
> know, bashed our beautiful friends over there in Britain and, you know, I
> really don't care. I really, I really don't care.

> "Personally, I wouldn't want to burn him up. I'd like to tie him to a
> chair and tease him till he pees his pants and promises never to do it
> again."

> -Henry Rollins, Rage 10yr special. 1997.

> Here's his ugly mug:
Lazt Dyke, you don't know ANYTHING about Henry Rollins. He's done nothing since??? Excuse me but he's written about 20 books, done Spoken Word shows all over the world, has been in at least 6 movies, done shows all over the world with The Rollins Band, he f***ing ROCKS. He's HOT, too. He's intelligent and funny, and I thought you were English, don't you get his IRONY? Jesus Christ...maybe he IS right about you pasty faced Brits moaning and groaning jeesus!
Re: the two closet cases should get it bed

> Lazt Dyke, you don't know ANYTHING about Henry Rollins. He's done nothing
> since??? Excuse me but he's written about 20 books, done Spoken Word shows
> all over the world, has been in at least 6 movies, done shows all over the
> world with The Rollins Band, he f***ing ROCKS. He's HOT, too. He's
> intelligent and funny, and I thought you were English, don't you get his
> IRONY? Jesus Christ...maybe he IS right about you pasty faced Brits
> moaning and groaning jeesus!

Actually, I do. I've seen his spoken word show (my brother was a fan), and I was not impressed. His movies? What, Johnny Mnemonic? Bad Boys II? Those were some quality acting performances, there! I can't be bothered reading his books, as after hearing his spoken word show I have very little interest in anything he has to say. Rollins Band? Oh yeah, they were responsible for that catchy ditty, "Liar". Fantastic lyrics: I’m a liar, yeah, I’m a liar, I’ll tear your mind up, I’ll burn your soul", etc.

And you were also wrong in your presumptions about me, I'm not English, and have never claimed to be! Guess that means I won't serve as proof of Rollins' theories regarding, as you say, "pasty faced Brits moaning and groaning".
Re: the two closet cases should get it bed

> Lazt Dyke, you don't know ANYTHING about Henry Rollins. He's done nothing
> since??? Excuse me but he's written about 20 books, done Spoken Word shows
> all over the world, has been in at least 6 movies, done shows all over the
> world with The Rollins Band, he f***ing ROCKS. He's HOT, too. He's
> intelligent and funny, and I thought you were English, don't you get his
> IRONY? Jesus Christ...maybe he IS right about you pasty faced Brits
> moaning and groaning jeesus!

And you will note: I did not say he hadn't done anything since his days in Black Flag, I said he's done nothing of ANY VALUE since then, and I stand by that.
Re: the two closet cases should get it bed

> And you will note: I did not say he hadn't done anything since his days in
> Black Flag, I said he's done nothing of ANY VALUE since then, and I stand
> by that. Whatever. You like what you like and I'll like what I like, ok?
---------------------Thanks guys that was a lot of help but still no one knows which spoken word cd rollins cuts into moz eh?????

> At least he realizes Morrissey is a genius although i don't agree with
> what he thinks are morrissey's motivations--just to sell records. I saw an
> "I love the 80s" VH1 episode in which they made fun of
> Morrissey. And someone on that show said the same thing. Just people who
> don't understand I guess. But how could you put it down when Morrissey and
> Smiths had their own unique sound and it was good. It may not be your cup
> of tea, but it was good and if you can't respect that, because you don't
> understand it--then look who's the real idiot.
> ---------------------Thanks guys that was a lot of help but still no one
> knows which spoken word cd rollins cuts into moz eh?????
There isn't one, unfortunately. He's only made a few spoken word tapes. Go to his site on 2.13.61. and you'll see all the Rollins stuff avaliable.
Re: rollins vs morrissey,wrong


----thats bull rollins has made alot of spokenword tapes

There isn't one, unfortunately. He's only made a few spoken word tapes. Go
> to his site on 2.13.61. and you'll see all the Rollins stuff avaliable.
Re: rollins vs morrissey,wrong

> ----thats bull rollins has made alot of spokenword tapes

> There isn't one, unfortunately. He's only made a few spoken word tapes. Go
He has, but not one with the Morrissey comment on it. Go check out the site yourself,
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