question about "irregular regulars"

Hey Adam, where did you get the phrase "sell my hole for rockundroll"? Did you hear it somewhere or are you just clever and thought of it on the spot?

Just curious...:cool:

I'm sure someone else said it long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was channeling Hedwig Robinson, if that's any indication. But don't we all?
I'm sure someone else said it long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was channeling Hedwig Robinson, if that's any indication. But don't we all?

Oh. I just thougth you were referencing the adult film by that title. Sorry ;)
save up all your anger for Pete Doherty for f***ing up his kittycat!!!


I already wrote this lunatic's action in the Morrissey Musical thread.
The idiot even made a special crackpipe for the kitten.
He should be locked up, and released on gouvernment laws. I mean Doherty has to visit an organisation who keep dangerous people in sight,
by heavy rules.

It's so fustrating that a talented young man is destroying himself, and
everyone let him do it, and enjoys it, it's crazy...they can send him to
rehab every week, but it won't help till he wants it, and till now he enjoys
his way of life too much
Been there done that, got the scarves and the guilt
I had no idea there was a movie by that title, but it sounds like my kinda flick. [It also sounds like a great song title for Nick Name and the Normals.]

Oh, and getting back to the "stalking" thing for just one moment...

Granted that not everyone wants to arrive at the buttcrack of dawn to queue up for a show, but if you don't, I promise you you're missing 30% of the fun. You haven't lived until you've seen the venue staff waddling in with their buckets of fried chicken and carnage on a bun, only to see them waddle back out because The Meat Ban has come down. They are SO surly, and they openly complain to us, the fans in line, and we just have a gay old time mocking them.

Even Arturo has had a chuckle because these people are incensed that someone would tell them, "My house, my rules!" Their faces are priceless, and it NEVER gets old, I swear to ya.

I already wrote this lunatic's action in the Morrissey Musical thread.
The idiot even made a special crackpipe for the kitten.
He should be locked up, and released on gouvernment laws. I mean Doherty has to visit an organisation who keep dangerous people in sight,
by heavy rules.

It's so fustrating that a talented young man is destroying himself, and
everyone let him do it, and enjoys it, it's crazy...they can send him to
rehab every week, but it won't help till he wants it, and till now he enjoys
his way of life too much
Been there done that, got the scarves and the guilt

completely agree and understand. ;)
Thank you Adam from excluding me from the other Texans. As I'm not from Texas, I just live here now. I was born in New Orleans & grew up in Florida.:D
Thank you Adam from excluding me from the other Texans. As I'm not from Texas, I just live here now. I was born in New Orleans & grew up in Florida.:D

oh come on now, you gonna turn your back on us brother?

that's messed up!!!!
Face it, Texas sucks. Even Moz dissed it in lyrical form. I turn to Texas thrice daily and flick a V in its general direction. Then I say a little curse, praying that one day we will be rid of all that is Texas. ;)

So now we have front page confirmation that He is back in Cauliflowernia. No one has captured any stalkerish cellphone photos, but I'm waiting with, uh, baited breath for them. (Shut up, I use mouthwash after every client!)

I've dispatched Mel on her Segway to scout out his new hacienda, and I think Jay is watching all the usual street corners. We will have achieved full stalk by the week's end.

Or maybe we'll just focus on making customized t-shirts?
Hey Adam, where did you get the phrase "sell my hole for rockundroll"? Did you hear it somewhere or are you just clever and thought of it on the spot?

Just curious...:cool:

i was wondering this as well. as soon i read it i thought if a ink and dagger song
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