Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

hello!! my friend Joan says hello, I was tryin get he to register on of ftopic lol
we are on 3rd bottle of wine, very nice
her twin upset her earlier. Grrrr
Ian away out to pub, dylan in bed.

Hello Joan, you addled hussy! :p

I'm still depressingly sober - need a driver in case anyone gets drunk and out of hand (they can shout and throw up at their own house rather than at mine) Still over an hour before I can start chucking youths at the tent.
Hello Joan, you addled hussy! :p

I'm still depressingly sober - need a driver in case anyone gets drunk and out of hand (they can shout and throw up at their own house rather than at mine) Still over an hour before I can start chucking youths at the tent.

hahah awww man are they having fun then? what they up to? Joan says hello again *giggle&
we took pics they are hideous, we shant post under an y circumstance.
hahah awww man are they having fun then? what they up to? Joan says hello again *giggle&
we took pics they are hideous, we shant post under an y circumstance.

What! You have Joan Burney with you?

Can she help me with my problems?...:p

Three bottles? Are you talking it easy or something..:p
Oh yes, you can kick me
And you can punch me
And you can break my face
But you won't change the way I feel
'Cause I love you
I think I'm in love with Ziggy Stardust :horny:
How is everyone tonight?

If I had £1,000,000, I'd buy a house there and you could move in with me. :p

Just remember that whatever business you have with the sheep you'll have to take care of outdoors where I don't have to witness it. And I will require you to do your chores whilst wearing a kilt. I'll be able to afford a wide assortment of them.

I'm done trying to get rid of you. You win. ;)

The sheep thing is just a means of keeping warm. There's just Nothing you can't do with a sheep. Let's not bring the law into this..:p

I have an itchy belly-button. I hope it's nothing serious..:)
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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