Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I helped create it's cesspoolyness! :cool:
There was a time when I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly, but I misunderstood you back then. “You’re not right in the head, but nor am I, and this is why I like you”. You’re a good’un.
For the love of God, will this idiocy never stop? Rights for the rivers: Groups fight for recognition of natural entities' legal rights. These people would sooner give consideration for water over the animals bred for their meat and milk. "Water is life"? Well, water sustains life, if that's what they mean. But water is not a living thing. Deliver us from quasi-religious "indigenous" bunkum.

There's a growing movement that calls for granting legal rights to natural entities like forests and rivers. Indigenous groups say it should definitely hold true for the Mississippi river and others.

JUANPABLO RAMIREZ-FRANCO, BYLINE: The Mississippi River flows through 10 states and spans over 2,300 miles, from its headwaters in northern Minnesota down to New Orleans, where it empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

UNIDENTIFIED PEOPLE: (Chanting) Water is life. Mni wiconi (ph), (inaudible). Water is life.

RAMIREZ-FRANCO: On this day, a group of environmentalists chant as they cross the river, marching on a bridge that connects the quad cities, four towns in Illinois and Iowa that border the Mississippi. They say the river is alive.


UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTER #2: Ain't no power like the power of the people.

GLENDA GUSTER: The river has rights just like human rights. Our nature have rights, and it's up to us to preserve these rights.
Have translated all the lyrics off of Vauxhall & I and treating myself to some apple cider, the can has an awfully cute design with a hedgehog and I want to keep it... Also feeling dizzy and that's enough drinking for me in July I guess.
Well she does have a career you know,
She’s a nurse in Cheshire…..

Career….. No, you probably don’t understand THAT word at all, as your only
a scavenging shop Girl who gives out oral to
Mexican teens for your rent.

I’ve missed ya Rifkie…..
where ya been olde girl??

What have ya done to bunny honey??
We are both on ignore 😏😏

When I first learned of this tragic upset
I was going to private message you to
See if you were interested in a
double suicide pact….. yes / or No ???

Things just won’t be the same any more
Without our hunny bunny…..

However is an olde Queen like me gonna
Get through this horrific time 😘😘😘
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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