Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

And weekend wedding now over. I don’t think they thought our side was gonna bring the dancing and the noise as much as we did. We’re all performers of one kind or another and they all seemed to be part of one dance troop or another so there were a lot of performances each day. The procession was probably the best as we did a lot of dancing in the streets and frankly I thought we won. Another fun fact of the days events, my eleven old nephew got stuck in the hotel elevator and they apparently had to call the fire department per regulation. We pulled the doors open a crack and got some fun pics of the ordeal while we we’re waiting for the fire department but my father bringing all the skill a sixty plus unlicensed electrician could bring managed to pull on some random metal bit after fidgeting with it and opened the door. I thought for sure he was a gonna brake the thing and make it worse in some way but I gladly ate my word.
this is nice too, but i like bunnies better than surfers, which i like not at all, and plus i could wear the bunny one all year round. if i were to wear this one in the winter i might run the risk of being like those people who wear christmas pajama bottoms as pants all year round. whereas bunnies work for all seasons.

Ive almost finished Maurice and Ive definitely come to be conclusion that alma Matters is some of the inspiration for the song as body soul heart whole are words repeated throughout but also there’s one bit about how everyone adapts to there hole eventually. If it is inspired by the book it makes me wonder if the song is sadder than I previously thought it to be. There is also a dream given by a hypnotist to try and convert Maurice away from the Wilde mold he’s afraid of and it made me think of the morrissey line the woman of my dreams well there never was one as that seems to be the point made in the novel
as soon as BGV read here he went over there to participate in the proceedings too.
now with a fake fam too and liquor.:lbf:
Magento fake fam dismissed and then he passed out:blushing:
laundry is hanging from THE FING LIVING ROOM:mad: BGV is rotating the globe in an imaginary jet plane
4 cylinder purchased from 'surface'. not surprisingly BGV doesnt get
drunk like Magento, he has 'bacchanalia's' as if an etruscan overlord in Poughkeepsie:hammer:
good, leaving this job and them wanting me stay longer feels great
a woman I knew once long ago now taught me that, leave them before they leave you
especially if they don't want you to, I feel this in spades
and whatever angst I might feel about it is currently being overwhelmed with a sense of relief, righteousness and feeling of being wanted
of course, eventually this shall fade, its in my nature to second guess choices I make, true Mozzers will get it
but hey, at least I will have trollin scum to pick me up with their shit talking then :rock:
good, leaving this job and them wanting me stay longer feels great
a woman I knew once long ago now taught me that, leave them before they leave you
especially if they don't want you to, I feel this in spades
and whatever angst I might feel about it is currently being overwhelmed with a sense of relief, righteousness and feeling of being wanted
of course, eventually this shall fade, its in my nature to second guess choices I make, true Mozzers will get it
but hey, at least I will have trollin scum to pick me up with their shit talking then :rock:
*reggae music playing*
Dem wanting me stay
But I go
Dem wanting me stay
But I go
A lesson I learned long ago
Leave dem before dey leave you
Before dem wanting you to

I find that my mind
It is split
But dem trollies will
still talk dat shit
Well I’ve just finished Maurice while my child slept thankfully and i suppose one last thought on on the subject of the book and the song alma maters which is that I now wonder if the song is about Clive and not Maurice or at least maybe the references in the song relating to the novel might be from his perspective
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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