Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Yes it would. Happy memories of watching them when I was a kid. Vic Reeves based a lot of his persona on Eric.

Vic took it to such an extent that he took to watching his own performances repeatedly at home, like what Eric did.

What's your fave clip? There was so many. I've got an old '45 of them performing 'Boom-Oo-Yatta-Ta-Ta'. Tis wonderful.
Hard to pick one. The usual favourites, I suppose. "The Stripper" breakfast, "Singin' In The Rain" etc. But I used to love their banter between themselves or with the guest stars in front of the curtain etc. The André Previn one is great with Grieg's Piano Concerto. Also the long-running gag with the horror actor Peter Cushing about money. Too many, really :)
I just went for an afternoon sleep and had a dream that my English teacher put my cat in the oven!

Love PTxx.
I did watch it but I was disappointed. I love them dearly and it would have just been better to show an old series from start to finish.

so glad someone else said that, this is the main reason i woudlnt watch it, bout time we got a serious re-run, and not just the odd same three they use..

I remember a few years back, that 'two of a kind' (the one they did for lwt when they first started out) was on for a while, it was PURE BLISS.

such a shame their both dead now, :(
I atually came in here to say,
why the F*** dont government websites work properly out of 'office' hours, fcuking annoying, they demand so much yet make it so hard for you to comply...
I just ate a big piece of cake I was supposed to be giving to someone else :o oh well, diet starts again Monday!
well done

Love TBxx:D

The game was ok. I thought Keane seemed to have a frustrating time, he should have scored. Also, I don't know what the hell that Preston player was doing dragging Carragher down in the area and getting a goal for his own team disallowed...the nutter.

I was praying that on the second goal Gerrard would take a shot from one and one and miss horribly.

Love PTxx.
The game was ok. I thought Keane seemed to have a frustrating time, he should have scored. Also, I don't know what the hell that Preston player was doing dragging Carragher down in the area and getting a goal for his own team disallowed...the nutter.

I was praying that on the second goal Gerrard would take a shot from one and one and miss horribly.

Love PTxx.

praying? what's that all about? beeston, bramley, harehills, chapeltown, armley, seacroft etc etc get PT and sort him out:angry::D

Love TBxx:guitar:
So Seven Pounds equals what? Like $3.50, right?
why am i suddenly forking out money left right and centre? and where has all the food in this house gone?
*goes off to start a beans on toast regime, remembers theres only one loaf in the freezer, arghh! beans and egg noodles then lol*:rolleyes:
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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