Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

You should see a doctor dear, this must be a neurological problem. :( Is your eyesight good?
(I'm not being sarcastic.)

My eye sight is fine :)
It's just like you tell kids not to play with scissors for a reason, no one should play with scissors :p

aw :p

So come on, what were you doing playing with scissors if not doing blood-paintings? ;)

The blood-painting thing didn't work out, I'm not going that way again.
I'm trying to kill four days, they are crawling by
I'm watching this programme about Kurt Cobain, it's 91 bloody minutes long....if I knew that when I started, I wouldn't have bothered.
My eye sight is fine :)
It's just like you tell kids not to play with scissors for a reason, no one should play with scissors :p

The blood-painting thing didn't work out, I'm not going that way again.
I'm trying to kill four days, they are crawling by
a child (thankfully not mine) who was carrying scissors the other day and fell on another child (thankfully also not one of mine) who had to have stiches in her face :eek:
a child (thankfully not mine) who was carrying scissors the other day and fell on another child (thankfully also not one of mine) who had to have stiches in her face :eek:

Ouch :eek:
I wouldn't know what to do if they kids were in my class....
This forum's gone a bit mad.

I think they're doing it on purpose. It's some sort of weird training thing maybe, like Kewpie got the position at NASA and needs to train her underling to use the force in order to rein in the trolls while she's off building pods for earth people to live on Venus or something cool like that.

It's too peculiarly obvious, but then again I'm a conspiracy theorist 1st class so maybe my opinions are cuckoo.
I think they're doing it on purpose. It's some sort of weird training thing maybe, like Kewpie got the position at NASA and needs to train her underling to use the force in order to rein in the trolls while she's off building pods for earth people to live on Venus or something cool like that.

It's too peculiarly obvious, but then again I'm a conspiracy theorist 1st class so maybe my opinions are cuckoo.

Venus, why not Mars? :p

adebayor, oh adebayoooooooor
his dad washes elephants
his mother's a whore:eek:

:eek: you'll be leading the way with the chants on Sun no doubt, got to show those Gooners fans whose boss ;)
I have cider :) And "I love you" in spanish is te quiero, which I thought was quite funny. This is what comes of drinking alone! :p

You got something to tell me? ;)
And how on earth is 'te quiero' funny? It's gone over my head anyway.....
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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