Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Hattie, they are adorable, congratulations to your friend. :)
thanks! They are so, so sweet and good, they sleep well, they eat well, but even though they're twins, they're so different already! The little girl is 1 minute older, and she is definatly the bossier one! Their mummy gets to take them home tomorrow!
Awwwwwwwwww :sweet: They're cute when they're someone else's! ;)

I just went to the post office on my bike in the rain to drop off a package, and when I got there I discovered I forgot the package. :(
I know. The thought of recovering from a major operation with 2 new babies and a 6 year old in the run up to Christmas makes me feel faint...
Lord, why have thou Forsaken me?
its in the middle of being built, be patient,and i shall shave ye

i mean save ye


Well, even for a saviour it's good to have another skill....:p
Good luck :) but I must warn you ... it gets worse! :eek:

I know it. ...and... all DONE with the science project board. :D!

"Auntie" hattiel, Congrats to your friend (she certainly does have her hands full!), the twinkies are beautiful! :sweet: My brother never lets me forget that he's 5 minutes older. ;)
Essays! Bloody essays! I hate them!!:gun::mad:
A Poem By Me......

A Poem by Me....

I love that song but I feel
More Could Be Said
Give your Money and Run
So Yesterday I Know you flew
Out the door and into the van
Where the chickens hatched so long ago
They're Off To Market And Never
to be Seen Again....

Tell Me What You Think :):):)
Re: A Poem By Me......

A Poem by Me....

I love that song but I feel
More Could Be Said
Give your Money and Run
So Yesterday I Know you flew
Out the door and into the van
Where the chickens hatched so long ago
They're Off To Market And Never
to be Seen Again....

Tell Me What You Think :):):)

I would only change one tiny aspect of it boss...

The words....:p
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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