Moz on CBBC weekly show! (Shame about the hair though)

  • Thread starter Little Miss Curious
  • Start date

Little Miss Curious

But I must admit he's looking good - and his image change is cracking...


> Now you're just being ridiculous.

> TMF x

No I'm not! It's obvious it's him...have you had your cataracts done yet love?

Lysergic spectacles

> No I'm not! It's obvious it's him...have you had your
> cataracts done yet love?

Ouch! What are you drinking? I'll have a double, whatever it is. With a cherry in it.

Re: Lysergic spectacles

> Ouch! What are you drinking? I'll have a double, whatever it is.
> With a cherry in it.

> TMF x

Aw, You wouldn't be able to handle it...isn't is nice now Moz is in a group again? Bizarre name for them all though...and the Grandpa looks rather suspicious...

he's gone completely Michael Jackson on us. He's got a skin condition and no visible nose.
> he's gone completely Michael Jackson on us. He's got a skin
> condition and no visible nose.

: )

Say you wouldn't happen to be, like me, rather amused by what ol' Jarvis did to the squeeky freaky one would you?!
> But I must admit he's looking good - and his image change is
> cracking...

> LMC x

Does anyone have a picture or description of what show you're referring to? Since Moz has turned 35+, he's changing every day and I'm anxious to see what he's morphed into the past few months -- but I'm sure it's brilliant and equally delicious...
"Get away from the flats"

Mole, fowl, bowl, pole, goal.

That's how it's done.

Lovely weekend babes x

Blisterpack - 'It's shiny, it excites!!'

Mole, foal, bowl, pole, goal.

THAT'S how it's done!

Lovely. And we're rich! At last at last at last!


Complimentary Kit-Kat, anyone?

Grrrrr!!! Babes, remember to change the name back to LMC before you leave my house! You're taking the credit for my mail now (not that it means much)...

I'll take all your candy you twerps!

Now that Cinderella has gone to Manchester, I can escape and go nuts like I used to. Hootie hoooooooooooooooo..and I shall start by smashing all your chocolates and kicking in your teapots you couple of gumwads!

Kiss my grits tizzlemonkees!
The Magic Fairy's Little Book of Kindness

Calm down, greasy. Here, have a strawberry bonbon.


Hey my sweet tartuffe..shut the hell up!

I will not be calm, i hate bon bons and why wont she come back sooner? I am going insane so I shall have to soil all your clothes because i want to, now gimme that shirt jackweed!
Re: Hey my sweet tartuffe..shut the hell up!

>You are as mad as a dish of frogs greasetea, I haven't got a clue what you keep going on about, hello from England anyway.

I will not be calm, i hate bon bons and why wont she come back
> sooner? I am going insane so I shall have to soil all your
> clothes because i want to, now gimme that shirt jackweed!
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