Morrissey turns 52 - May 22, 2011

Morrissey you are aging better than fine wines. You are as good looking today as you were in 1984~ Happy Birthday~
Happy Birthday Morrissey! May you celebrate many and many more, for there are still many lives to save with your music!

I want you to know that "I have forgiven You" for depicting, so clearly in your lyrics, what turned out to be my life! But, as long as I have your music, I'll be at Peace!!!

I went to 2 out of 3 gigs you played in Portugal: 29th Oct. 99 in Oporto and 15th Aug. 06 in Paredes de Coura (summer festival), so it's about time you come back and iluminate us with your presence and with your music. Bless you...
Oh thank God you're here. Happiest of days to you always.
Birthday shout-out to one of my all time musical heroes. VIVA LE MOZ!
Happy Birthday, Squishy!


Merry Merry Happy Birthday to you Morrissey!

You're alway young at heart and I love your sprit forever!
Keep singing and keep writing good songs. Hoping your concert will be
another great success. I can't go and follow for I've got married in April!
And I'm expecting a baby in September ( not a monster !)
I'm not sure if I make him or her listen to your songs..... it's his/her choice.
I strongly wish that you'll find happiness to be with someone!!!!!
It's so nice to be that way, age isn't necessary! You have to make your way
by yourself, you're sweet but you're a man! I'd like to hear a surprising good
news someday!

Half worried
from Japan
Happy birthday Moz. Nearly everyday I am reminded of the gratitude I feel for the body of work you have given us.
Happy Birthday have a moment of clarity and kick Jesse Tobias to the curb....Thanks.
Happy birthday moz!!!! Wish you the best on this beautiful day of yours!.. much love DarcyMoz.
Just to say as every year happy b-day, dear Morrissey.
Thanks for being an inspiration.
Happy Birthday Morrissey!! I spent the whole day listening to your music . It was definitely a pleasant walk through memory lane. Love you lots!!!
thank you for all your brilliance through the years... I have seen you live so many times and have never been disappointed... from one man who has lived a charming life to another... cheers Steven Patrick Morrissey!!!
May I be the first to wish someone a happy birthday that won't see this message or care either way if he did? :)

Oh diddums. Did ooh not get a birfday card fwom Mowwissey when it was YOUR birfday den?
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