Morrissey & Montgomery Clift

Hmmm...some people claim that they read Morrissey's comment on Clift in his interview, but no one has been confirmed it.

I don't recall Morrissey's comment on Clift.

I looked this morning, there is a quote morrissey uses in 'James Dean not dead' about James Dean used to try and contact Clift and say how he has influnced him. Clift used to ignore his calls and change his telephone number. After JD died, Clift would get drunk, watch JD films and cry because he didn't give him any time.:(

Also, in that book morrussey calls Brando (slob):p
I looked this morning, there is a quote morrissey uses in 'James Dean not dead' about James Dean used to try and contact Clift and say how he has influenced him. Clift used to ignore his calls and change his telephone number. After JD died, Clift would get drunk, watch JD films and cry because he didn't give him any time.:(

Also, in that book morrussey calls Brando (slob):p

Thank you very much.
Very sad that Monty didn't meet Jimmy when he's alive.

Mick Rock complimented Morrissey that he had a charisma like young Brando on his XFM radio show.
I can't recall any specific quote from Moz re:Monty, but he did include an excerpt of Clift's performance in a radio dramatisation of 'The Glass Menagerie' by Tenessee Williams in the unreleased track 'Glass Menagerie' recorded in the 'Southpaw Grammar' era.
Oh and there's also this pic of Moz with a vintage Monty bio by Robert Laguardia
I really enjoyed Patricia Bosworths biography on Clift. I find Clifts life and career absolutley fascinating.

Totally on board with you, great read.

And thanks cornelius for the thread link -- I never came across that one (figuratively), nice. :)
I can't recall any specific quote from Moz re:Monty, but he did include an excerpt of Clift's performance in a radio dramatisation of 'The Glass Menagerie' by Tenessee Williams in the unreleased track 'Glass Menagerie' recorded in the 'Southpaw Grammar' era.
Oh and there's also this pic of Moz with a vintage Monty bio by Robert Laguardia

The Glass Menagerie download link has been posted by Mr Reynolds few months ago, but it doesn't have any vocal. :confused:

I didn't know about the picture Morrissey's holding a biography of Monty.
You need to fix the attachment link.
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Totally on board with you, great read.

And thanks cornelius for the thread link -- I never came across that one (figuratively), nice. :)

your welcome:)

I didn't know about the picture Morrissey's holding a biography of Monty.
You need to fix the attachment link.

Where is this picture?

also in Trainspotting Euan Mcgregor is reading the Bosworth book.
I can't recall any specific quote from Moz re:Monty, but he did include an excerpt of Clift's performance in a radio dramatisation of 'The Glass Menagerie' by Tenessee Williams in the unreleased track 'Glass Menagerie' recorded in the 'Southpaw Grammar' era.
Oh and there's also this pic of Moz with a vintage Monty bio by Robert Laguardia
The Glass Menagerie download link has been posted by Mr Reynolds few months ago, but it doesn't have any vocal. :confused:
wasnt a spoken word intro from the film included in that song? thats ppropably what he meant. but as afar as i can recall mr clift dont have a role on that film.
edit: oh i justsaw , joe, that you was talking about a RADIO performance of the there mr clift did take part, yes?
iI like Montgomery a lot long before i ever heard of moz
("discovered" morrissey way ,way to late)
when i watched a film of him recently i saw some physical simularities in him .
"old"films from the 1920-60 and I -a neverending love:sweet:..thats what i was obsessed since I was a teenager...maybe even more so as music but thts changed in later years.
edit: hmm just thought back on that time period and actually i would say it was a equal. i was a nirvana obsessive first before i delve into sonic youth..the days before ebay and downloads where i searched for rare records on record fairs/markets
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Referenced earlier in the thread...Stipe and the boys addressed Clift.

Monty this seems strange to me
The movies had that movie thing,
But nonsense has a welcome ring
And heroes don't come easy

Now nonsense isn't new to me
I know my head, I know my feet,
But mischief knocked me in the knees
Said, Just let go, just let go

I saw the ocean meet the man
I saw you buried in the sand
A friend was there to hold your hand,
Said, Walk on by

So, I went walking through the street
I saw you strung up in a tree
A woman knelt there said to me,
Said, Hold your tongue, ma, hold your tongue

You don't owe me anything
You don't want this sympathy (waste your breath)
Don't you waste your breath (waste your breath)
For the silver screen

That nonsense doesn't mean a thing,
They tried to bust you in a sting,
But virtue isn't everything
So, don't waste time

Now, here's a rhyme that you can steal
Put this on your reel to reel
Mischief threw a rotten deal
Monty's laying low, man
He is laying low
Just let go, y'all
Just let go

You don't owe me anything
You don't want this sympathy (waste your breath)
Don't you waste your breath (waste your breath)
Monty this seems strange to me
Thank you very much.
Very sad that Monty didn't meet Jimmy when he's alive.

Mick Rock complimented Morrissey that he had a charisma like young Brando on his XFM radio show.
Did I dream or did I read that when Montgomery had his car accident, he had just had dinner with Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean was here?:confused:I love Montgomery Clift, he has the most beautiful, tortured eyes I have ever seen.:horny: he was so sensitive...:sweet:I adore him (a lot more than James Dean:o)
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Did I dream or did I read that when Montgomery had his car accident, he had just had dinner with Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean was here?:confused:I love Montgomery Clift, he has the most beautiful, tortured eyes I have ever seen.:horny: he was so sensitive...:sweet:I adore him (a lot more than James Dean:o)

James Dean was killed 30th September 1955.

When Monty was shooting a film Raintree Country in 1957 he had a car crash.
Are you really a fan of Monty?
James Dean was killed 30th September 1955.

When Monty was shooting a film Raintree Country in 1957 he had a car crash.
Are you really a fan of Monty too?
Well, are you a fan? Cause it was in 1956...:D
"On May 12, 1956, while filming Raintree County, he smashed his car into a telephone pole after leaving a party at the home of his Raintree County co-star Elizabeth Taylor and her then-husband Michael Wilding."

I did not say I was a fan, I said I loved him. I am not supposed to know the date of his accident and so on. If you read again what I have written, I was not affirmative. Even if i still think I have read that wrong info somewhere.
I've had a crush for Monty for two months, so, excuse me if i don't know everything about him yet!
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Well, are you a fan? Cause it was in 1956...:D
"On May 12, 1956, while filming Raintree County, he smashed his car into a telephone pole after leaving a party at the home of his Raintree County co-star Elizabeth Taylor and her then-husband Michael Wilding."

I did not say I was a fan, I said I loved him. I am not supposed to know the date of his accident and so on. If you read again what I have written, I was not affirmative. Even if i still think I have read that wrong info somewhere.
I've had a crush for Monty for two months, so, excuse me if i don't know everything about him yet!

I was only highlighting the fact that by the time Monty was shooting Raintree Country Jimmy was dead.
Did I dream or did I read that when Montgomery had his car accident, he had just had dinner with Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean was here?:confused:I love Montgomery Clift, he has the most beautiful, tortured eyes I have ever seen.:horny: he was so sensitive...:sweet:I adore him (a lot more than James Dean:o)

James Dean was killed 30th September 1955.

When Monty was shooting a film Raintree Country in 1957 he had a car crash.
Are you really a fan of Monty?

Well, are you a fan? Cause it was in 1956...:D
"On May 12, 1956, while filming Raintree County, he smashed his car into a telephone pole after leaving a party at the home of his Raintree County co-star Elizabeth Taylor and her then-husband Michael Wilding."

I did not say I was a fan, I said I loved him. I am not supposed to know the date of his accident and so on. If you read again what I have written, I was not affirmative. Even if i still think I have read that wrong info somewhere.
I've had a crush for Monty for two months, so, excuse me if i don't know everything about him yet!

I was only highlighting the fact that by the time Monty was shooting Raintree Country Jimmy was dead.

children, children....settle down now!

don't upset Monty by bickering!

I used to have a serious fixation on James Dean. I've visited his grave twice. Brando was the original of the method actors, Dean and Clift did copy him and were obviously massively influenced by him. They weren't bad though, were they?

I don't think Clift was massively influenced by him. Clift was more prominent in acting before Brando came along.

I remember a piece in Bosworth's biography saying that Brando drove up to Clift's house one day (despite not being close friends) and telling him to stop destroying his life because he felt by him ruining his acting qualities, he was being poor competition for Brando and he wasn't forced to push higher.

Brando never did anything for me but he is a great actor of course.
All apologies for the broken picture. I hope to hell it works this time. I've stuck it on as an attachment this time. I'm hopeless with these things.
Oh and sistasheila, or anyone else that's interested, the CD of the radio play featuring Mr.Clift is still available via Amazon and all fine retailers. It's released by Caedmon Audio.
Moz isn't actually holding the Monty book, it's just sitting on the table in front of him. Actually, it almost looks as if he's turning away in disgust! Apparently it was one of the books that happened to be in the library of the hotel in which the photoshoot took place and someone thought it'd be a nice idea to put it in the shot. Or perhaps all their other tomes were toot!
Dean, Clift etc do not forget

Dirk Bogarde was openly gay, but not really relevant to the discussion.
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