Morrissey fans...



Hi All,

My name is Sarah and I am a huge Morrissey fan from LA. 2 nights ago I saw another amazing singer-songwriter play at the Whiskey in Hollywood named Cameron Ash.

He is a lyrical phenom, and a great performer. He is like a mix of Morrissey and PJ Harvey in terms of his sound, and his lyrical ability will blow you away. Intellegent and humorous and tragic all in one!

I just got a copy of his album after the show, and I would recommend him to all Morrissey fans, escpecially those who are into the somber-singer-songwriter thing!

I think he has sound clips at, and I think you can get his album there too. Check out the song "Stop Her"'s both hilarious and beautiful.

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention him because I was really moved when I saw him sing the other night. Let me know what you guys think.


Cameron Ash Website
LOL. This all sounds to me like you are Cameron Ash. It's canh plug your own music here without making up fans to do it:)
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