Morrissey Central "Mexico City" - dengue infection will take 2-3 weeks to clear; tour to resume in Florida (September 10, 2023)

Looks like he caught Dengue Fever - all shows cancelled until Florida on 7 October. All South American dates cancelled.

Morrissey’s arrival in Mexico City has resulted in a dengue infection. The virus will take 2-3 weeks to clear.

The tour is set to resume in Florida.

Morrissey has not ‘cancelled’ any shows, but the infection makes the immediate two weeks impossible.
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In comparison, Mark Burgess of The Chameleons started their American tour 2 days ago. His mother died on the same day. He is still out there performing which is shocking.

Not saying that M is wrong to cancel if he genuinely has DF, but the boy who cried wolf springs to mind...

So does this story ..

‘Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Odd how these illness excuses keep happening, isn't it?
If only Moz was like you! A superhuman, a man immune to all illnesses, a man who invented the colour blue, a man who appeared on Mastermind talking about Moz (best not mention the sh*te general knowledge)! When will all these stupid people who still follow Moz learn that you, WeirdUnclePeter, is the one and true Messiah? It's getting embarrassing now. What more do you need to do? You wear "I'm not racist' socks. You use the terms 'thin gruel' and 'it's all about the money' 23 times a day, and they still don't listen. These people are not worthy of your time or your wise words. We should all hang out heads in shame.
Appreciate this is beyond his control but it would be nice if he apologised for the inconvenience to his fans. I'm still fuming from the Nottingham cancellation, no reason given and no apology.
Pleeeeeeease get healthy for the Florida shows!
I have tickets for Orlando & St. Petersburg.
I'm flying in from London for the St. P show!- fingers crossed he recovers but if it's cancelled due to ill health so be it. There'll be another time! Best to Moz and any others affected. You have to feel for Mexico but it sounds as though he'll be back soonish. In the meantime, seeing BB on Friday at a Marc Bolan Tribute.....
Appreciate this is beyond his control but it would be nice if he apologised for the inconvenience to his fans. I'm still fuming from the Nottingham cancellation, no reason given and no apology.
I had tickets for Nottingham...something strange going on as James also cancelled at the same venue.
I had tickets for Nottingham...something strange going on as James also cancelled at the same venue.

But at least James had the decency to apologise and have rescheduled the show for 6th December.

We are so sorry to announce that one of the band has taken ill and our show at Nottingham’s Royal Concert Hall tonight will need to be rescheduled. We intend to reschedule for later this year.

The band appreciate your understanding and support on this disappointing end to an incredible tour.

Ticket holders will be contacted ASAP with further details, please refer to your point of purchase for any refunds required.

In the meantime, feel free to send Tim good wishes for a speedy recovery on Twitter via @RealTimBooth.

UPDATE 25/5:

Our show at Nottingham’s Royal Concert Hall on Saturday which we sadly had to postpone, has now been rescheduled for Tuesday 6th December 2016. All tickets for the original date are valid for 6th December and ticket holders will be contacted by their ticket agent. We apologise for the unwelcome news that there wasn’t availability to reschedule this show for a weekend. Please refer to your point of purchase if a refund is required. The band appreciate your understanding and look forward to a special show in Nottingham in December.
Appreciate this is beyond his control but it would be nice if he apologised for the inconvenience to his fans. I'm still fuming from the Nottingham cancellation, no reason given and no apology.

still ? o_O Let it go, buddy.

I had tickets for Nottingham...something strange going on as James also cancelled at the same venue.


Could be BoT’s runout groove message if it ever gets a vinyl release.
F*ck the gigs, and those shameless, selfish folks who are doubting, whingeing and sniping...Moz's health is the most important thing here. Get some perspective people, FFS.
I had this illness when I was in Mexico, started with stiffness in my arms and legs, then a weird rash on my arms. After a few days I had a fever and was hallucinating that there was a giant bird outside of my window and I was waking in the night thinking I was surrounded by people doing medical experiments on me.

Funnily enough, once I started getting a little better I listened to a lot of music, and whilst searching for YouTube videos of old British bands to make me feel less homesick, this is how I originally discovered The Smiths.

I hope he gets better soon, Dengue is a nasty business.
You can believe I told this man that he should get vaccinated against everything, dengue yellow fever and everything that exists...... It is evident that you do not have a good medical advisor there is a vaccine against the.virus that causes dengue. Before the tour I told him!! I really made a comment...... He is stubborn and vaccine denier!!! So if they suggest it, maybe they wouldn't be applied
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