Lincoln, NE - Rococo Theatre (May 19, 2014) post-show

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Set List:

Hand In Glove / All You Need Is Me / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Ganglord / Speedway / Everyday Is Like Sunday / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / I Have Forgiven Jesus / Life Is A Pigsty / The Bullfighter Dies / Yes, I Am Blind / Meat Is Murder / Trouble Loves Me / Earth Is The Loneliest Planet / I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday

set list provided by dewdrop

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After 30 years in the music business, it is safe to say Morrissey knows what he is doing. These incidents all come down to respect , and the lack of it. I hope things change.
So...who's going to yell out 'you're boring' at the next gig, then? ;)
With the deepest respect to Lincoln, Nebraska, should a star of Morrissey's luminosity really be needing to turn up there and similar places thirty plus years into his career? Why does he do it?

Because he is an egotistical prick. Someone should have told him that the "lumosity" stopped shining out of his ass 30 years ago.
You're spot on. He was in top form until those assholes wouldn't shut up. Just let him tell the f***ing story. Some of us are fans and actually want to hear his story. I've seen him three other times and he got the respect he deserved. Lincoln shit on him, I hope he never comes back. Come back to Omaha, the show at the Orpheum in '07 was AMAZING.

No, ONE person was rude. Lincoln didn't do shit but support this musician who owes his entire livelihood to his fans. An artist without fans is like the proverbial tree falling in the forest that nobody hears. ONE fan was rude. He punished EVERY fan for it. That is a very small man who does that.

Fans are customers. Morrissey is selling something. It's a pretty simple concept. He owed the fans he cancelled on 3 times more than that.
With the deepest respect to Lincoln, Nebraska, should a star of Morrissey's luminosity really be needing to turn up there and similar places thirty plus years into his career? Why does he do it?

The next artist at the Rococo Theater [sic] is Don Williams at the end of June. Tickets are still available.

What a strange question. Are the dollars in Lincoln less spendable than the dollars in NYC or L.A.? Musicians, be they stars or unknowns, tour to make money. The money he makes in Nebraska or Kansas has the same value as money made anywhere else. Lots of "stars" (can we really still call Moz a star?) play Lincoln and Omaha.
who'll yell "you're boring!"? probably the same tool who was yelling for a "juicy steak" all during Meat is Murder in Reading, PA last tour because the video was upsetting his date (and he didn't know many of the songs played up to that point. "Play something we know!" he kept yelling. I hope he passes THIS time around because he definitely won't know many songs).
I've got a nice projectile with mozzers name on's going to happen very soon and put an end to the tour
Yes, he was in "the zone" literally through the entire show. Tiny dancer I called him.

I love his energy, completely unaffected by the drama.
(my point of view from the 5th? row...) This was my 4th time seeing Moz. This show just seemed as if it was set to fail. I really don't think he wanted to play the show and he just let the drama unfold. He started out talkative but then said something to the effect of you cant tell right now by the look on my face but I was happy to walk the streets and talk to people. He was rather playful about the Denver story but a couple fans started yelling "Happy Birthday" (I believe it was superfans) and it set him off. He understood the whole "boring" comment about the drive, the crowd also said "flat"... I'll agree the crowd was probably not desirable (lets just say we're not getting any younger). When "Everyday Is Like Sunday" started, Moz said "Entertain me" passing the mic during the verses, then he would say "what do you care about", "what do you have to say"... It just got weird and uncomfortable. I didn't read all the above replies but I noticed towards the end he bowed towards his band to give the crowd the royal "kiss my ass", did anyone else notice that. I get it, it's Lincoln Nebraska; but you can't treat your fans like that. I'll stick to the LP's from now on, you won't need me to burden you at your shows. By the way, turn down those damn LED lights, my headache lasted 4 times longer than the show...
I went to a show once where some dickhead kept yelling out a request 'There is a Light That Never Goes Out' repeatedly, between every f***ing song. This was during a period when it wasn't on the setlist, and this guy thought if he kept yelling out repeatedly, then maybe Moz would play it. All that happenned was that Moz got into a pissy mood after about 4 songs. It only takes one asshole to ruin a show.
All these posts are interesting, but are missing the single most important point. Morrissey chooses to tour and gets paid well for doing so. Without his fans, he'd be like every other schmo who knows how to sing but never made it.

Last night was a very telling side of Moz. It showed how small a man he really is. It showed how he views his audience as a necessary evil to his genius. Well, Moz, I hate to break it to you, but the ONLY reason you were in Lincoln last night was because a bunch of people shelled out $60 to hear you sing. They didn't pay to see a tantrum or a hissy-fit. They paid to hear you sing your music. To walk off the stage without the courtesy of a 'thank you' to the fans who paid and showed up was rude and petty. So a guy yelled something while you were talking. Big f***ing deal. It was ONE guy. You made every other fan suffer for that. That is petty, small, and shows what a self-important prick you really are.
All these posts are interesting, but are missing the single most important point. Morrissey chooses to tour and gets paid well for doing so. Without his fans, he'd be like every other schmo who knows how to sing but never made it.

Last night was a very telling side of Moz. It showed how small a man he really is. It showed how he views his audience as a necessary evil to his genius. Well, Moz, I hate to break it to you, but the ONLY reason you were in Lincoln last night was because a bunch of people shelled out $60 to hear you sing. They didn't pay to see a tantrum or a hissy-fit. They paid to hear you sing your music. To walk off the stage without the courtesy of a 'thank you' to the fans who paid and showed up was rude and petty. So a guy yelled something while you were talking. Big f***ing deal. It was ONE guy. You made every other fan suffer for that. That is petty, small, and shows what a self-important prick you really are.

Having not been there in Lincoln, but having followed Morrissey for over 23 years (not 'following' like some do, but I am coming up on Show #50) and personally experienced several on-stage meltdowns (and a handful of cancellations) along the way..... this post seems right on the money to me.
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I think prick definitely covers it. No matter what was said or not said, the venue was poor, the entertainment was pissy and the crowd was punished for the actions of one. Johnny Marr was fantastic at the Waiting Room in Omaha, nothing like this. While the Rococo may be beautiful this was not the correct venue for this show. Period. In the balcony you could not see the screen, the sound was not great although that could just have been Kristeen....This was simply disappointing and undeserved by those of us that wanted to see and hear a great performance. On a side note, people nobody comes to these things to see you take selfies with the artist in the background! Find your seat and watch/enjoy the show.
just for the permanent public record NOBODY shouted "you're boring". Moz thought that's what he heard but the person shouted, "that's a boring drive."
Mozzer's reaction made the person shouting realize that clarification was needed...this was simply taken as shouting "you're boring" again.

if someone had thrown something at him and Moz left i'd defend his leaving because nobody should have to risk themselves physically for a concert.
but someone shouting? if the nutter won't can it then get your security to sort the person out. that way you've gotten your money's worth from your security detail and the crowd still gets their money's worth from the show. no "thank you"? no encore? one day goodbye will be farewell, Moz...
So...who's going to yell out 'you're boring' at the next gig, then? ;)

That would be so awesome! Some poor soul should have driven to the Kansas concert and called him out for his actions.
Say like "Dick move in Lincoln" or "You're still boring"
Yea, you would proly get beat down but you could, as Morrissey would say "die with a smile on your face"
That would be so awesome! Some poor soul should have driven to the Kansas concert and called him out for his actions.
Say like "Dick move in Lincoln" or "You're still boring"
Yea, you would proly get beat down but you could, as Morrissey would say "die with a smile on your face"

Deliberately ruining it for everyone and you'd smile? Seriously, I use a variety of music forums, but this is the worst fan forum I've ever seen. Understand now why they call it "solow".

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