Hey, Moz? Feel better, sweetie. Get well soon thread!

Beloved Moz,

take it easy and rest well... see you when you are back at 100%
until then sweet friend... feel better!

Get Well Soon Morrissey.

We All Love You And Can't Wait To See You Up And Well No Matter How Long It Takes Just Rest.
Have some lolcats, luv! I hope you feel better soon!


My thoughts and prayers are for you, my friend. Get some rest. Hope to see you soon.

I think I came down with a "sympathy" cold. :p My eyes and nose hasn't stopped running. Strange how the mind works.
Oh My! I hadn't seen this thread!!

Dear Morrissey of mine... We all love you... I love you like anyone did, does and ever will in your whole life and my heart goes out to you in this uncomfortable moment... I know your love for your audience and the stage made you go to Virginia, but you see... You reaaally need all the rest until your wonderful, unique voice gets up to its 110% as always...

I had never been in this scenario with you ill and cancelling shows, and believe me, I do worry... I just wish I could take care of you.

All my love and thoughts and warm energy to you and your throat and spirit... Try to sleep as much as you can... That will recover you faster.

I love you... Always... Whatever happens... Kisses...
Rest and get well soon, sir, we would be lost without your songs ::o
suparni, those are awesome- what are you shooting with?

hey there PFTLT I shot those with my backup - a digital Canon Rebel XT with a 50mm prime Canon 1.4 lens. I set it at 2.8 in RAW and upped the blacks level to bring out the color and get rid of some glare.

Usually I shoot with a Canon 30D, but I actually had to climb into the pond to take these pics for our Mozza... i didn't want to drop my good camera in if I were to slip on a rock or something! which i didn't

I am a pro photographer. I wish I knew people i could sell this kind of stuff to... but everyone wants weddings and sweet 16s!

ah well... hehe... at least you guys enjoy! thank you!:)
As someone who has never been blessed with the pleasure of seeing you live, I pray that you will recover soon and are able to reschedule the cancelled shows. Not seeing you live, would haunt me forever......
Hi Suparni- me too. I do lots of newborns and belly shots, plus a preschool's school photos. I don't pursue it very hard, I have little kids- this school year will open up my schedule a lot.

I have the f1.8 50 mm and it's my absolute favorite. I'm on my second one, I wore out the first.
he only has a cold! any1 would think the guy has aids judging by these reponses lol, your all praying 4 him! all he needs is a few lemsip and he will b back on stage b4 u know it! Christ, he is from up north, im sure he has had a cold b4! lol
he only has a cold! any1 would think the guy has aids judging by these reponses lol, your all praying 4 him! all he needs is a few lemsip and he will b back on stage b4 u know it! Christ, he is from up north, im sure he has had a cold b4! lol

....though, I must say, Morrissey, you really ought to head down to Australia for a..um..rest...the weather would agree with you down here.... ;) Then, once you have recovered, you could, oh..I don't know..play a show, or summat. What do you say?? ;)
Don't let all this bother you, please. If my show next week gets cancelled, I'll be really sad, but I'll survive. We all will. Don't wreck your voice, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. You've got us all spoiled with this massive tour and we don't want it to end. You are addictive. I was so sad at the end of the last show I saw (Vegas) I booked another as soon as I got home. But at least I saw you. Even if I never get another chance, I will never forget the way you looked, the way you sang, the way you open yourself up to us. I cannot thank you enough for all your words have done for me over the years and on through today.

I don't know you, really, but I love you for everything I do know of you.

Rest up! We'll be here.

So, I have one more thing to add to my previous post: We all really do care about you, Moz. For those of us who are in here all the time, and who make sure to get as close as we possibly can to you at shows, and for no doubt thousands of others who can't but who still listen to you daily and think about you often, this isn't just hero-worship. We honestly do care about you. Hopefully you already knew that from what you see when you look out in the audience, but just in case you didn't, this thread is here to make sure you realize this. We want you to be well because we love you and you're important to us.

Oh My! I hadn't seen this thread!!

Dear Morrissey of mine... We all love you... I love you like anyone did, does and ever will in your whole life and my heart goes out to you in this uncomfortable moment... I know your love for your audience and the stage made you go to Virginia, but you see... You reaaally need all the rest until your wonderful, unique voice gets up to its 110% as always...

All my love and thoughts and warm energy to you and your throat and spirit... Try to sleep as much as you can... That will recover you faster.

I love you... Always... Whatever happens... Kisses...

Yes, yes, and yes. From the heart, with all our love.

Morrissey is bound to be better in no time with all these positive thoughts and love floating his way.

You've been on my mind so much since I found out you've been ill. I'm prone to upper respiratory illnesses as well, so I know how nasty they can be. You poor dear.

My husband and I were at Wolf Trap (Front row. - You held my hand. - I died a little.) and were supposed to see you in Baltimore the next day, but you canceled. I was disappointed, yes--but I'd much rather you get well and feel good than sing for us when you're not up to it. I'm scheduled to see you a couple more times this summer. I hope it works out for all of us.

If I could, I'd send you a Get Well Soon basket full of all the things you love. Since I can't do that, I made you this instead:


You've been my hero for twenty years. I love you with all my heart. You are beautiful, Morrissey--inside and out.

Please don't listen to the nasty people on SoLow who only have ugly things to say. They are idiots. You are beloved by all those who see clearly.

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