Hey Grease-shunck, depression is a serious matter...



Listen pencil-pecker, you may think that suicide is the remedy for depression, but seeing as you are as weak as Kate Moss's knee joints it's hardly surprising you'd advocate that someone else took that route. You fricking coward...haven't you got any thought for anybody's feelings but your own you selfish shambleofalife?

Why don't you just turn your juvenile attentions to the message boards on the NerdWorld site or somesuch, instead of bastardising David T's efforts to give Morrissey fan's a means of communication - you know, the art which you, you sad cake-masturbating donut filler, seem to have neglected time after time in spite of a doubtless heavily paid for education. Your every word is sheer toilet and I wish you'd stay there!!!

What is YOUR deal man? Listen, there are some of us (actually most of us who hate Greasetea's posts). I'm probaly in the minority but I think his posts are funny because he is obviously so creating some kind of stupid personality. If you take him seriously then, dude, you fell in his trap. By the way, you know what his name is, don't open it up. I know there are a few others that like his crap, including me. Please tell me you're smarter than that. And I'm sure Greasetea will insult me as well. So Greasetea, screw you but keep up the dumbness.
Ghostface, you're not funny nor witty.

If you find greasetea such an annoyance, why do you give him all this fame?
Is grease really that bad?

> Listen pencil-pecker, you may think that suicide is the remedy
> for depression, but seeing as you are as weak as Kate Moss's
> knee joints it's hardly surprising you'd advocate that someone
> else took that route. You fricking coward...haven't you got any
> thought for anybody's feelings but your own you selfish
> shambleofalife?

> Why don't you just turn your juvenile attentions to the message
> boards on the NerdWorld site or somesuch, instead of
> bastardising David T's efforts to give Morrissey fan's a means
> of communication - you know, the art which you, you sad
> cake-masturbating donut filler, seem to have neglected time
> after time in spite of a doubtless heavily paid for education.
> Your every word is sheer toilet and I wish you'd stay there!!!

Yeah sure he is a odious little man with a limited vocabulary, and he probably masterbates too much.....just let it go......ramblings of an adolesent boy who needs more company than his hand can deliver
The reason for my annoyance should be quite clear.

Every time someone tries to open a thread of conversation here Greastea shuts it down with a tirade of moronic obscenties, and after that the discussion ceases as half the people involved in that thread are offended or are put off posting their own response to the original point as they know that Greasetea is sitting there waiting to let rip with his unique vocabulary.

Quite frankly, it has to end otherwise there will never be any decent discussion on this board.

> The reason for my annoyance should be quite clear.

> Every time someone tries to open a thread of conversation here
> Greastea shuts it down with a tirade of moronic obscenties, and
> after that the discussion ceases as half the people involved in
> that thread are offended or are put off posting their own
> response to the original point as they know that Greasetea is
> sitting there waiting to let rip with his unique vocabulary.

> Quite frankly, it has to end otherwise there will never be any
> decent discussion on this board.

This is very true. Now, if you will send these comments Mr. Tseng, maybe something will be done about it.
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