Founder member of The Smiths Dale Hibbert tells his side of the story... - Lancashire Telegraph

Dale comes across as a very interesting and decent chap. He seems sincere. I can see why he'd think he'd get a battering from "us" for writing a book like this, but not from me. I'd much rather have a pint with him than Steve, that's for sure. It's getting to the point where I'd rather have a pint with Mike Joyce too.
"I won’t be going on the band’s site because I know I’ll get hammered on there." :lbf: Yeah, sure.
The first internet cafe was opened in Manchester (Cyberia, opposite Central Library) by Eva Pascoe. Not this fantasist. How much else is made up?
Dale comes across as a very interesting and decent chap. He seems sincere. I can see why he'd think he'd get a battering from "us" for writing a book like this, but not from me. I'd much rather have a pint with him than Steve, that's for sure. It's getting to the point where I'd rather have a pint with Mike Joyce too.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone was nice? The amount of people who get upset over every one of Morrissey's statements lately is beyond hilarious. You're like an old woman's sewing circle :)
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I visited Dale's Cafe a few months ago. Great place. Coffee lovingly made and Dale makes a mean flapjack. It's a vegetarian cafe and has a genuine non-pretentious clientelle. I briefly spoke to Dale and he seem like a top bloke. I wonder if he knows that Andy Kershaw lives just around the corner from his cafe. I'll be back in this week to get a copy of the book and another flapjack.
Wouldn't it be great if everyone was nice? The amount of people who get upset over every one of Morrissey's statements lately is beyond hilarious. You're like an old woman's sewing circle :)

Yeh just be "nice" like Silly Steven and go along with his cult of " nice " and stop questioning him and " niceness "
I here you Sheila, no worries, nice one mate.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone was nice? The amount of people who get upset over every one of Morrissey's statements lately is beyond hilarious. You're like an old woman's sewing circle :)

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