FAO Let's Go Devils

  • Thread starter Sick of the most boring troll anywhere
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Sick of the most boring troll anywhere

If you are just a little kid please ignore this.

Why do you associatte with with the messed up and lonely little boy, who stupidly calls himself a PIMP? You encourage him to post uttter crap and there must be a reason you have sunk so low. If you really are a friend of his, you could help him help seek the mental help he obviously needs.
but Smegan's my only fwend. She twuly understands me and my SPECIAL NEEDS
> If you are just a little kid please ignore this.

> Why do you associatte with with the messed up and lonely little boy, who
> stupidly calls himself a PIMP? You encourage him to post uttter crap and
> there must be a reason you have sunk so low. If you really are a friend of
> his, you could help him help seek the mental help he obviously needs.
Why not use your usual S/N so I can address your concerns properly.
Come on Hoe

> Why not use your usual S/N so I can address your concerns properly.

Does it matter who's asking? Just answer the points in question.

Surely you can manage that? I see that Morrissey-related postings are a bit above your station so we won't ask that of you.
Re: Come on Hoe

> Does it matter who's asking? Just answer the points in question.

> Surely you can manage that? I see that Morrissey-related postings are a
> bit above your station so we won't ask that of you.
I don't know about the term "Hoe" but I'm sure Helen Gurley Brown would approve of you working while your man is at home playing "Mr. Mom".
two people have had that IP devs, Uncleskinny and Hugh (moz 23rd)
Re: Come on Hoe

> I don't know about the term "Hoe" but I'm sure Helen Gurley
> Brown would approve of you working while your man is at home playing
> "Mr. Mom".

What? It's your proper friend that uses that term.

Answer the questions, Little Miss Thicko. LOL. Your credibility is diminishing further and further.
and all the other millions of AOL users. Hmm not the full Sherlock are we?
Whoever it is, he's a coward of the lowest order, which is pretty common 'round here

Yellow-bellied motherf***ers everywhere ya turn.

Is he English and does he hang out at the Star & Garter?
Re: Whoever it is, he's a coward of the lowest order, which is pretty common 'round here

yeah I'm sure he's english but he hardly ever does the SnG, he's not part of the mafia I know that for sure.


> Yellow-bellied motherf***ers everywhere ya turn.

> Is he English and does he hang out at the Star & Garter?
Re: Whoever it is, he's a coward of the lowest order, which is pretty common 'round here

> yeah I'm sure he's english but he hardly ever does the SnG, he's not part
> of the mafia I know that for sure.

> Grim

The "mafia"? Who's in this "mafia"?
Re: Whoever it is, he's a coward of the lowest order, which is pretty common 'round here

> yeah I'm sure he's english but he hardly ever does the SnG, he's not part
> of the mafia I know that for sure.

> Grim

Since you find calling oneself a "pimp" so ridiculous, certainly you couldn't think of yourself as being in a "mafia"......??
And you're friends with Grim, right?

Which would be why you didn't include his name in your commentary? Because you have a dog in this race?

Even though the back and forth between Grim and Pimp - to my observation anyway - began when Grim kept posting messages begging for it to begin?

I thought the insult throwing was all in jest on both sides, but what do I know. All I know is it takes two yet you'll only go after one, the one who happened to not be the one who started it.
Insult throwing is never in jest! Insult throwing is just that and it normally begins your side

of the Atlantic, in my experience.

Having been subjected to it from the wholesome devil and her pimp.

Don't kid yourself.

You have been seriously unkind to me for no other reason than I dared to defend myself against your mate Devil, who is loathe to have her picture shown and yet feels fit to criticise others. She then eggs on that thick shithead who can talk about nothing but moonpies and Wendys (whatever either of them mean, thank God it is lost on us Brits, God spare us from sinking that low in diction)

Don't dare criticise anyone defending anyone on here.

You have shown your true colours.

> Which would be why you didn't include his name in your commentary? Because
> you have a dog in this race?

> Even though the back and forth between Grim and Pimp - to my observation
> anyway - began when Grim kept posting messages begging for it to begin?

> I thought the insult throwing was all in jest on both sides, but what do I
> know. All I know is it takes two yet you'll only go after one, the one who
> happened to not be the one who started it.
Re: Insult throwing is never in jest! Insult throwing is just that and it normally begins your side

> of the Atlantic, in my experience.

> Having been subjected to it from the wholesome devil and her pimp.

> Don't kid yourself.

> You have been seriously unkind to me for no other reason than I dared to
> defend myself against your mate Devil, who is loathe to have her picture
> shown and yet feels fit to criticise others. She then eggs on that thick
> shithead who can talk about nothing but moonpies and Wendys (whatever
> either of them mean, thank God it is lost on us Brits, God spare us from
> sinking that low in diction)

> Don't dare criticise anyone defending anyone on here.

> You have shown your true colours.
So I make you post anti-semitic and Anti-American comments(which is why Theo debates you) and I make Proper post about moonpies and Yoshinoya. Wow I never knew I had so much influence on people.
Re: Insult throwing is never in jest! Insult throwing is just that and it normally begins your side

Not really megan you just make most people sick to death.

> So I make you post anti-semitic and Anti-American comments(which is why
> Theo debates you) and I make Proper post about moonpies and Yoshinoya. Wow
> I never knew I had so much influence on people.
Re: Insult throwing is never in jest! Insult throwing is just that and it normally begins your side

It needs to be said...

Whether the matter be America, Jewry, Moon-Pies, or Yoshinoya, I would like to assure that all posts made under the moniker "Codreanu" are entirely of my own volition.

However, if it be something ignoble and embarrassing -- concerning amorous exhilarations or containing the merest wisp of romantic rumination, something tricked out in verbosity or dream-flushed prose, THEN The Devil(s) made me do it.

Thank you.
Re: Insult throwing is never in jest! Insult throwing is just that and it normally begins your side

> of the Atlantic, in my experience.

Yadda yadda, more of your schtick.

See Devils' post to you the other day where she pointed out the hundreds of silly insults from you compared to the one from her for more on your pretending-to-be-a-victim tendency.

> You have been seriously unkind


And any and all conflict I've had with you has been (on my end) over the fact you were two-faced and in cahoots with people harassing me, and because of your racism.

I've stayed out of your fights with Devils because you make yourself look stupid all on your own. You just have it out for her for no reason.

Other than that, I've always been fair and nice to you, taken much bullshit in stride from you, and have always been willing to wipe the slate clean.

I'm pleased there are a couple new people from the UK around here who are entirely different than the same old, same old.
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