Cow Appreciation Day!


balcony fool
so i was flipping through my calender, to mark the day that im gonna go see morrissey at Myrtle Beach (July 21) , and it just happens to land on Cow Appreciation day! (no seriously, its printed in the calender.)

i wonder if he knows.

i just thought it was funny. MoOOoOoOoOoOo!!
Will you wear a cow print? You ought to.

Cow Appreciation day
on that day some people will be nice and not eat cows(i try never to, i like cows)
while others will show their 'appreciation' by
eating them :eek:
I just set up that gratuitous bunny girl image, didn't I?!

On Easter a woman walked into the restaurant wearing bunny ears, and an old man started calling, "Hey Bunny Girl! I thought that club closed years ago!"
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