Chael Sonnen (MMA) chooses "How Soon Is Now?" as his #1 song to walk out to before a fight

Chael P. Soonen writes about his top 10 songs to walk out to before an MMA fight. Number 1 is "How Soon Is Now?"
Mr. Sonnen Writes: "The first time I heard this song I thought it must come from another planet; yet at the same time I felt it had come from a portion of my soul I was afraid to access for fear that it would drive me mad. Easily the single-most original, astonishing, and brilliant song of the last quarter-century. It confronts and describes issues that fighters are the living, breathing incarnations and victims of. The song is a throbbing, relentless, inexhaustible welter of loneliness, insecurity, and morose self-pity, sonically crystallized and packaged, then disguised as a brilliant pop song. If fighters could be captured in a song, it would be this one."
I knew there was a reason I like watching this guy fight.

Gosh, nobody responded yet?

I thought this was fantastic.

A little overwrought in places, maybe ("a portion of my soul I was afraid to access for fear that it would drive me mad"), but he's an MMA fighter, so I guess it makes sense.

If I were to object that I don't hear "morose self-pity" in "How Soon Is Now", would Chael kick my ass?
An excellent description of the song. The reason it is so beloved is b/c it really speaks to all different kinds of people.
And the slopes are slippery for this pseudo intellectual twit.

Silly me, Everybody knows the real intellectuals are the ones transfixed and drooling in front of their televisions watching sweaty men in speedos groping and grappling and beating each others brains out. Guess I'll have to quit my professorship and troll message boards under a real tough guy name like groundfighter. Then the world will have no choice but to bow to my mighty intellect.
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